Practice Expertise

  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Health
  • Contracts, Titles, and Due Diligence Reviews

Areas of Practice

  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Contracts, Titles, and Due Diligence Reviews
  • Health
  • Intellectual Property
  • Life Sciences
  • Patents
  • Plant Variety Protection
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Trade Secrets
  • View More


Partner | Lawyer - Patent Agent - Trademark Agent

Julie Gauvreau is a partner, lawyer, patent agent and trademark agent in Lavery?s intellectual property group. She holds a degree in microbiology from Université de Montréal and began her practice in 1998. She is a lawyer, a registered patent agent in Canada and in the United States, and a trademark agent.

Julie Gauvreau has developed a successful patent practice with a full range of clients in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical fields. Her specialty resides in helping clients develop effective intellectual property protection strategies tailored to meet clear business objectives including the development and launch of new products. Her clients include universities, hospitals, government laboratories and research institutes, as well as small and medium sized businesses, and large pharmaceutical companies. She works closely with intellectual property practitioners in many other countries to obtain protection of Canadian inventions abroad, and represents many foreign clients seeking patent protection in Canada. She has given numerous seminars and courses on intellectual property matters.

  • ?Évolution des critères de brevetabilité et de validité de 2015 à 2017 : fin d?une décennie marquée par la multiplication des interprétations, et autres sujets" dans Barreau du Québec, Service de la formation continue, Développements récents en droit de la propriété intellectuelle (2017), vol 437, Cowansville (QC), Éditions Yvon Blais, 129, 2017
  • ?The Promise Doctrine is Struck Down by the Supreme Court of Canada?, Newsletter GGData, vol. 17, November 2017
  • ?Plant Protection in Canada?, Newsletter GGData, vol. 16, September 2016
  • ?Propriété Intellectuelle - Aspects règlementaires et Stratégies et exploitation des brevets?, Online Education 1er cycle pharmacie, Université Laval, December 2014
  • ?Tax credit for intellectual property professional fees and disbursements?. Newsletter GGData, Vol. 5, No. 2, June 2005
  • ?The Monsanto Case: Does the Supreme Court?s Ruling Indirectly Protect Higher Life Forms??, Newsletter GGData, Vol. 4, No. 2, May 2004
  • ?The Small Entity Status Revisited by the Federal Court of Appeal?, Newsletter GGData, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2003
  • Dubuc,. J.H., Gauvreau, J., ?Developments in the field of industrial design in Canada?, Newsletter GGData, Vol. 2, No. 1, February 2002
  • ?Reform of Invention Protection in the United States?, Newsletter GGData, Vol. 2, No. 2, June 2001
  • "Propriété intellectuelle?, Pharmacy Faculty, Université Laval, Québec, 2003-2018
  • ?Évolution des critères de brevetabilité et de validité de 2015 à 2017 : fin d?une décennie marquée par la multiplication des interprétations, et autres sujets?, Conférence développements Récents, propriété intellectuelle, 2017.
  • ?Présentation agent de brevet?, IRCM, 2017-2018
  • ?Protection of Plant Varieties Around the Globe ? Canada?, AUTM Annual Meeting, San Diego, 2016
  • ?Propriété intellectuelle?, École de mode, Collège Marie-Victorin, Montréal, 2013-2016
  • ?Rudiments de propriété intellectuelle?, Atelier d'information et de perfectionnement du Centre d?entrepreneuriat et d?essaimage - UQAC, 2015
  • ?Protecting/Increasing Plant Value through Intellectual Property?, Agrifood and Agriculture Canada, 2015
  • ?La protection des plantes : Loi sur les obtentions végétales?, Centre des politiques en propriété intellectuelle (CPPI), 2015
  • "Propriété Intellectuelle - Aspects règlementaires et Stratégies et exploitation des brevets?, Formation à distance 1er cycle pharmacie, Université Laval, December 2014
  • ?Patent Ownership and Co-ownership?, CANRA-ACARN, Montréal, 2013
  • ?Propriété et copropriété de brevets?, SOCPRA, Sherbrooke, 2011
  • ?Le métier d?agent de brevets?, Université de Montréal, 2003
  • ?La propriété intellectuelle ? Mythes et réalités?, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, 2002
  •  ?Intellectual Property in Graphic Design?, Dawson College, Montréal, 2001
  • ?Stratégies de gestion d?un portefeuille de propriété intellectuelle?, Musée du Québec, Québec, 2000


  • Diplomas
    • L.L.B., Common Law, McGill University, 1997
    • B.C.L., Civil Law, McGill University, 1997
    • B.Sc.A., Microbiology, Université de Montréal, 1993
  • Continuing Education
    • ?Biotechnology Patent Prosecution, Licensing, Litigation & Hatch Waxman?, Patent Resources Group Inc., 2004
    • ?Patent Bar Review?, Patent Resources Group Inc., 2002
    • ?Trade-marks I: An Intensive Practical Course?, McGill Centre for Continuing Education and Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, 1999
    • ?Chemical Patent Law?, Patent Resources Group Inc., 1999

Areas of Practice

  • Biotechnology
  • Chemistry
  • Contracts, Titles, and Due Diligence Reviews
  • Health
  • Intellectual Property
  • Life Sciences
  • Patents
  • Plant Variety Protection
  • Regulatory Affairs
  • Trade Secrets

Professional Career

Professional Activities and Experience
  • Best Lawyers 2021
  • Best Lawyers 2022


  • The Promise Doctrine is Struck Down by the Supreme Court of Canada
  • Plant Protection in Canada
  • Changes to the Canadian Patent Rules came into force on October 30th 2019
  • Further Streamlining of Canadian Patent Examination on the Horizon
  • Advancing Patent Fee Payments in Canada to Avoid Significant 2024 Fee Increases

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