  April 23, 2021 - Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Hong Kong Stock Exchange proposes to enhance corporate governance code
  by Deacons

On 16 April 2021, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Exchange) published a consultation paper outlining proposed enhancements to the Corporate Governance Code and Corporate Governance Report (Code) set out in Appendix 14 to the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Exchange (Rules), as well as related amendments to the Rules.

The proposals include new measures aimed at further enhancing corporate governance (CG) standards among listed issuers in Hong Kong, specifically in the areas of corporate culture, director independence, diversity, and in Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) disclosures and standards.

Consultation period will end on 18 June 2021.

Key proposals include:

A.  CG

1.  Corporate culture – in particular, anti-corruption and whistleblowing

  1. New Code Provision (CP) – To require an issuer’s board to align the company’s culture with its purpose, value and strategy.
  2. New CP – To require establishment of anti-corruption policy.
  3. Upgrading Recommended Best Practice (RBP) to CP – To require establishment of a whistleblowing policy.

2.  Independent non-executive directors (INEDs)

  1. New CP – To require disclosure of a policy to ensure independent views and input are available to the board, and an annual review of the implementation and effectiveness of such policy. 
  2. Revised CP – To require re-election of an INED serving more than nine years (Long Serving INED) to be subject to independent shareholders’ approval (Note); and additional disclosure on the factors considered, the process and the board or nomination committee’s discussion in arriving at the determination in the explanation on why such INED is still independent and should be re-elected. 

    The consultation paper does not elaborate on the meaning of independent shareholders’ approval. Presumably, “independent shareholders” would bear the same meaning as set out in the note to Rule 13.39, i.e. any shareholders other than controlling shareholders of the issuer and their associates or, where there are no controlling shareholders, any shareholders other than directors (excluding INEDs) and the chief executive of the issuer and their respective associates, except that in this context the Long Serving INED in question would not be considered as an independent shareholder.

  3. New CP – To require issuers whose INEDs are all Long Serving INEDs to appoint a new INED at the forthcoming annual general meeting and disclose the length of the tenure of the Long Serving INEDs on the board on a named basis in the shareholders’ circular.
  4. New RBP – An issuer generally should not grant to INEDs equity-based remuneration (e.g. share options or grants) with performance-related elements.

3.  Diversity – in particular gender diversity

  1. Revised note to a Rule – To highlight that diversity is not considered to be achieved by a single gender board.
  2. New Mandatory Disclosure Requirement (MDR) – To require all listed issuers to set numerical targets and timelines for achieving gender diversity at both: (i) board level; and (ii) across the workforce (including senior management).
  3. New CP – To require the board to review the implementation and effectiveness of its board diversity policy annually.
  4. The Exchange intends to display board diversity related information (including director’s age, gender and directorships) on the HKEX website.

If the proposals are implemented, existing issuers with single gender boards will be allowed a three year transition period to appoint at least a director of the absent gender on their boards, while IPO applicants are not expected to have single gender boards.

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