Practice Expertise

  • Health & Life Sciences
  • 340B
  • DEA Compliance & Litigation
  • FDA Regulatory Practice

Areas of Practice

  • 340B
  • DEA Compliance & Litigation
  • FDA Regulatory Practice
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Health Care Transactions
  • Health Insurance Industry Partners (PBMs, ...
  • Hospitals & Health Systems
  • Hospitals and Health Systems
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy, Drug and Device
  • Provider and Physician Groups
  • Provider/Physician Groups
  • Specialty Pharmacy
  • Telehealth
  • Wholesale Drug and Device Distribution
  • View More


Timely, discerning pharmacy industry insight and counsel

Roger Morris represents pharmacies and related health care entities in a wide variety of regulatory compliance and transactional matters. A practicing pharmacist before becoming a lawyer more than 30 years ago, Roger brings deep experience in the pharmacy industry to the work he does for:

  • Retail pharmacies, including mail order
  • Pharmacy wholesalers
  • Compounding pharmacies
  • Veterinary pharmacies
  • Pharmacy benefit managers (PBM)
  • Pharmaceutical manufacturers
  • Health care providers, including hospitals, health systems and medical staff

He also has experience in the highly innovative telemedicine and telepharmacy sectors, assisting clients with the unique state and federal regulatory compliance issues they face, as well as acquisitions and the creation of and construction of facilities. Knowing the pharmacy world as he does — its language, business models and practices, and industry actors — Roger is able to combine uncommon industry insight with deep knowledge of his client’s businesses to address their legal and business needs.

Roger is a member of the firm's governing Executive Committee, section chair for Quarles' Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Product Liability, Bankruptcy and Health & Life Sciences Practice Groups, and former chair of the Health & Life Sciences Practice Group.

Bar Admissions

  • Arizona


  • University of Pittsburgh School of Law (J.D., magna cum laude, 1989)
    • Order of the Coif
    • Law Review
  • University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy (B.S., cum laude, 1986)
    • Rho Chi (Pharmacy Academic Honorary)
    • Dean's Honor Roll
    • Freshman, sophomore, junior and senior honoraries

Areas of Practice

  • 340B
  • DEA Compliance & Litigation
  • FDA Regulatory Practice
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Health & Life Sciences
  • Health Care Transactions
  • Health Insurance Industry Partners (PBMs, TPAs, DMPOs and URAs)
  • Hospitals & Health Systems
  • Hospitals and Health Systems
  • Pharmacy
  • Pharmacy, Drug and Device
  • Provider and Physician Groups
  • Provider/Physician Groups
  • Specialty Pharmacy
  • Telehealth
  • Wholesale Drug and Device Distribution

