Spilman Thomas & Battle, PLLC
  February 20, 2023 - Charleston, West Virginia

Union Organizing in Florida is on the Rise
  by Kevin L. Carr

In recent years, there has been a surge in new union organizing efforts and tactics to unionize and organize employers in the state of Florida. From Amazon workers in Jacksonville to farmworkers in Immokalee, unions are imploring Floridian workers to turn to unions to help address issues like low wages, lack of benefits, and poor working conditions. Unionizing has become more heavily publicized, even romanticized, in the media and many employees have bought in to the movement. However, very few employers are as enthusiastic about unionization as their employees.
Here are some of the new union organizing techniques that are being used in Florida:

Employers in Florida can take several steps to prevent their employees from turning to unions. Here are some suggestions:

Put simply, the new union organizing efforts and techniques in Florida – coupled with increased favorable media coverage of union organizing efforts across the country – are making it more attractive for workers to seek union representation. Employers can take steps to prevent their employees from seeking union representation by addressing their concerns, maintaining a positive work environment, keeping employees informed, and being proactive in addressing workplace issues.
Employers should take steps now – not in the face of an impending union organizing campaign – to conduct a vulnerability assessment and identify areas where they may be weak on people treatment practices and processes. Many employers bring in their labor lawyer to conduct such assessments and make confidential recommendations on improvements that can be made quickly and cost-effectively.

Click here to download an easy-to-follow infographic with this information.


Read full article at: https://www.spilmanlaw.com/dataentry/resources/attorney-articles/labor-employment/union-organizing-in-florida-is-on-the-rise?feed=Attorney-Articles