A CFO of a company was dismissed for poor performance. He sued his employer arguing that his dismissal was unjustified. The company’s defense was based on several emails produced in court which were supposed to show the CFO’s poor quality work.Under French law, the golden rule is that any system collecting or processing data including professional email systems must be declared to the Data Protection Agency (“CNIL”) in order to be legal ...
A regional director was fired for poor performance.According to her dismissal letter, she was terminated because of her behavior that had led a number of co-workers to suffer from stress and harassment. More particularly, the letter pointed out her directive management style and her authoritative leadership, a lack of consistency and honesty, the fact that she aimed at discouraging her team members and did not treat them with respect using an insulting and degrading language ...
An employee was fired after several sick leave periods, the last one of more than seven months. Her dismissal was based on the disturbance of the running of the prospecting and customer retention department that had resulted from her frequent and prolonged absences.She sued her employer before the labor court, seeking to have her dismissal declared unfair.The Court of Appeals rejected her claim ...
The French market has been known to be restrictive due to the banking monopoly, which classically restricted the origination of loans and the acquisition of unmatured receivables to credit institutions and financing companies, with small exceptions. Due to the overregulation of credit institutions and financing companies, many transactions were structured abroad ...
Created in 2007 with a view to provide French law with a security agent regime in syndicated loans as competitive as the Anglo-saxon security trustee, the provisions of Article 2328-1 of the French Civil Code have been subject to criticism because of the legal uncertainty related to the nature of the security agent''s powers and its too limited scope ...
Financial Industry, ICC Commission Report on Financial Institutions and International Arbitration, International Financing The ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR’s Task Force on Financial Institutions and International Arbitration recently published its ‘Report on Financial Institutions and International Arbitration’ (the “Report”) ...
The reform of French law of obligations implemented by the French ordinance No 2016-131 of 10 February 2016 (the “Ordinance”), conducted after public consultations and high quality working papers, constitutes the deepest overhaul of French contract law since the Civil Code of 1804. The Ordinance applies to contracts entered into as from 1st October 20162, including amendment agreements, tacit renewals and novated contracts executed or occurring after such date ...
? The reform of the French law of obligations implemented by the French ordinance No 2016—131 of 10 February 2016 (the Ordinance), conducted after public consultations and high quality working papers, constitutes the deepest overhaul of French contract law since the Civil Code of 1804. The Ordinance applies to contracts entered into as from 1 October 2016,2 including amendment agreements, tacit renewals and novated contracts executed or occurring after that date ...
Contrary to Anglo-Saxon and Northern European countries, French financial institutions have not used asset based lending, both because French security law was perceived as debtor friendly in insolvency proceedings and because French banks usually lend against balance sheets.In the context of credit restrictions, the French government was challenged to foster a reform aimed at facilitating the mobilisation of assets, in particularby SMEs, which have no credit rating ...
Recent “gun jumping” rulings across Europe have included fines on investors and serve as reminders that exchange of information between two competitors during an M&A negotiation has to be treated with caution.In fact, if the focus in an M&A deal is usually on merger control clearances, the path towards the completion of the operation has also to be monitored very closely, in the sense that the companies involved should remain independent competitors until the deal is effectively closed ...
2015 was a record year in the Hungarian M&A market. Both in terms of value and number of transactions, 2015 was the best year since 2008, with approximately 160 closed transactions and an aggregate value of approximately EUR 2 billion. Although the acceleration follows global trends, the Hungarian market has a few specifics that will further enhance a growing M&A market in 2016 as well ...
“Macron law”: two further steps into banking disintermediation and collaborative financingJean-François Adelle, partner, Finance, JeantetAssociés The French law on Growth, Activity and Equal Economic Opportunities of 6 August 2015, named Macron law after the French minister of the economy, finances and industry, includes a vast array of measures aimed at undoing identified blockages in French economic, financial, legal profession and labour regulations ...
The decision Mrs X v. Rothschild, rendered on 26 September 2012 by the French Cour de cassation1. called into question the practice of asymmetrical jurisdiction clauses, frequently included in international financial contracts ...
Although like in most EU countries, there is no specific regulation in France on social media, judges have recently answered very clearly to this question: it depends on the privacy settings made by the employee!French judges make a clear distinction between (i) social media postings that remain private (i.e ...
The French Supreme Court rendered a very important decision for the international practice of syndicated financings by recognizing in the context of French insolvency proceedings certain effects of the trust and the mechanism of parallel debt, both governed by the laws of the State of New York ...