Shoosmiths LLP
  November 30, 2022 - Milton Keynes, England

Update for Sponsors (part 2): what has changed and what do we need to know?
  by Shoosmiths LLP

In the first part of our summary of the recent changes to the sponsor guidance, we looked at the changes relating to the early parts of sponsorship.  In this part, we look at the remaining changes, including changes to salary levels and NMC registration for nurses. 

1. Effect of increase to going rate during period of sponsorship 

Where the going rate for an occupation code increases whilst a worker is sponsored, it does not affect them for the duration of their current permission.  The updated rate will only apply to:

2. Reduction in salary – ill-health

The updated guidance confirms a welcome change in that a new application is not required where the reduction in salary coincides with a temporary reduction in the worker’s hours, or a phased return to work, for individual health reasons, provided:

3. Timeframe for achieving NMC registration

When sponsoring overseas trained nurses being sponsored under occupation code 2231 or overseas trained midwives being sponsored under occupation 2232, sponsors must ensure that the candidates have completed, or will complete, the appropriate steps to achieve registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council within eight months.  They can be paid less than the £20,480 minimum during this period.

The registration must be completed within eight months of either:

If the individual fails to achieve NMC registration in that timeframe, sponsorship must be terminated.

You must not sponsor a worker as a nurse or midwife if they have previously been sponsored by a different sponsor and have failed to achieve full registration within the eight month timeframe.

It is important that sponsors remain up to date with the obligations on them in terms of reporting and record keeping so that they remain compliant with their sponsor duties as failure to do so could result in suspension or revocation of the sponsor licence.   Some of the recent changes reduce the reporting duties and provide helpful clarification to areas that were unclear, such as the timings of NMC registration.  The point relating to salary reductions due to a phased return to work caused by ill health is well overdue and will be welcomed by employers of sponsored workers. 

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