Shoosmiths LLP
  October 4, 2023 - Milton Keynes, England

EVs – some positive energy
  by Shoosmiths LLP

It’s been an exhausting week for climate and transport policy. Whilst the controversy around the Conservatives’ self-declared “war on motorists” will rightly rage, there seems little doubt that the move to electrification of domestic vehicles is one which they accept is inevitable, and ideology aside, makes good financial sense.

After rolling back the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) ban but bringing the zero emission vehicle (ZEV) mandate into force anyway, the momentum on the electric vehicle (EV) transition is seemingly likely to be maintained, despite the dog-whistle posturing towards the climate-sceptic gallery.

And in a minor victory for pragmatism, some of today’s 30-point plan does seem to be trying to target ways to enable the EV transition and is likely to be welcomed by the chargepoint industry, and those businesses and domestic customers looking to get hold of charging infrastructure.

Here is a summary of Monday’s announcements and our thoughts on these.

So all in all, some good news for the EV and charging industry with some sensible intention on show.   Time will tell if they can make the tough decisions needed to give substance to the style.

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