Atsumi & Sakai

Legal Services | Japan
tel: +81 3 5501 2111 | fax: +81 3 5501 2211
Fukoku Seimei Bldg. (Reception: 16F) | 2-2-2 Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku | Tokyo | 100-0011 | Japan

Main Contacts

Bonnie L. Dixon


Daniel C. Hounslow




Atsumi & Sakai is a multi-award-winning, independent Tokyo law firm, and has been referred to as one of Japan's "Big five" law firms. It was the first Japanese law firm to create a foreign law joint venture, which enables it to admit foreign partners and so offer its clients the quality of service that the modern international business community demands. Expanding from its highly regarded finance practice, the firm now acts for a wide range of international and domestic companies, banks, financial institutions and other businesses, offering a comprehensive range of legal expertise.

In addition to lawyers admitted in Japan (including a Japanese lawyer also admitted in England and Wales), the firm includes foreign lawyers registered in Japan to advise on the laws of the US States of New York and California, the People's Republic of China, India, the State of Queensland, Australia, US and Australian Federal laws, and the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (in collaboration with Janssen Foreign Law Office). Lawyers at Atsumi & Sakai not only have significant experience in conducting business in Japanese and English, but also in German, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, Marathi, Russian and Vietnamese.

Year this Office was Established: 1994
Lawyers Worldwide: 256


Areas of Practice




The Top Three Data Protection Law Topics in Japan

In Japan, the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI) is the primary law that regulates data protection issues. In this article, we will cover a few significant recent amendments to the APPI, including one currently under consideration, while also touching on the new guidelines issued by the Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) last year, which highlight an intersection of the APPI and Japanese competition law, as well as the increasing significance of personal data in M&A transactions. 2015 amendments to the APPI The APPI was enacted in 2003 and went through its first major amendment in 2015 (the 2015 amendment)...

COVID-19: Employment Law in Japan - Some Key Questions

The sudden onset of the Covid-19 emergency has caused significant disruption across swathes of the Japanese economy and raised novel and urgent questions for employers as they seek to handle the challenges they face, whilst balancing the protection of their business and their obligations to their workers. This memorandum briefly addresses a number of key employment law issues and questions.[1] COVID-19 State of Emergency On 7th April 2020 the Japanese government declared a state of emergency[2] covering the greater Tokyo and Osaka areas, and a number of other urban areas, and which was extended nationwide on 16th April...

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Atsumi & Sakai Announces Establishment of New York Office

Award-winning Japanese law firm Atsumi & Sakai is pleased to announce the establishment of an office in New York (Formal name: Atsumi & Sakai New York LLP), which will enable the firm to provide more convenient legal services in North and South America. The New York office will be led by Bonnie L. Dixon, a veteran partner of the firm and the first non-Japanese lawyer to be a partner of a Japanese law firm in the post-war era. As the only Japanese law firm with offices in London and New York, an affiliated office in Frankfurt and an affiliated law firm in Vietnam, we cover all time zones and provide legal services literally 24 hours a day...

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