Professional Career


  • "2008 Summary of Health Care Law"
  • "2009 Pharma Code"
  • "2009 Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "2014 Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "2015 Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "2016 Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "2017 Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "A New Pill to Swallow"
  • "A Review of The Arizona Board of Pharmacy"
  • "A Summary of the Year for the Arizona Board of Pharmacy"
  • "Alternative Fee Arguments"
  • "Arizona Law Update 2020-2021"
  • "Arizona Law Update 2021-2022"
  • "Arizona Medical Malpractice Laws"
  • "Arizona Pharmacy Law"
  • "Case Law Update"
  • "Case Law Update"
  • "Case Law Update"
  • "Case Law Update"
  • "Case Law Update"
  • "Case Law Update"
  • "Case Law Update"
  • "Case Law Update"
  • "Case Law Update"
  • "Drug Injury: Liability, Analysis and Prevention - Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Drug Injury: Liability, Analysis and Prevention – Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Drug Manufacturers Copay Rebates"
  • "Drug Manufacturers Copay Rebates"
  • "Duties of a Non-Profit Board"
  • "Ethics - FCA, OIG, AKS and other Scary Acronyms: A Discussion about Trends in Government Enforcement"
  • "Ethics for Health Care Lawyers"
  • "Fifty State Survey of Challenging Expert Witnesses in Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Cases in State Court"
  • "Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act"
  • "Genetics and Medical Devices - A Look Towards the Future"
  • "GINA"
  • "Health Care Changes Under President Trump"
  • "Health Care Reform"
  • "HIPAA for Healthcare Professionals"
  • "Hot Legal Topics"
  • "Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law and Pharmaceutical Supply Chain"
  • "Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law"
  • "Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law"
  • "Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law"
  • "How to Prepare for the MPJE"
  • "How to Prepare for the MPJE"
  • "How to Prepare for the MPJE"
  • "How to Prepare for the MPJE"
  • "How to Prepare for The MPJE"
  • "How to Prepare for the Multi-State Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam MPJE"
  • "Important Legal Lessons in 2014 for Pharmacists-in-Charge"
  • "Introduction to Pharmacy Law"
  • "Introduction to Pharmacy Law"
  • "Introduction to Pharmacy Law"
  • "Law School for Doctors"
  • "Law School for Doctors: Introduction to Contract and Tort Law"
  • "Legal Issues in Specialty Pharmacy"
  • "Managing Employee and Referral Relationships"
  • "Medical Tourism"
  • "Mexican and Canadian Prescription Drug Importation Issues"
  • "Moderated Panel of State Board Executive Directors"
  • "Moderated Panel of State Board of Pharmacy Members"
  • "Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Review"
  • "New York Court Overturns Multiple Convictions Against Pharmacist"
  • "ObamaCare & PMBs"
  • "Payments to Pharmacist for Filling Internet Pharmacy Prescriptions Held to Be Illegal Brides, Not Merely Legal Gratuities"
  • "Pharmacy 101"
  • "Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Case Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Case Law Update”
  • "Pharmacy Compounding Law"
  • "Pharmacy Law - A Year in Review"
  • "Pharmacy Law - Cases and Discussions"
  • "Pharmacy Law - Examination and Board Review"
  • "Pharmacy Law 101"
  • "Pharmacy Law as a Career Choice"
  • "Pharmacy Law As A Career"
  • "Pharmacy Law for Pharmacy Association”
  • "Pharmacy Law on the Links"
  • "Pharmacy Law Regulatory Roundup"
  • "Pharmacy Law Review"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update"
  • "Pharmacy Law Update”
  • "Pharmacy Law—Examination and Board Review: Arizona Chapter"
  • "Physician Contracting - Buy Ins/Buy Outs & Pitfalls to Avoid"
  • "Preparation for the Multi-State Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam"
