Legal Services | Ecuador
tel: +593 2 256 2680 | fax:
Av. Patria E4-69 y Amazonas, Edificio Cofiec | Quito | 170526 | Ecuador

Main Contacts

Josemaria Bustamante

Senior Partner


Quito, Ecuador


BUSTAMANTE FABARA, boasting a legal track record of more than 68 years, is renowned for setting the standard in legal services across Ecuador and Latin America. Its dynamic team, comprised of over 120 skilled multidisciplinary attorneys and a dedicated staff of more than 190 professionals, offers extensive and consistent legal and accounting solutions across 24 diverse practice areas. BUSTAMANTE FABARA prides itself on its global reach, catering to the needs of clients both in the local sphere and internationally, with a network of correspondents spanning the globe.

BUSTAMANTE FABARA is proud to be the sole full-service law firm in Ecuador that boasts equal gender representation in its management team. Although the roles of President and CEO are occupied by men, the positions of Managing Partner and Administrative Manager are held by women. Of its total collaborators, 25% are female Partners, 56% are female Directors, and 41% are female lawyers.

Year this Office was Established: 1956
Lawyers Worldwide: 190


Areas of Practice

Representative Clients




Maria Clara  Bustamante

Maria Clara Bustamante

General Manager (Accounting Contact)


New Regulations for Submission of PPPs Projects

The Interinstitutional Committee for PPP has enacted new regulations for submission of PPPs Projects for its analysis and approval. This new regulation contains the minimum requirements and guidelines that a PPP Project must fulfill to obtain the prior authorization of the Interinstitutional Committee for PPP, before the public entity initiates the bidding process. Such guidelines are applicable for unsolicited proposals, as well as for projects of public initiative, either for brownfield or greenfield projects. Depending of the type of such projects, the applicable provisions that must be fulfilled by the proponent...

Bidding Process for PPP Project, Port Providencia (Manta-Manaos International Route)

The Ministry of Transport and Public Works (Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transporte) of Ecuador, which is entitled of the management of the ports had issued the invitation to the public bidding process. The public bidding process will "Design, financing, procurement, ejecution of additional works, operation and maintenance of the International Terminal of Port Providencia" (Diseño, financiamiento, equipamiento, ejecución de obras adicionales, operación y mantenimiento de la terminal internacional de fluvial de Puerto Providencia)...

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BUSTAMANTE FABARA advises Mitsui & Co. in the acquisition of a stake in Industrial Pesquera Santa Priscila (IPSP), consolidating its position in the global Shrimp Industry

In a strategic move to strengthen its foothold in the global shrimp industry,Mitsui & Co.,Ltd has successfully acquired a stake in IndustrialPesquera Santa Priscila (IPSP), recognized as the leading shrimp farming enterprise worldwide, based in Ecuador.BUSTAMANTE FABARAadvised Mitsui on the successful closure of the transaction that took place in February 2024.Given shrimp’s pivotal role in meeting the burgeoning demand for sustainable protein sources amid the global population and economic growth, this acquisition is timely...


BUSTAMANTE FABARA played a decisive role in the transaction. Following an extensive and highly sophisticated process of negotiation, structuring, and integration, which involved multidisciplinary collaboration across the jurisdictions of Ecuador, United States and Singapore, BUSTAMANTE FABARA successfully laid the groundwork that enabled the successful consolidation of this operation.BUSTAMANTE FABARA represented MITSUI & CO. LTD. (“Mitsui”), a leading global Japanese company specializing in strategic investments, in the acquisition of a minority stake in INDUSTRIAL PESQUERA SANTA PRISCILA S.A.(“Santa Priscila”), the world´s largest shrimp farm...

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