Shoosmiths LLP
  July 17, 2024 - Milton Keynes, England

EU AI Act – the challenges of a new era in AI regulation
  by Shoosmiths LLP

The EU’s much-anticipated AI Act has finally reached the statute book, with the legislation due to formally enter into force in early August.

The arrival of the legislation represents a genuinely momentous shift in the focus of regulation of AI and its associated technologies, stepping away from the line of thinking that AI is just another category of software which should be subject to the same laws, standards and regulation as other, similar technologies. Its risk-based approach, categorising AI systems from “unacceptable” through to “minimal risk”, is the first serious, detailed attempt to address the broad risks and issues that AI is seen to pose, and to set out robust processes to ensure continuous monitoring and human oversight of systems that could, unchecked, result (in some cases) in ultimate harm to end users.

Businesses should be taking steps now to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Act, which comes into force on a phased basis over the next 36 months, and we will be working with our clients to help them put in place the legal and organisational measures necessary to ensure they are ready.

In taking those compliance steps, however, it is worth stepping back to consider some of the broader legislative, political and regulatory issues that will influence how the Act will be implemented. That includes:

We’ll be watching all of these issues closely, to help our clients navigate the requirements of the legislation and the necessary governance that will sit around it as it comes into force, but one thing’s for sure – the arrival of the legislation only represents a starting point, and there remains plenty still to be settled for those deploying and procuring AI in the months ahead.

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