Practice Expertise

  • Insurance
  • Litigation and disputes

Areas of Practice

  • Insurance
  • Litigation and disputes

WSG Practice Industries


I have extensive experience in handling medical negligence claims, incident investigation, risk management, and coronial inquests. I am a member of our National Health Industry Group and have a particular interest in cerebral palsy baby claims, having partially completed a degree in midwifery.

Career highlights

  • Acting in the High Court matter of Naxakis v Western General Hospital & Ors.
  • Providing ongoing advice to the VMIA on the medical malpractice and general liability scheme for Victoria's public hospitals.
  • Providing advice to, and representing, Victorian and interstate private hospitals in a variety of matters including coronial inquests, litigated and non-litigated claims.
  • Acting in a number of large negligence actions involving claims made by infants alleging brain damage arising from birth and obstetrical procedures.
  • Acting on behalf of medical defendants in conciliations involving the Health Services Commissioner.

Awards and recognition

  • Recommended, Medical Negligence - Best Lawyers: 2014- 2018
  • Women in Insurance Award of Excellence, 2015

B Comm, LLB

Areas of Practice

  • Insurance
  • Litigation and disputes

Professional Career


  • 5 drivers to exceptional Patient Experience
    What do healthcare and hospitality have in common? More than we think. Healthcare reform is pushing the industry into uncharted territory. Healthcare providers must make decisions without precedent, and consumers are savvier than ever.

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