Shoosmiths LLP
  July 25, 2023 - Milton Keynes, England

What can employer's do to support employees in light of World IVF day?
  by Shoosmiths LLP

25 July marks World In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) day (or World Embryologist Day) recognising the day in 1978 the first baby was born following successful IVF treatment. To mark the day, we ask what employers can do to support employees undertaking IVF.


Louise Joy Brown was the first ever baby in the world to be born following IVF treatment. Since her birth, there have been millions of babies born from this procedure which is now considered a reliable reproductive technique available to help those with fertility problems conceive a baby.  

Whilst we recognise this day to commend the success and importance of IVF treatment helping those with fertility problems to be able to conceive, employers should be mindful that IVF treatment is not always successful and comes with numerous potential side effects which can have a significant impact on an employee’s physical and mental wellbeing. 

What is the impact of IVF treatment and who is affected? 

Employers should be mindful that IVF treatment can be both physically and emotionally demanding, particularly if the IVF treatment doesn’t result in pregnancy. There are also a number of side effects from medicine used during IVF, for example, headaches, hot flushes and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, alongside a significant impact on mental health and wellbeing. Consequently, employers should be sympathetic to employees undergoing this process and provide appropriate support where required, such as allowing employees to have flexible working arrangements on a temporary basis to attend appointments and/or offering them access to counselling.

It is also important to note that it isn’t only couples / intended parents that may be affected. Those individuals who donate eggs for IVF treatment or become a surrogate following IVF treatment may also need support from their employers. 

For example, egg donors are likely to require a minimum of two days off work to include the day of egg retrieval and the day after. For those women that donate their eggs, screening tests, monitoring, admissions to hospital and follow-up appointments will be required. There are also various potential side effects from egg donating including pelvic infections and haemorrhages. Surrogacy involves the intended parents providing an embryo by IVF either using the female partner’s eggs, the surrogate’s eggs or the eggs of an egg donor which is then transferred to the surrogate mother for pregnancy and delivery. As with any medical process, there are associated risks and side effects which can have an adverse impact on a surrogate mother’s mental health and wellbeing. 

It is therefore imperative that employers ensure all employees however they might be affected by IVF, including egg donors and surrogate mothers, are provided with as much support as possible and that a consistent approach is taken to the granting of time off for necessary appointments and procedures.

What support can employers provide to those undertaking/undergoing IVF treatment?

There are various steps employers can take to support couples, egg donors, surrogates and others who may be affected by IVF treatment. These include:

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