  September 12, 2022 - Santiago, Chile

Law on the Contract of Employees of Digital Platforms Comes into Effect
  by Carey

On September 1st, 2022, Law No. 21,431 that modifies the Labor Code to regulate the contract of employees of companies providing services through digital platforms (hereinafter, the "Law") entered into effect. The Law regulates the services rendered by these employees for users of mobile or fixed device applications managed by said companies.


The Law is applicable to digital platform services companies (hereinafter, "DPSCs"), consisting of those organizations that manage computer or technological systems executable in mobile or fixed device applications, allowing its employees to perform services for the users of said systems within a specific geographical territory (such as the pick-up or distribution of goods, or minor transportation services of passengers, among others).

The Law allows and regulates the hiring of both dependent employees or independent contractors for the performance of these services, depending on the existence, or not, of a tie of subordination and dependency between the company and the individual, as well as the fulfillment of other requirements established in article 7 of the Labor Code for dependent labor or employment relationships. In the case of independent contractors, the DPSCs can only coordinate the contact between the worker and the users, but they may establish the general terms and conditions that allow the operation through their systems.

Common rules applicable to dependent employees and independent contractors

Special rules applicable to dependent employees

Special rules applicable to independent contractors

Sanctions and transitory rules

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