  • "Preparation for the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Axiom"
  • "Preparation for the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Axiom"
  • "Preparation for the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Axiom"
  • "Preparation for the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Axiom"
  • "Preparing for the MPJE"
  • "Preparing for the MPJE"
  • "Preparing for the MPJE"
  • "Preparing for the Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam"
  • "Shipping Drugs To Georgia Just Got More Complicated"
  • "Specialty Pharmacy and the Law"
  • "Successful Strategies for Dealing with Government Agencies in Health Care Law"
  • "The FDA Defense: The Effect of Compliance with Federal Statutes and FDA Regulations in Pharmaceutical Products Liability Litigation in Arizona and Nevada – A State-By-State Overview
  • "The Year In Pharmacy Law"
  • "The Year in Review - A Legal Case Update"
  • "Time, Price and Value: Succeeding with Alternative Fee Arrangements"
  • "Updates in Pharmacy Law"
  • "What Keeps State Board of Pharmacy Executive Directors Up At Night?"
  • "What Keeps State Board of Pharmacy Executive Directors' Up At Night"
  • "What State Attorney Generals Do At Boards of Pharmacy"
  • "What's New In Pharmacy Law"
  • "What's New in Pharmacy Law"
  • "What's New In Pharmacy Law"
  • "What's New in Pharmacy?"
  • A Gift in this Holiday Season…New York’s Opioid Surcharge Blocked by Judge as Unconstitutional
  • Alabama Board of Pharmacy Imposing 3:1 Technician to Pharmacist Ratio on Non-Resident Pharmacies
  • Arizona Law Update 2019-2020
  • Drug Law Changes Could Frustrate Pharmacy Industry Business and Operations
  • Fifth PREP Act Declaration Amendment Expands Eligible COVID-19 Vaccination Providers
  • Florida Board of Pharmacy Proposes Amendments to Rule on Technician to Pharmacist Ratio
  • Georgia Board of Pharmacy Continues to Review Licensure Requirements for Pharmacists
  • Georgia's New Nonresident Pharmacy Permit - Proposed Rules Hearing Dec. 11, 2013
  • HHS Recommends ‘Replanting’ Marijuana in Schedule III
  • High Court Rules “State of Mind” Relevant in Prosecuting Prescribers under the Controlled Substance Act
  • Hot Off the Press: Mississippi Board of Pharmacy Files Proposed Rule on Shared Pharmacy Services
  • Iowa Implements New Requirements for Non-Resident Pharmacies
  • Kentucky Board of Pharmacy Continues to Research and Review Proposed Non-Resident Pharmacy Permit Regulations
  • Kentucky Board of Pharmacy Regulation Committee Proposes New Requirement of Licensure for All Out-of-State Pharmacists
  • Massachusetts’ Court Creates a New Duty for Pharmacies to Notify Prescribers of Prior Authorization Requirements
  • Moderator, “A Look at Pending Medication Error Legislation”
  • Moderator, “ASPL - Podium Sessions”
  • Moderator, “Importing of Prescription Drugs” and “A Review of Pharmacy Malpractice Cases”
  • Moderator, “Pharmacy Law Case Update”
  • Nevada Legislature Rejects Board of Pharmacy’s Licensing Requirement for Out-of-State Pharmacists
  • Nevada Seeks Formal AG Opinion Regarding Licensure for Out-of-State Pharmacists
  • Nevada to Require Out-of-State Pharmacists that Dispense or Compound for Nevada Patients to Hold a Nevada Pharmacist’s License
  • New Wisconsin Law Regulates PBM and Other Stakeholders Involved in Drug Pricing
  • New York Abandons Proposed Rule Addressing Central Fill Arrangements, Will Seek Statutory Change
  • New York Medicaid Limits In-Office Dispensing Reimbursement for AIDS and Cancer Protocols
  • Oklahoma Bans Hydrocodone Refills
  • Oklahoma Poised to Prohibit Hydrocodone Refills
  • Oklahoma Will Require Nonresident Pharmacy to Have an Oklahoma-Licensed Pharmacist-in-Charge
  • Pharmacy Law Trends Q&A: Opioids, Specialty Drugs Among Top Issues for Retail Pharmacies
  • Pharmacy Law Update
  • Pharmacy Law: Technology Issues Faced by Pharmacies Across the Country
  • Puerto Rico Implements Licensure Requirement for Non-Resident Wholesalers & Manufacturers
