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Buchalter | February 2023

February 17, 2023 By: Alexander Davis and Manuel Fishman Update This article is partly a republication of a Client Alert that was issued on December 6, 2022 titled “San Francisco’s Commercial Vacancy Tax.” Readers who have already read the original article can simply read ahead to the sections labeled “Update.” Commercial Vacancy Tax In March 2020, the voters of San Francisco approved Proposition D, also known as the Commercial Vacancy Tax ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | February 2023

Upcoming changes to Ohio’s Community Reinvestment Area (“CRA”) property tax exemption program will make it easier to create and to use CRAs. On January 2, 2023, Ohio Governor Mike DeWine signed Substitute Senate Bill 33 of the 134th General Assembly (“SB 33”), enacting substantial changes to existing CRA statutes, ultimately easing existing CRA requirements. The changes will take effect on April 3, 2023 ...

BLP | February 2023

A free transfer is when the donor (transferor) bestows a benefit or right without being paid, even though the transfer may be subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions, such as an inheritance, donation, or prize. The taxpayer in this type of conveyance is the party who accepts the benefit or right (transferee) since they receive an income. A donation deductible under article 39 of the Tax Agreement Law is exempt since it receives a different tax treatment ...

DFDL | January 2023

Instruction No. 2520 GDT on the Adjustment on the Implementation of Value Added Tax on E-Commerce Transactions (Instruction 2520) was issued by the General Department of Taxation (GDT) on the 24th of January 2023. Instruction 2520 repeals the earlier Instruction 20522 on the Implementation of Value Added Tax on E-Commerce that was issued on the 8th of December 2021 ...

Arendt & Medernach | January 2023

General Trends – EU & international tax  > Click here for more details 2022 was another year rich in tax developments in Luxembourg and Europe. In an exceptional economic and geopolitical context, the European institutions continued to launch and implement international tax initiatives ...

DFDL | January 2023

On the 27th of December 2022 the Accounting and Auditing Regulator (“ACAR”) issued a reminder regarding the submission obligations relating to the 2022 financial statements of enterprises in Cambodia. In summary enterprises that are not required to obtain an external independent audit of their 2022 financial statements are required to submit their 2022 financial statements to ACAR by the 15th of April 2023 ...

DFDL | January 2023

“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell just as sweet.”  – William Shakespeare What’s in a name? From a Cambodian tax perspective, it would seem quite a lot. On the surface, Instruction 30408 “On the Implementation of Advance Tax on Dividend Distribution,” issued by the General Department of Taxation (GDT) on 14 December 2022 seems quite innocuous ...

DFDL | January 2023

Following the enactment of Sub-Decree No. 196 (“Sub-Decree 196”) on the 28th of September 2022 by the Royal Government of Cambodia (click here ) the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) issued Instruction 017 on the 27th of December 2022 on the Implementation of the new rates of Tax on Salary ...

DFDL | January 2023

This year marks the fifth anniversary of the introduction of the transfer pricing regime in Cambodia. Recent changes in local transfer pricing regulations, tax audit practices, and documentation mean that now – more than ever – you need the right advisor to reduce the tax audit risks associated with related party transactions. DFDL Cambodia’s specialized transfer pricing team combines international experience and deep knowledge of the local legal and tax environment ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | January 2023

The rules on exit tax on shares and certain other securities mean that private individuals who move from Norway and becomes resident for tax purposes in another country must pay tax for latent profits on shares etc., as if the shares had been sold the day before emigration. Change in law is now in force As the rules have been until 28 November 2022, the exit tax ceased to apply if the shares were not realized five years after emigration ...

We summarize here what we believe are the top 5 Alabama tax cases decided in the past year that would interest our CPA readers.  Not surprisingly, almost all are Alabama Tax Tribunal rulings, so in those instances we deleted that reference and simply list the date of the latest ruling. If you’d like a copy of or have a question about any of these rulings, please email one of us ...

Krogerus | January 2023

The Finnish Government has published a proposal for the temporary Windfall Tax Act in Finland, the draft of which was briefly discussed in our previous article on the subject. The proposed temporary windfall tax would be applicable to so-called windfall profits gained during tax year 2023 by companies operating in the electricity or the fossil fuel sector. The aim of the proposal is to tax said sectors' increased profits resulting from the current energy crisis ...

