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One of the more stirring reforms in the past two decades in the field of education is Republic Act 10533, or the Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013 (“Enhanced Basic Education Act”) ...

Guarantees are a common feature in commercial leases. A guarantor will guarantee a tenant’s obligations under a lease, for example the payment of rent. This provides security to the landlord and can help to maintain continuity of rental income regardless of the default or insolvency of the tenant. However, problems can arise with enforcement of guarantees where the obligations being guaranteed have been changed without the guarantor’s consent ...

Plesner | August 2013

Denmark has a large life science sector, including a number of biotech and pharmaceutical companies and research activities. The sector is highly regulated and covered by extensive and complicated statutory requirements, executive orders and ethical standards. Denmark has incorporated most of the EU regulation and Danish law is thus to a large extent in conformity with the general EU regulation and practice of, for example, the European Medicines Agency (‘EMA’) ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2013

Following a period of consultation, the Government has published regulations in relation to bridging pensions which will come into force on 1 October 2013. A number of pension schemes contain provisions dealing with bridging pensions, where a greater pension is paid from the scheme until the member reaches state pension age. As the state pension age is due to be increased over time the original provisions may no longer be appropriate ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2013

In commercial contracts there is often a ‘waterfall’ clause, which provides for a dispute escalation process prior to the commencement of formal legal proceedings, leaving litigation as the last resort.  Such clauses were determined to be legally binding in Cable & Wireless Plc v IBM United Kingdom Ltd [2002] EWHC 2059 (Comm) ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2013

In recent years, NASA has spent millions, if not billions, of dollars developing what they call “US commercial crew space capabilities” – in ordinary terms they want to make it easier to access the International Space Station from Earth. In trying to achieve this aim they have entered into various commercial agreements under the National Aeronatics and Space Act, known as Space Act Agreements (SAAs), instead of using more traditional form commercial contracts ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2013

Gareth Bale has been in the news last week for transferring to Real Madrid in a record £85m deal. Less well known is that at the beginning of August he successfully registered as a UK trade mark a logo based on his signature goal celebration. His Eleven of Hearts logo is registered against several classes of goods including precious metals, jewellery, clothing, footwear and even parasols and walking sticks ...

Afridi & Angell | September 2013

A Q&A guide to dispute resolution law in the United Arab Emirates.The country-specific Q&A gives a structured overview of the key practical issues concerning dispute resolution in this jurisdiction, including court procedures; fees and funding; interim remedies (including attachment orders); disclosure; expert evidence; appeals; class actions; enforcement; cross-border issues; the use of ADR; and any reform proposals. Main dispute resolution methods1 ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | October 2013

When bankers and First Amendment lawyers encounter each other at cocktail parties, they can struggle to find common interests. Here is something to break the ice. In July 2010, President Obama signed into law the Dodd-Frank Act, the most comprehensive series of financial regulatory reform measures since the Great Depression. Just one year later, the United States Supreme Court issued Sorrell v. IMS Health, Inc., 131 S. Ct ...

Shoosmiths LLP | October 2013

Player power, loyalty and respect of contracts has increasingly made media headlines, demonstrated predominantly this summer with Luis Suarez of Liverpool FC and Manchester United's Wayne Rooney.  As widely reported, Arsenal FC made an infamous bid of £40,000,001.00 to Liverpool for the transfer of the registration of Suarez to Arsenal ...

John Grimes Partnership Ltd v Gubbins [2013] EWCA Civ 37 involved a dispute about a property development. Mr Gubbins engaged the John Grimes Partnership Ltd to design a road over land on which he intended to develop residential properties. An express term of the contract between the parties was that the works would be completed by March 2007. However, in February 2008 there was still work to be done so Mr Gubbins engaged an alternative engineer to complete the work ...

