Practice Expertise

  • Construction

Areas of Practice

  • Construction
  • Litigation and disputes

WSG Practice Industries


My clients value my assistance with their biggest and highest risk projects. They also trust me to support their day-to-day procurement through user friendly templates. I also help clients avoid and manage construction disputes.

I work extensively with government agencies, along with major contractors and private developers.

I am particularly interested in energy transformation and the impact of emerging technologies on construction and transport.

Career highlights

  • Renewable Energy – Advised clients including Stanwell Corporation, CleanCo, Seqwater and Boer Energy on major renewable energy projects, including EPC and O&M Agreements for new wind and solar farms (including Wambo Wind Farm Stages 1 and 2), battery energy storage projects (including Swanbank BESS), an iron flow battery pilot project, multiple pumped hydro projects and a major green hydrogen project. Supported Stanwell to establish its renewable energy operation and maintenance business SAMCo, and in tendering and contracting to service various renewable energy assets. Advised the Queensland Government on the Copperstring Project. Supported a range of sustainment projects at traditional generating assets to support renewable energy transition, including control systems upgrades.
  • Transport – Advised Queensland Rail on projects including Cross River Rail, New European Train Control System and Inland Rail. I have also advised the Queensland Government on major new regional rail lines and urban toll roads, including the Logan Motorway upgrade, and BAC on the parallel runway project.
  • Resources – Advised resource companies including Rio Tinto and Anglo American on mining and processing plant developments and expansions, (including Amrun, Grosvenor and Mt Morgan).
  • Demolition and Closure – Advised clients including Stanwell, Rio Tinto and ERA on major asset demolition, remediation and closure projects, including power stations and the Gove refinery, Australia's largest demolition project.
  • Water – Supported government owned entities including GAWB, Urban Utilities and Seqwater with the construction, operation and expansion of water and wastewater networks in Gladstone and SEQ, including the Fitzroy to Gladstone Pipeline and a 10yr program of SEQ capital works.
  • Marine – Advised on major dredging and marine infrastructure projects, including advising the Northern Territory Government on the Darwin Ship Lift Project and the Commonwealth on the Douglas Shoal Remediation project.
  • Disputes – Advised principals and contractors on security of payment and other construction disputes, including expert determinations and litigation.
  • Defence – Supported the Department of Defence with projects in Queensland, Northern Territory and South Australia.
  • Templates – Prepared market leading procurement templates and provided training manuals and sessions for clients including Stanwell, Queensland Rail, Anglo American, Rio Tinto, ADCO and Energex.
  • Ranked by guides such as Doyle's Guide and Best Lawyers as a leading Queensland construction, infrastructure and projects lawyer.
  • Lectured on construction law at the University of Queensland.
  • Leading a team of amazing lawyers, and working with terrific clients to solve complex problems.


Areas of Practice

  • Construction
  • Litigation and disputes

Professional Career

Professional Associations
  • Infrastructure Association of Queensland
  • Queensland Law Society


Additional Articles
  • Queensland delivers on indicative timeframe for project trust accounts

    The Queensland Government has announced dates for the latest amendments to the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (Qld), with changes commencing from 1 October 2020.

  • Changes to critical infrastructure laws in 2021: is your sector impacted?

    The Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2020 (Cth) is currently before Parliament and may increase the regulatory burden for those responsible for critical infrastructure assets in designated 'critical' sectors, as well as the government's powers over those assets.

  • Future technologies in transport

    What are some of the exciting developments we're seeing in transport? How can these be practically applied?

  • Driverless vehicles: a complex journey towards a simpler life

    What does a 'brave new world' of driverless vehicles look like? How will their introduction impact on cities of the future?

  • 7 tips for effective infrastructure stimulus packages during COVID

    Key contractual issues for Government to manage when delivering infrastructure stimulus packages.

  • Updates to security of payment laws finalised but rollout delayed by COVID-19

    The latest amendments to the Building Industry Fairness (Security of Payment) Act 2017 (Qld) have been enacted, with the primary goal of streamlining the project bank accounts regime. Dates for further roll-out of the scheme are to be fixed by proclamation.

  • How should government manage data from C-ITS and autonomous vehicles?

    On 27 September 2018, the National Transport Commission released its discussion paper 'Regulating Government Access to C-ITS and Automated Vehicle Data'. The following article looks at its implications.

  • New South Wales prepares to give the green light to the trialling of driverless vehicles
    This week the NSW Government introduced the Transport Legislation Amendment (Automated Vehicle Trials and Innovation) Bill 2017 (the NSW Bill) into parliament.
  • Changing driving laws to support automated vehicles

    On 29 May 2018 the National Transport Commission published the Changing Driving Laws to Support Automated Vehicles Policy Paper, which outlines recommendations for the implementation of a purpose-built national law for the regulation of Automated Vehicles.

  • Project Trust Accounts required for more Queensland contracts in 2022

    From 1 January 2022, certain private sector and government contracts in Queensland, valued at $10 million or more, will require a project trust account.

  • Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill UK

    The United Kingdom (UK) has taken a significant step towards implementing regulation to allow fully connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) to operate on public roads in the UK.

    Over 120 years after the Locomotives on Highways Act 1896 (UK) was introduced to regulate motorised vehicles in the UK the House of Commons passed the Automated and Electric Vehicles Bill (UK) (AEVB) on 29 January 2018.

    The AEVB extends the current 'human driver' centric insurance scheme to account for accidents involving an autonomous vehicle that causes an accident whilst driving itself. It also sets out a regime for electric vehicles and charging.

  • Investors’ insights for navigating project risks

    Current market conditions are impacting risk allocation. We explore what this means for investors and outline three approaches for achieving value while managing risk.

  • How autonomous vehicles will support the unstoppable rise of the city

    The widespread adoption of Autonomous Vehicles promises to radically transform public and private transportation. Driverless cars and other forms of Autonomous Vehicles will fundamentally alter how we move about our cities, and also change cities themselves

  • In with the new? Bringing further project bank account reforms closer

    In Queensland, a new bill aims to streamline the project bank accounts regime and improve other key aspects of Queensland's security of payment laws.

  • NSW worker-protection guideline: Regulating mining in an age of automation

    The New South Wales Resources Regulator has introduced an autonomous mobile mining plant guideline to assist mine operators to manage risks associated with the technology. Here, we analyse the NSW guideline and compare it to the approach taken in WA. We also discuss a recent Fair Work Commission decision, which provides important learnings for companies that are considering implementing autonomous mining.

  • The NTC revamps the regulation of driver distraction rules

    The National Transport Commission (NTC) is undertaking a project aimed at identifying, regulating and mitigating the safety risks arising from driver distraction.

  • Have your say on the national approach to safety of automated vehicles

    The National Transport Commission has released a discussion paper that seeks feedback on a national approach to the in-service safety of autonomous vehicles in Australia. Submissions were due by 11 December 2020.

  • Queensland Construction Law - Year in Review 2020

    Throughout 2020, the Queensland Government has made a number of important changes to laws governing Queensland construction projects. We summarise the changes, and highlight what may be coming in 2021.

  • Navigating risks in battery energy storage systems

    We discuss how you can navigate battery energy storage systems challenges with insights on procurement, risk mitigation, and project optimisation for successful delivery.

  • First Security of Critical Infrastructure Bill is now live

    On 2 December 2021 the Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure) Bill 2021 (Cth) received royal assent and became law in Australia. We explore what it means going forward.

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