Dykema | January 2023

On December 9, 2022, the Office of Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued a General Legal Advice Memorandum (“Memorandum”) challenging the 1994 Tax Court decision inChilds v. Commissioner, 103 T.C. 634 (1994),aff’d without published opinion, 89 F.3d 856 (11thCir. 1996) (“Childs”) ...

Shoosmiths LLP | January 2023

On 14 December 2022, following a campaign by the Royal Yachting Association, the UK Government confirmed that it would not be implementing changes to HMRC policy to enable UK residents that purchased (EU) VAT paid UK vessels located in the EU prior to the end of the Brexit transition period (31 December 2020) to bring these vessels back into the UK without incurring a second (UK) VAT charge ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | December 2022

A lesser-known state incentive in the nonprofit sector has created a boon for taxpayers, private education institutions and their students. Across the country, states are providing tax credits that reduce individuals’ state income taxes for any donation to a state-certified nonprofit organization providing scholarships to K-12 students to attend private schools ...

Carey Olsen | December 2022

In this briefing, we will review the implications of the Law for property transactions in Jersey.   Tax on purchase of residential properties which are not used as a main residence The key implication of the Law is that stamp duty (and equivalent land taxes such as land transactions tax and enveloped property transactions tax) on acquisitions of domestic residential property which will not be the purchaser's main residence will be increased ...

Afridi & Angell | December 2022

Recently approved Cabinet Decision 85 of 2022 (the Decision) outlines the requirements and conditions for classification of persons as a “Tax Resident” of the UAE. We briefly outline below who qualifies as a UAE tax resident.   Afridi & Angell have assisted a variety of clients in procuring tax domicile certificates and are well versed in the procedures and requirements ...

Afridi & Angell | December 2022

January 2022 began with the announcement that businesses and corporations will be subject to Corporate Tax (CT) from 1 June 2023. While the UAE Ministry of Finance helpfully provided information on the basic tenets of CT, including a comprehensive white paper, the CT Law governing CT was published on 9 December 2022 providing clarity. However, there are still a number of areas that will be further clarified through the implementing regulations ...

DFDL | December 2022

As CIT finalization approaches, we highlight the existing Transfer Pricing compliance requirements for Vietnam taxpayers, under Decrees 132 and 126, and Law No. 38: When does Transfer Pricing (TP) apply? When a Vietnam company or local subsidiary of a foreign company has intra-group transactions (goods, services, loans or royalty transactions) with its related parties ...

DFDL | December 2022

With the 2022 year quickly coming to an end, we take this opportunity to remind our clients and readers of the annual compliance obligations for enterprises in Cambodia. With each year that passes there seem to be more compliance obligations, and the latest 2023 compliance requirements continue this trend.   With that in mind, we have provided below what we believe are the most important annual compliance requirements that enterprises in Cambodia should be aware of ...

Hanson Bridgett LLP | December 2022

Companies face the loss of a major tax break on research and experimental ("R&E") costs for 2022, absent Congressional action. Since 1954, Internal Revenue Code section 174 has allowed taxpayers to immediately deduct R&E costs. Effective January 1, 2022, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 ("TCJA") amended section 174 to eliminate the deduction of R&E costs. Instead, costs for R&E activities in the U.S ...

Carey Olsen | December 2022

In a Pre-Budget Report (PBR) announced to Parliament last week, the Government has set out its priorities for next year's budget. These include proposals to increase revenues via significant changes to the current employment tax regime. Perhaps the most headline-grabbing aspect of these potential reforms is the proposal to increase the employer portion of payroll tax for exempted companies, from 10.25% to 10.75% ...

Carey Olsen | December 2022

What is ATAD III? In December 2021, the European Commission (“EC”) published its proposed Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (known as “ATAD III”). ATAD III is intended to discourage the misuse of shell companies within the European Union (“EU”). The Directive is aimed at EU-resident entities which claim benefits under double taxation treaties and other EU Directives, but which lack a minimum level of economic substance ...