  • Revised Amendments to Texas Central Fill Rule Address Concerns for Misinterpretation
  • Roger Morris Featured in Post-Scrip: The ASPL Pharmacy Law Podcast
  • Safeway Prevails on Motion for Summary Judgment in Whistleblower Pharmacy Usual and Customary Pricing Case
  • Second Shot Across the Bow: FDA Issues Warning Letters to 15 CBD Companies
  • Shipping Drugs to Georgia? Better Get a License
  • Telepharmacy, Telemedicine, AIC, and Other Alternative Sites of Care
  • What Your Medicaid Pharmacy Administrator is Working On
  • “2007 Summary of Pharmacy Law”
  • “A Defense Counsel’s Right to Ex Parte Interviews of Treating Physicians in Arizona, ABA Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Subcommittee – A State-By-State Overview”
  • “A Health Care Lawyer’s View of the FDA’s Recent Action”
  • “A Pharmacist’s Proper Role in Dispensing of Pain Medication”
  • “A Pharmacy Student’s Introduction to Legal Issues”
  • “A Primer on the Arizona State Board of Pharmacy”
  • “A Retrospective Look at the Arizona Board of Pharmacy 2002”
  • “Advanced Corporate Compliance for Healthcare Providers”
  • “Appeals from the Arizona Board of Medical Examiners”
  • “Arizona Legal Issues in Pharmacy”
  • “Arizona Pharmacy Board Issues”
  • “Arizona Pharmacy Law Issues”
  • “Arizona Pharmacy Law Update”
  • “Canadian Drug Imports”
  • “Case Law Review”
  • “Case Law Update"
  • “Case Law Update”
  • “Collaborative Practice – Agreements for Pharmacists and Other Legal Issues”
  • “Corporate Compliance Programs for Individual Practitioners”
  • “Current Employment Issues for Health Care Employers”
  • “Current Issues in Pharmacy Law”
  • “Current Legal Issues in Pharmacy Law”
  • “Current Pharmacy Law Issues”
  • “Current Pharmacy Law Issues”
  • “Current Pharmacy Lawsuits Update”
  • “Drug Injury: Liability, Analysis and Prevention – Pharmacy Case Law Update," Second Edition
  • “Effective Terminations for Employers”
  • “Employment and Labor Law: 1998 Update”
  • “Employment Issues for the Health Care Employer”
  • “Employment Law for Health Care Professionals”
  • “Employment Law for the Future”
  • “Ethics for the Health Care Lawyer”
  • “Ethics in the Practice of Law”
  • “Federal Laws Affecting Pharmacy”
  • “Fifty State Survey of FDCA – Related Tort Causes of Action - An Arizona Overview”
  • “Five B’s of Healthcare Marketing”
  • “Free Drugs for All and Other Prohibited Acts II”
  • “Free Drugs for All and Other Prohibited Acts”
  • “Generic Drugs and Biosimilars Lower Costs and Raise Legal Questions"
  • “Health Care Updates”
  • “Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act”
  • “Healthcare Financial Controls”
  • “Healthcare Fraud & Abuse: What You Need To Know”
  • “Healthcare Issues for the Business Lawyer”
  • “Healthcare Marketing”
  • “Healthcare Update 2002”
  • “Healthcare Update”
  • “HIPAA and Pharmaceutical Manufacturer’s Rebate Agreements”
  • “HIPAA and Pharmaceutical Rebate Agreements”
  • “HIPAA For Arizona Contractors”
  • “HIPAA for Employers”
  • “HIPAA for Healthcare Professionals”
  • “HIPAA for Healthcare Professionals”
  • “HIPAA for Healthcare Students”
  • “HIPAA for Med School”
  • “HIPAA for Pharmacists”
  • “HIPAA Overview”
  • “HIPAA Security Issues”
  • “Hiring Practices”
  • “Hospital Pharmacy Liability Concerns”
  • “Hot Topics for Health Care Employers”
  • “Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law”
  • “Hot Topics in Pharmacy Law”
  • “Internet Pharmacies”
  • “Introduction to HIPAA”
  • “Introduction to Pharmacy Law”
  • “Introduction to Pharmacy Law”
  • “Introduction to Pharmacy Law”
  • “Introduction to Pharmacy Law”
  • “Introduction to Pharmacy Law”
  • “Introduction to the Pharmacy Rules”
  • “Last Chance for Pharmacy Law CE”
  • “Law On the Links”
  • “Legal Issues In Arizona’s Collaborative Practice Agreements”
  • “Legal Train Wrecks”
  • “Liability for Genotypes”
  • “Liability Issues for U.S. Colleges of Pharmacy”
  • “Marketing to Clients”
  • “Medication Errors - A Legal Perspective”
