Shoosmiths LLP
  July 6, 2023 - Milton Keynes, England

Have you seen the ASA’s updated guidance on green claims?
  by Shoosmiths LLP

The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has published an update to its guidance on misleading green claims that demonstrates its collaboration with the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and their joint commitment to protect consumers from 'greenwashing'.

What are green claims?

We discussed green claims and the ASA’s and CMA’s guidance in our previous article “Are your green claims compliant?”.    

What does the new ASA guidance say?

The guidance identifies factors that make green claims more likely or less likely to comply with the UK Code of Non-broadcast Advertising and Direct & Promotional Marketing (CAP Code) and the UK Code of Broadcast Advertising (BCAP Code) (Advertising Codes) and draws on the principles established by recent ASA rulings and the principles from the CMA’s “Making environmental claims on goods and services” guidance (Green Claims Code).  

The new section (entitled “Claims about initiatives designed to reduce environmental impact” in section 3.1) now includes additional guidance for marketers to consider when making green claims.  

Below is a list of some of the key updates:  

Why the new guidance? 

The ASA and CMA both have ambitious programmes of work which aim to tighten compliance with the Advertising Codes and the (CMA’s) Green Claims Code. The ASA has stated that this is because “the stakes are high” due to the Government setting ambitious legally binding net zero targets for the UK and that consumer behaviour change in the key high carbon emitting sectors will be crucial if these targets are to be met.  

This, in part, explains the increase in ASA rulings on green claims that we have seen, particularly those against high carbon emitting sectors such as oil and gas, aviation and the fast-moving consumer goods sector.  

The ASA’s view is that businesses have a limited window of opportunity to demonstrate that advertising is part of the solution, otherwise, statutory interventions in advertising may follow.   

Finally, the ASA stated that it, along with the CMA, will continue to take a firm but proportionate approach in the coming months and years.  

How should brands respond to the new guidance?

Brands wanting to make green claims should ensure that those claims do not mislead, and that the consumer is provided with sufficient information about the claim.  Further, where any substantiation is required, it should be held before the claim is made.  If unsure about whether a particular claim complies with the ASA’s and CMA’s guidance, brands should seek le

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