Practice Expertise

  • Environment
  • Government affairs and public law litigation
  • Land Use Planning and Development
  • Municipal Affairs

Areas of Practice

  • Environment
  • Government affairs and public law litigation
  • Land Use Planning and Development
  • Municipal Affairs
  • Technology and Entertainment
  • Technology, Entertainment and Intellectual ...
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Chloé Fauchon practises with the firm's Administrative Law Group, representing various businesses, municipalities and other public bodies before the courts in the areas of environmental law, land use planning and development, municipal affairs, penal law and administrative law. She also acts as a legal advisor in the same areas of the law, particularly for projects to set up or expand business establishments (industrial and commercial) and various other transactions.


  • Administratrice de sociétés certifiée (ASC), Collège des administrateurs de sociétés
  • LL.B., Université Laval, 2012, (Dean's Honour Roll)

Areas of Practice

  • Environment
  • Government affairs and public law litigation
  • Land Use Planning and Development
  • Municipal Affairs
  • Technology and Entertainment
  • Technology, Entertainment and Intellectual Property

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments

Chloé is passionate about communications and has authored a number of publications in different areas of the law. She is also regularly asked to give training courses and seminars. During the first years of her practice, she was invited to explain the legal significance to the public in various media of current issues in the news.

Also during her first years of practice, and while she was studying law, Chloé distinguished herself in various moot court competitions, which gave her the opportunity to plead before the Honourable William Ian Corneil Binnie, a former justice of the Supreme Court of Canada.

During one university semester, she did a legal internship with the Department of Legal Affairs of the Quebec Ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine and the Ministère de l’Éducation, des Loisirs et des Sports.

Representative mandates

  • Advise commercial and industrial compagnies on applicable federal, provincial and municipal planning and environmental legislation and regulations for establishment projects (including a major port industrial project involving federal, provincial and municipal approvals)
  • Advising a municipality on the constitutionality of a by-law
  • Representation of companies (particularly in the areas of airports and mining) and municipalities in defence of criminal prosecutions (particularly in environmental matters) or administrative monetary penalties of the Ministry of the Environment
  • Representation of municipalities in injunctions brought under the Environmental Quality Act or their planning regulations
  • Representation of businesses, municipalities or individuals in judicial review appeals of ministerial or municipal decisions (application and defence)
  • Participation in the representation of a Quebec Crown corporation in a judicial review of a decision of the Régie de l'énergie
  • Participation in representation of academic defence institutions in judicial review proceedings
  • Representation of municipalities before administrative organizations
  • Representation of condominium unions in proceedings to enforce co-ownership declarations (including to stop illegal tourist accommodation)
  • Assist Independent Counsel for the Canadian Judicial Council in the Public Inquiry on Justice Michel Girouard
  • Assist the Chief Prosecutor for the Office of the Coroner in the Public Inquiry into the Fire at the Résidence du Havre in L'Isle-Verte


  • participated in the conference of "Les modifications au Règlement sur les établissements d’hébergement touristique" (RDI Économie), 2019
  • Participation in two interviews on the powers of syndicates of co-owners over the regulation of tourist accommodation (RDI Économie and the Radio-Canada Program, 15-18), 2017
  • Participation in four interviews concerning the Act and Regulation respecting tourist accommodation establishments (Le Devoir, TVA-Salut Bonjour, 98,5-Paul Arcand and Radio-Canada - L’heure de pointe), 2016


  • D. Bouchard and C. Fauchon, “Les dérogations mineures : l’évolution des dernières années”, Notarial Development Course, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2023
  • D. Bouchard and C. Fauchon, “Le nouveau « régime d’autorisation municipale pour les activités réalisées dans les milieux hydriques » : une nouvelle politique de protection des rives, du littoral et des plaines inondables ?”, Recent developments in environmental law, Édition Yvon Blais, 2022
  • V. Belle-Isle, D. Bouchard, R. Daigneault et C. Fauchon, "The new Regulation on the supervision of activities according to their impact on the environment: reading proposal", Recent developments in environmental law, Édition Yvon Blais, 2020
  • D. Bouchard et C. Fauchon, "La servitude d’écoulement naturel des eaux : où en sommes-nous ?", Recent developments in environmental Law, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2019
  • D. Bouchard et C. Fauchon, "De nouvelles limitations de droit public pour la protection des milieux humides et hydriques", Notarial Development Course, 2019
  • D. Bouchard et C. Fauchon, "Les milieux humides et hydriques au coeur de la récente réforme de la gouvernance de l’eau au Québec", Recent developments in environmental Law, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2018
  • C. Fauchon, Commentaire sur la décision 9120-4883 Québec inc. c. Ville de Saint-Rémi – Le recours en expropriation déguisée dans un contexte de protection des milieux humides: le prix collectif à payer pour la protection de l’environnement (Comment on the decision in 9120-4883 Québec inc. c. Ville de Saint-Rémi – The action based on disguised expropriation in the context of wetlands protection: the collective price to be paid for environmental protection), Repères, Éditions Yvon Blais, Octobre 2018
  • C. Fauchon and C. Fortin, Commentaire sur la décision Ville de Rivière-du-Loup c. Procureure générale du Québec – L’interprétation de la notion de "matière résiduelle" au sens de la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement et ses règlements: une affaire ou l’innovation se bute à la loi, (Comment on the decision in Ville de Rivière-du-Loup c. Procureure générale du Québec – Interpretation of the concept of “residual matter” under the Environment Quality Act and its regulations: a case in which innovation is hampered by the law,) Éditions Yvon Blais, 2018
  • C. Fauchon, Harcèlement criminel: les journalistes doivent-ils s’inquiéter? (Criminal harrassment: should journalists be worried?), L’Actualité, 2018
  • C. Fauchon and M. Thiboutot, Mise à jour du Fascicule 19 "Le régime contractuel de l’État" (Update to Fascicule 19 “The contractual regime of the State”), LexisNexis Canada, 2018
  • C. Fauchon and S. Pierrard, Commentaire sur la décision Cedrom SNI inc. c. La Dose pro inc. – L’exception permettant l’utilisation d’une œuvre protégée par droit d’auteur à des fins de communication de nouvelles, (Comment on the decision in Cedrom SNI inc. v. La Dose pro inc. – The exception allowing for the use of copyright-protected works for news reporting purposes), Éditions Yvon Blais, 2017
  • C. Fauchon and C. Fortin, Commentaire sur laLoi modifiant la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement afin de moderniser le régime d’autorisation environnementale et modifiant d’autres dispositions législatives notamment pour réformer la gouvernance du Fonds vert (projet de loi no 102), (Comment on the Act to amend the Environment Quality Act to modernize the environmental authorization scheme and to amend other legislative provisions, in particular to reform the governance of the Green Fund (Bill 102)), Éditions Yvon Blais, 2017
  • D. Bouchard and C. Fauchon, Regard sur la jurisprudence 2014-2016 en matière de protection de l’environnement, Développements récents en droit de l'environnement 2017, (Review of the environmental protection case law from 2014-2016), Volume 433, Éditions Yvon Blais
  • D. Bouchard, C. Fauchon, V. Belle-Isle, K. Opalka, L'adaptation aux changements climatiques, une préoccupation plus qu'environnementale, (Adapting to climate change, an issue that transcends the environment) Développements récents en droit de l'environnement 2014, vol. 385, Éditions Yvon Blais
  • D. Bouchard and C. Fauchon, L’occupation du domaine public non autorisée: une source potentielle de vices de titres, (Unauthorized occupation of the public domain: a potential source of title defects), Cours de perfectionnement du notariat, Éditions Yvon Blais, 2013