  • “Medication Errors - What to Do When They Occur”
  • “Multistate Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam Techniques”
  • “Negligence Liability for The Pharmacist”
  • “OIG Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Corporate Compliance Program”
  • “Outpatient Legal Training Issues”
  • “PBM Pharmacy Law Issues”
  • “PBM’s - A Mock Trial on Contracting Issues”
  • “Perspectives on Effective Representation At the Administrative Level”
  • “Pharmaceutical Products Liability Law Review”
  • “Pharmacist Credentialing - A Panel Discussion on the Pros and Cons”
  • “Pharmacy Case Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Case Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Case Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Case Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Case Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Case Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Law - Liability Issues”
  • “Pharmacy Law Desk Reference – Labor & Employment Law”
  • “Pharmacy Law News”
  • “Pharmacy Law on the Links”
  • “Pharmacy Law Review”
  • “Pharmacy Law Updates-Medicine Rx Benefit, HIPAA and More”
  • “Pharmacy Law Updates”
  • “Pharmacy Law Updates”
  • “Pharmacy Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Law Update”
  • “Pharmacy Law – Current Federal Issues and Arizona Updates”
  • “Pharmacy Liability Issues: Records, Peer Review and Counterfeit Concerns”
  • “Pharmacy Perspectives for Health Plans”
  • “Pharmacy Record and Counterfeit Concerns”
  • “Physician Law School for a Day”
  • “Preparation for the Multi-State Pharmacy Jurisprudence Exam”
  • “Risk Management Concerns”
  • “Sexual Harassment in Long-Term Care Facilities”
  • “Six Hours of Pharmacy Law CE”
  • “State-By-State Survey of the Law Regarding Potential Liability for Off Label Use of Drugs and Medical Devices in Arizona and Nevada”
  • “State-By-State Survey of the Statutes of Limitation and Repose Applicable to Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Litigation in Arizona”
  • “Streich Lang - Labor Perspectives for Health Care Clients,” 1990-1992; “EAP Liability – What You Need to Know”
  • “Student Legal Issues for Pharmacy Schools”
  • “Technology & Medicine - The Legal Implications”
  • “The 10 Biggest Mistakes Physicians Make When Dealing With Practice Support Agreements”
  • “The Arizona Board of Medical Examiners”
  • “The Legal Issues Surrounding Prescription Discount Cards”
  • “The Year in Pharmacy Law”
  • “Understanding Stark Laws, Safe Harbors & Anti-Kickback”
  • “Wage and Hour Issues for the Healthcare Employer”
  • “What a Health Lawyer Does”
  • “What A Pharmacy Student Needs To Know About Pharmacy Law”
  • “What You Don't Know About Health Care Law Can Hurt You”
  • “What's New In Pharmacy Law”


  • 11th Annual Specialized CLE for In-House Counsel
  • 2015 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • 2018 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • 2019 ASPL Fall Meeting Developments in Pharmacy Law Seminar XXX
  • 2019 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • 2021 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • 2022 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • 2023 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • 2024 Pharmacy Law Symposium
  • American Society for Pharmacy Law (ASPL) 2020 Virtual Fall Meeting
  • Case Law Update
  • Case Law Update
  • Case Law Update
  • Case Law Update
  • Emergent Technologies Panel Discussion
  • Lessons Learned From the COVID-19 Crisis
  • NASP 2019 Annual Meeting & Expo 4th Annual Specialty Pharmacy Law Conference
  • NASP 2020 Annual Meeting & Expo Virtual Experience and 5th Annual Specialty Pharmacy Law Conference
  • National Law Overview: COVID-19 Impact
  • Pharmacy Law Update
  • Pharmacy Law Update
  • Pharmacy Law Update
  • State of the Law in Specialty Pharmacy
  • State Pharmacy Licensure & Compliance
  • Virtual "Mini" Pharmacy Law Symposium

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