Shoosmiths LLP
  June 8, 2023 - Milton Keynes, England

New BSI standard on menstrual health and menopause in the workplace
  by Shoosmiths LLP

The British Standards Institution (BSI) has released a new workplace standard relating to menstruation and menopause.

The BSI standard (BS 30416) aims to support the health and well-being of all employees who menstruate or experience peri/menopause. The standard suggests that there are many actions that employers can take to improve the accommodation of all its employees. It lists actions such as:

The standard further says that it recognises that not all experiences of menopause transition and menstruation are the same and seeks to adopt an intersectional approach.

It is thought that this new standard will assist employers with retaining talent staff as previous research had shown that 10% of employees had left work due to menopause-related symptoms such as nausea, dizziness and insomnia.

Some employers may have already taken positive steps to support its employees going through the menopause or who menstruate but many will likely not know where to begin. This new standard should hopefully give employers some ideas to consider, especially employers with mobile or flexible workers.

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