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Shoosmiths LLP | November 2023

'He’s making a list, he’s checking it twice, he’s gonna find out who’s naughty or nice’...but is Santa doing so in compliance with the GDPR? As the first Christmas trees and advent calendars go up in stores and homes across the UK, our thoughts may turn towards the joys – and pressures – of the festive season ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2023

Christmas parties are designed to be fun, but a few festive drinks can quickly get out of hand if not managed correctly. A sobering thought is that employers can be vicariously liable for the action of employees during work events such as Christmas parties. In order to minimise the risks, we explore the steps employers can take before and after any work social event ...

Carey Olsen | November 2023

Carey Olsen advises Channel Islands Co-op on purchase of seven Lloyds Pharmacy branches The Co-op has bought four stores in Jersey (The Parade, Red Houses, Quennevais and Gorey Village), and three in Guernsey (St Sampson's, L'Aumone and Longfrie). The purchase of the stores will enable the Co-op to grow and develop its pharmacy business, whilst providing Co-op customers across the Channel Islands with greater access to its community pharmacy services ...

Since the enactment of the statutory donor-advised fund (“DAF”) rules under the Pension Protection Act of 2006, sponsoring organizations that manage DAF programs have relied on the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC” or the “Code”) and certain limited administrative guidance to structure and operate DAFs ...

Heuking | November 2023

Please note the following press release. This press release is available at our homepage.   Heuking advises shareholders of DigiComm Group on sale to AddSecure Group A team led by Dr. Michael Sörgel, Partner at Heuking’s Düsseldorf office, legally advised the shareholders of DigiComm Group on the sale of DigiComm Group to Sweden’s AddSecure Group ...

Carey Olsen | November 2023

The Probate (Amendment) (Jersey) Law 2023 came into force on 27 October 2023 and has introduced some flexibility for the management of a deceased person's movable (personal) property. Small estates exemption The main change is to the exception for small estates. Under the previous regime it was necessary for someone to apply a grant of probate/letters of administration (a "grant") if a deceased person died leaving any movable property in Jersey of any value whatsoever ...

Carey Olsen | November 2023

This briefing summarises the types of company available under Jersey law, the main steps involved in incorporating a Jersey company and some related points. We would be pleased to provide further information on company incorporations and on the purposes for which Jersey companies can be used. There is a range of briefing notes on our website. Types of Jersey company The key governing legislation in Jersey is the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991, as amended (the “CJL”) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2023

Given the current economic climate, many employers are reformulating their businesses or are aiming to cut costs, which may give rise to more cases of proposed redundancies. We discuss how affected employees can best navigate these uncertain times. A redundancy situation is rarely welcomed by both employers and employees; they can represent financial hardship, both for employers struggling with profitability, and the inevitable direct impact on individual employees and their families ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2023

The UK data protection regulator, the Information Commissioners’ Office (ICO) has recently published a blog containing a quick guide to help retailers assess the lawfulness of sharing criminal offence data ...

Carey | November 2023

On November 3rd, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security published Decree No. 36 (the "New Decree") in the Official Gazette. This decree amends Supreme Decree No. 64 of 2017, issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (the "Decree No. 64"), which approves the Regulation of Chapter II of Law No. 20.015 "on the Labor Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities" (hereinafter the "Labor Inclusion Law"), in Title III of Book I of the Labor Code ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | November 2023

  The Employment Agencies Regulations of 2023, which will come into force as from the 1st April 2024, introduce a new regime for regulating the services provided by employment agencies, which were, until now, largely unregulated. These Regulations target employment agencies that provide recruitment services, temporary work services and/or outsourcing services ...

Carey Olsen | November 2023

One solution to this issue is for pension funds to transfer longevity risk to the reinsurance market. Such a transfer can be attractive for both parties. From the pension fund’s perspective, a life reinsurer is often an attractive counterparty, both because of its deep understanding of the nature of the risk being transferred, and because it can provide a balance sheet big enough to assume a meaningful amount of risk from the fund ...

Shoosmiths LLP | November 2023

Watch the webinar video and study our key takeaway points from our latest seminar focused on attendance. Our 2023 webinar programme is focused on supporting HR teams to improve the effectiveness and productivity of the organisations they work for, equipping them to best handle key issues and improve their business through reducing their risk, developing their talent and future proofing their organisation #HRImprove ...

Heuking | November 2023

  bitte beachten Sie folgende Pressemeldung. Diese finden Sie auch online auf unserer Website.     Heuking advises The Grounds Real Estate Development AG on strategic investment by H.I.G. Realty Partners   With a team led by Dr. Thorsten Kuthe, Partner at the Cologne office, and Michael Neises, Partner at the Frankfurt office, Heuking advised The Grounds Real Estate Development AG on a strategic investment by H.I.G. Realty Partners. In an initial step, H.I.G ...

Lavery Lawyers | November 2023

On November 2, 2023, in response to certain controversy, the Canada Revenue Agency (?CRA?) sought to clarify the application of the new disclosure rules, in force since June 22, 2023. The CRA?s comments relate, in particular, to the impact of reporting obligations on severance agreements, a topic we initially covered a few weeks ago1. We believe it is appropriate to go over these clarifications ...

Carey Olsen | November 2023

Carey Olsen advises Fission Gamma IC Limited on MMC UK Pension Fund's £2 billion longevity risk transfer Fission Gamma, a new Guernsey-based incorporated cell, was created to insure the longevity risk of the Fund and to reinsure this risk with leading global re-insurer Munich Re. Insuring longevity risk in this way will enable the Fund to protect itself financially against longevity risk ...

Krogerus | November 2023

We held Datasymposium 2023 – one of Finland's largest events focusing on data regulation and data utilisation – on 25 October at Bio Rex Lasipalatsi. The popular event, organised in partnership with Technology Industries of Finland, gathered hundreds of experts to discuss the effects of EU's new data regulation and its application from the perspective of trade secrets and data privacy ...

Carey | November 2023

Internal investigations are an integral part of organizational management, with the objective of determining the occurrence of wrongdoing, misconduct, or non-compliance within the company. Through these internal investigations, companies can wield their disciplinary powers, identify risks, design measures to control them, enhance the internal compliance culture, and mitigate the liability of the organization and/or its management ...

Buchalter | November 2023

November 17, 2023 By: Michael Flynn In an effort to promote “open banking” and reduce “sticky banking”, make it easier for consumers to compare their current financial institution to competitors, and to generally increase competition among financial institutions, on October 19, 2023, the CFPB proposed a new Personal Financial Data Rights Rule, which, if it becomes final, will likely take effect early in 2024 ...

Mamo TCV Advocates | November 2023

  We are proud to be sponsoring a networking reception that will be held at the Guildhall in the City of London on the 4th of December 2023, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. Katya Tua, Edmond Zammit Laferla and Michael Psaila will be attending the event.       View More