ALRUD Law Firm
  October 17, 2022 - Russia

New Guarantees for Employees for the Period of Military Service
  by ALRUD Law Firm

On October 7, 2022 Federal laws No. 376-FZ and No. 379-FZ which provide supplementary guarantees for employees came into effect. Among other things, new grounds for termination of an employment contract have been introduced and opportunity and procedure for an employment contract suspension for the period of military service have been formalized.

Employment Contract Suspension

New regulation provides for suspension of an employment contract with an employee for the period of their military service (either due to mobilization or under a contract) or voluntary assistance to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (“RF AF”).

An employment contract with a mobilized or contractually called up for military service employee cannot be terminated on the grounds of their being drafted to military service (subject to cl. 1 p. 1 art. 83 of the Labour Code of the Russian Federation).

To suspend an employment contract an employee shall:

Pursuant to this the employer shall:

During the suspension period the parties neither exercise their rights nor perform their obligations under the contract. However, the employee’s position has to be retained. The period of the employment contract suspension shall be included into the employment record and into the record providing for the right for the annual main paid vacation.

During the employment contract suspension period the employer has no right to terminate the contract with the employee on its own initiative (other than due to liquidation or expiration of the fixed term employment contract). However, there is an opportunity to enter into a fixed-term employment contract with a temporary employee to cover for absence.

Dismissal of the Employee

The employer has the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee in case of the employee’s absence from work upon the expiry of 3 months after their discharge form the military service (due to mobilization or under a contract).

Supplementary Guarantees

ALRUD Labour Practice experts are ready to provide all necessary legal assistance on the issues relating to mobilization in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Please note that all information was taken from public sources. The author of this material is not responsible for any consequences resulting from decisions made on the basis of this information.