Wardynski & Partners | October 2013

In the innovativeness of its economy, Poland ranks 4th from last in the European Union, but greater support is planned for highly innovative projects that show promise for implementation and commercialisation in Poland. At a session of the Polish Parliament’s Innovation and New Technology Committee on 19 June 2013, the Ministry of Regional Development presented the guidelines for operational programmes Smart Growth 2014–2020 and IT & Telecommunications 2014–2020 ...

Cadbury has lost a five-year legal battle with Swiss rival Nestlé. This week the Court of Appeal overturned a previous decision of the High Court that gave Cadbury an exclusive right to the famous purple colour it uses for its chocolate wrappers. Cadbury began marketing Dairy Milk in a pale mauve colour in 1905 but it wasn’t until 1920 that its full range of Dairy Milk became purple ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | October 2013

After two years of operations, the SEC’s whistleblower program announced its first multimillion dollar award - a record $14 million payment to an anonymous tipster. The award is the largest of three announced since the program’s inception and emphatically signals the SEC’s continuing emphasis on its whistleblower program ...

Dykema | October 2013

As the fiscal year came an end at midnight on September 30, the House and Senate were unable to reach an agreement to fund the federal government and avoid a government shutdown. As a result, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has issued the order to implement the shutdown of the federal government. Although essential functions such as public safety and benefit payments will continue, the shutdown impacts all agencies funded through the annual appropriations process ...

In a recent First-tier Tribunal Tax Chamber case it was held that HMRC regulations which require the electronic filing of VAT returns were discriminatory.  The full decision (which runs to some 154 pages) can be found here.The electronic filing of VAT returns was made compulsory for all businesses with a turnover of over £100,000, and any newly registered business, with effect from 1 April 2010 and for all businesses with effect from 1 April 2012 ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | November 2013

Background Following a recent YouGov survey's finding that 85 per cent of SMEs in the UK have been affected by late payments over the past two years, Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that the UK government is to launch a consultation this year to examine ways of reducing this problem, and find solutions to ensure payments are made more timeously to SMEs by larger companies ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | November 2013

On December 2, 2013 the US Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in BG Group v. Argentina, addressing for the first time the applicable rules when a US court reviews an international arbitral award made under a bilateral investment treaty. This case has earned the attention of the international arbitration community, given its potential impact on future arbitral practice in the United States and abroad ...

In 2010, the New York State Bar Association’s (NYSBA) Task Force on New York Law in International Matters (Task Force) recommended the creation of a permanent center for international dispute resolution in New York.1 And on June 17, 2013, the New York International Arbitration Center (NYIAC), a non-profit providing world-class arbitration facilities and educational programs about international arbitration, opened its doors ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | November 2013

In recognition of the increasing popularity in the market of asset-backed contribution arrangements (ABCs), the Pensions Regulator has issued detailed guidance for trustees considering using such a structure to fund their pension scheme. ABCs, in general terms, allow an employer operating a defined benefit pension scheme to use a non-cash asset to provide a regular income stream to the scheme without an outright disposal of the asset to the scheme ...

Lavery Lawyers | November 2013

On Thursday, November 7, 2013, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced measures to definitively eliminate all the artificial trans fats from processed products in the United States. The purpose of the proposal, which is released for public comments for a 60-day period, is to remove trans fats from the “generally recognized as safe” (“GRAS”) category, which would allow these products to be commonly used in food products ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | December 2013

More than three years after first announcing that it was considering issuing regulations applying the Americans with Disabilities Act to websites, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) appears on the verge of announcing its proposed rules for website accessibility. While the DOJ originally stated that it anticipated issuing its Title II website accessibility rules for websites operated by state and local governments by November 2013, it now expects to issue these rules by the end of the year ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | December 2013

Institutional Shareholder Services ("ISS") recently announced its updated voting policies for the 2014 proxy season. The policies will become effective for shareholder meetings held on or after February 1, 2014. We have summarized below four policy updates relating to corporate governance matters that may be of particular interest to US corporations. Simplified Pay-for-Performance Executive Evaluation ISS revised its policy relating to executive pay-for-performance evaluations ...