Training courses

  • Instructor for the COMBEQ: “Règlement sur les activités dans des milieux humides, hydriques et sensibles” (Regulation respecting activities in wetlands, bodies of water and sensitive areas), since 2023
  • Instructor for the COMBEQ: “Règlement provincial provisoire pour la protection des milieux hydriques” (Interim provincial regulation respecting the protection of bodies of water), since 2022
  • Instructor for the COMBEQ: “Émission des permis, certificats ou attestations : inventaire des règles à respecter” (Permit, certificate or attestation issuance: an inventory of rules to be followed), since 2020
  • Instructor for COMBEQ: “The new regulations implementing the Environmental Quality Act: a maze requiring an Ariane thread”, fall 2020
  • Instructor for ADMQ: “Municipal Contracts in the Wake of the Passage of Bills 122, 155 and 108”, Fall 2018
  • Instructor for COMBEQ: "Les milieux humides et hydriques: quels rôles pour les municipalités" (Wetlands and bodies of water: what roles will municipalities play?), spring 2018
  • Instructor for the FQM: "Rôles et responsabilités des élus" (Roles and responsibilities of elected officials), winter 2018
  • Instructor for Éditions Yvon Blais: "La nouvelle Autorité des marchés publics: ses pouvoirs et ses effets sur les municipalités et les contrats municipaux" (The new Autorité des marchés publics: its powers and effects on municipalities and municipal contracts), winter 2018

Professional and community activities

  • Member of the Environment Committee of the Jeune Barreau de Québec (Young Bar of Quebec City), 2019
  • Moderator of a panel discussion on the environment before the screening of the documentary, Demain, at the Festival de cinéma de la Ville de Québec, 2018
  • Host of the show Projection Libre, aired on MATv, 2016 to 2017
  • Participant in the Défi 100 jours de l’Effet A, 2016
  • Member of the luncheons committee of the Chambre de commerce de Québec, 2014 to 2017

Professional Associations
Young Chamber of Commerce Montreal (JCCM)
Canadian Bar Association

Seminars/ Presentation
Speaker for the environmental section of the Canadian Bar Association : “Annual Case Law Review” (2015)
Speaker at two zone seminars for the Association des directeurs municipaux du Québec : “Recent developments review in the areas of ethics and municipal codes of conduct” (2014)
Speaker for the Fédération québécoise des municipalités : “The role of Mayor and Management Director” (2014)

Professional Activities and Experience
Member of the Breakfast Discussion Committee of the Chamber of Commerce of Quebec (2014-)
Vice-president of the Canadian Bar Association’s Administrative Law Section (2014-)
Member of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Bar Association’s National Administrative Law Section (2013-2014)


C. Fauchon, L’affaire Rossdeutscher, la reconnaissance de la vaste portée du pouvoir d’inspection des officiers municipaux, Bâtivert, COMBEQ, 2015
D. Bouchard, C. Fauchon, V. Belle-Isle, K. Opalka, L'adaptation aux changements climatiques, une préoccupation plus qu'environnementale, Développements récents en droit de l'environnement 2014, vol. 385, Éditions Yvon Blais
Participation in the drafting of a speech “Updates and changes to disciplinary sanctions” during the Conference on Advanced Training in Administrative Law, Canadian Institute, 2014
D. Bouchard and C. Fauchon, L’occupation du domaine public non autorisée : une source potentielle de vices de titres, 2013, Cours de perfectionnement du notariat, Édition Yvon Blais

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