SyCip Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan
  May 2, 2024 - Philippines

Philippines: Tax TIPS Vol. 11, International Edition (March 2024)
  by Catherina M. Fernandez

SyCipLaw's Tax Department has prepared an international edition of its Tax Issues and Practical Solutions (T.I.P.S.) for the first quarter of 2024.

The SyCipLaw T.I.P.S - International Edition covers the following tax issues:

1. Are informal settlement agreements between the Commissioner of Internal Revenue and the taxpayer valid and binding?

2. While a tax case is pending in court, may the CIR and the taxpayer enter into a compromise agreement and request for judicial approval thereof?

3. May a corporation file a claim for a tax refund if it paid final withholding taxes on dividends, which were erroneously declared and paid?

4. Does the Court of Tax Appeals have jurisdiction over a petition for review questioning a Final Notice Before Seizure issued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue?

5. Are all international service provisions or cross-border service agreements rendered by non-resident foreign corporations ("NRFCs") automatically subject to income tax and VAT pursuant to Revenue Memorandum Circular ("RMC") No. 5-2024?

Please read the full text here or via this link.