1 The Nation must perform exploration and production of hydrocarbons in accordance with the Hydrocarbons Law (Article 3 of the Hydrocarbons Law), that is, only through Assignees and Contractors, in addition to the corresponding authorizations or permits. In accordance with that law, the activities that regulate exploration and production of hydrocarbons, among others, can only be performed by Assignees or Contractors (as defined in the Hydrocarbons Law), which are the only “Regulated Entities” provided in the Hydrocarbons Law.
2 Waste Requiring Special Management in the Hydrocarbons Sector are:
Waste generated in processing, facilities and services deriving from the performance of activities in the Hydrocarbons Sector, which do not have characteristics to be considered as hazardous in accordance with the applicable law (General Law for the Prevention and Comprehensive Management of Waste);
as well as urban solid waste generated by activities in the Hydrocarbons Sector equal to or greater than 10 tons per year. Article three, paragraph seven of the Administrative Provisions set forth the Guidelines for Comprehensive Management of Waste Requiring Special Management in the Hydrocarbons Sector.
3 The Hydrocarbons Sector includes the following activities:
Seismic exploration, and exploration and extraction of hydrocarbons; treatment of oil, refining, sale, transport and storage; processing of oil, compression, liquefaction, decompression, and regasification, as well as transport, storage and distribution; transport and storage of liquefied petroleum gas; oil transport and storage; and, pipe transport and storage related to petrochemicals pipes, as a result of natural gas processing and oil refining. Article three, paragraph six of the Law of the National Agency for Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection of the Hydrocarbons Sector.