Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP
  May 25, 2022 - Birmingham, Alabama

Chapter 12, Cyber Insurance for Defense Contractors
  by Tuggle, Andrew

Bradley attorneys Heather Howell Wright, Elizabeth R. Brusa and Andrew Tuggle authored chapter 12 of A Practical Guide to Cyber Insurance for Businesses. This book is a practical guide for insurance brokers, underwriters, risk managers and businesses as each of these constituencies work with each other to choose the right cyber insurance product for commercial businesses.

While there are many books about cybersecurity, data privacy and related issues, there are very few, if any, books about cyber insurance. A Practical Guide to Cyber Insurance for Businesses, fills that void and provides a practical look at cyber insurance for different types of businesses.

This book is divided into two parts. The first eight chapters focus on the development of cyber insurance and various aspects and elements of cyber insurance that affect all industries, including how cyber insurance interacts with other commercial insurance coverage.

Chapters nine through twenty-five take a closer look at the cyber risks and cyber insurance coverage needs for specific industries. In this way, the unique characteristics of each industry segment are highlighted and a review of cyber insurance for that industry segment is more focused. While not every possible industry segment is covered, the broadness of the industries covered should provide guidance to any business.

Chapter 12, co-authored by Heather Howell Wright, Elizabeth R. Brusa and Andrew Tuggle, focuses on conepts related to cyber insurance that may be particularly relevant to defense contractors.

The book can be found for purchase on the ABA website.

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