Law 20,897 modifies Article 34 bis of the Electric Power Services General Law
Executive Summary
On February 5th, 2016, Law N° 20,897 was published in the
Official Gazette incorporating 3 new paragraphs into article 34 bis of the
Electric Power Services General Law (“LGSE”). By virtue of this modification,
article 34 bis of the LGSE, widens its protection to any developer of non
conventional renewable energy projects (“NCRE”). This article was originally
intended exclusively for electric concessionaires.
Under the new law, developers faced to a Summary Possession
Trial (Juicio Posesorio Sumario) may appeal injunctions which have been placed
on new NCRE projects based on legal actions such as New Works Claims (Denuncia
de Obra Nueva). In this way, developers can avoid delays in construction which
often result from lawsuits which are brought against them by mining
concessionaires who seek to use injunctions as leverage for negotiating higher
On February 5, 2016 Law N° 20,897 was published in the
Official Gazette. This new law modifies three existing laws: (1) Law 20,365,
which establishes a tax franchise for thermal solar systems; (2) the Electric
Power Services General Law; and (3) Law N° 20.897, which establishes the
Chilean state-owned National Petroleum Company (ENAP). By virtue of, Law N°
20,897 incorporates three new paragraphs into article 34 bis ofLGSE.
Context: New Works
In Chile, mining property is treated differently than surface
property under the law. This distinction often results in conflicts between the
owners of the surface land rights and mining concessionaires. Many such
conflicts have arisen in recent years due to the submission of New Works Claims
by mining concessionaires.
The New Works Claim is a possessory action which seeks to
suspend the development of a new project, which has either recently begin
construction or will soon begin construction, in order to prevent further
damage until such time as a judge is able to determine whether or not the
developer has the right to build the project.
A notable characteristic of this type of claim is that once
the action is filed, a judge may impose a provisional injunction on the project
without first hearing the defendant’s case. During this provisional suspension
only actions that are deemed essential may be performed. This results in delays
to the construction and development of the project. This hindrance may well
constitute a breach of contract by the developer, and even jeopardize the
financing of the project.
New Works Claims have the capacity to inflict extreme damage
on a project in a short period of time, therefore, this legal action has the
potential to be abused and even used to commit extortion. In order to prevent the
misuse of New Works Claims, Law N° 20,701 was passed in 2013 which amended the
LGSE by introducing article 34 bis which applied to electric concessionaires.
Further changes were made on February 5, 2016 when Law N° 20.897 was passed in
order to modify article 34 bis.
Initially, bill N° 20.897 aimed to extend the protections
that had been given to electric concessionaires to cover NCRE developers as
long as they were an onerous concessionaire of the Ministry of National Assets.
However, in order to encourage the development of NCRE projects, its final text
was edited to include the following statement, “for privately owned or third
party’s assets” and “by virtue of… any other title”, expanding the entitlement
of the property to which this surety applies. Therefore, from now on, any NCRE
developer may employ the consignment of adequate surety in order to lift the
precautionary measure of provisional suspension according to the terms of
article 34 bis.
The only NCRE developers who are excluded from the protection
of this article are those that are using indigenous lands with ancestral use,
defined in the Convention N° 169 of the International Labor Organization, or
lands that belong to agricultural communities referred to in Decree N° 5 of the
Ministry of Agriculture of 1967.
Thus, hereinafter the NCRE developer will have the
previously granted faculty to the electric concessionaire by Law N° 20,701, to
suspend the effects of the injunction through the consignment of a surety
enough to cover the eventual demolition of such works, or the compensation of
the damages.