  August 18, 2023 - Santiago, Chile

Law No. 21,595 on Economic Crimes is Published
  by Carey

Yesterday, August 17, 2023, Law No. 21,595 on Economic Crimes (the "Law") was published in the Official Gazette.

The publication of the Law brings with it several innovations of socioeconomic order, among which the following stand out:

The provisions of the Law became effective as of its publication in the Official Gazette; however, it is necessary to emphasize that the Law establishes a deferred effectiveness for the following topics:

The incorporation of the subjection to a supervisor, applicable to legal entities, is subject to the deferred effectiveness indicated above, as well as to the issuance of a regulation. Such regulation must be issued within one year from today.

To access the full text of the Law, we invite you to access the following link.

In addition, we invite you to review our previous NewsAlert on this matter.



The post Law No. 21,595 on Economic Crimes is Published appeared first on Carey Abogados.

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