ALRUD Law Firm
  April 15, 2024 - Moscow, Russia

Concise and to the point with ALRUD: Labour Law News (?2)
  by Irina Anyukhina

We would like to remind you about ****important changes in migration legislation**** that affect the ****legal status of foreign nationals**** in the Russian Federation, including highly qualified specialists (“HQS”).

Cancellation of work permits

Please note that the territorial bodies of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs ****have resumed**** the practice of ****cancelling the work permits**** of foreign nationals (including HQS) when they leave the Russian Federation for more than 6 months. There are already known cases of permits being cancelled on this basis in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

Please note that a foreign national’s work permit may be cancelled if the foreigner:

In this regard, it is recommended to ****monitor**** the period of foreign nationals stay outside the Russian Federation and promptly arrange entry into the Russian Federation.

Submitting salary payment notifications for HQS

Employers (customers of works/services) must submit a ****notification**** on the payment of salary (remuneration) to a HQS for the first quarter of 2024 (January-March 2024) no later than 27 April 2024. The notification to the territorial bodies of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs may be submitted:

Starting from 1 March 2024, the updated amount of HQS compensation must be at least RUB 750,000 per quarter. More details are available here.

Failure to submit notification or the improper submission of notification is subject to administrative liability with a fine of:

Experts from the ALRUD Labour and Employment Practice are ready to provide all the necessary legal assistance on migration issues, as well as issues related to the preparation of documents for foreign nationals, including HQS.

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