Shoosmiths LLP
  September 23, 2024 - Milton Keynes, England

DSARs and data protection by design
  by Shoosmiths LLP

The UK GDPR and similar data protection laws around the world ask for data protection by design - but what does this mean in practice when it comes to DSARs? Using products such as Shoosmiths' SmartSAR may be the solution your organisation is looking for.

Data protection ‘by design and default’ is a core concept under the UK GDPR and similar laws around the world. Put simply, it requires that adherence to data protection requirements is considered as early as possible and integrated into the technology, service, product or processing activity from the outset. 

What does this mean for DSARs? 

The approach to compliance with data protection by design and default will vary according to which data protection requirement needs to be ‘baked in’. When a data subject asks for information from a data controller about what personal data it is processing, this is known as a ‘data subject access request’, SAR or DSAR. These can be complex, and involve many documents. So when it comes to data protection by design and default for DSARs, data controllers should consider the following: 








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