Practice Expertise
- Corporate Criminal
Areas of Practice
- Corporate Criminal
WSG Practice Industries
WSG Leadership
- WSG Coronavirus Task Force Group - Member
Hildamar joined the firm in 2017 as a consultant. She is a criminal lawyer with sound educational background in High Technology Law and Computer Law. She has a degree in Special Criminal Law. She has served as representative from the Attorney General's Office, 7th Public Prosecutor of the Cultural Heritage Protection and Defense Area, and 17th Public Prosecutor of the Area of Ordinary and computer-related Crimes. She has a substantial training and experience of more than 15 years.
Criminal consultant at Leĝa Abogados.
Criminal consultant at Leĝa Abogados.
Specialization in High Technology Law. Universidad Católica de Argentina.
Update course on Computer Law. Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013.
Specialization in Criminal Law. Universidad Santa María, Venezuela, 2003.
Postgraduate course in Special Criminal Law. Universidad de Salamanca, Spain, 2001.
Law Degree. Universidad Central de Venezuela, Venezuela, 1999.
Areas of Practice
- Corporate Criminal
Professional Career
Seminars/ Presentation
I Congreso Argentino Cibercrimen e Investigación Digital [I Argentinian Congress on Cybercrime and Digital Investigation] – Argentina, 2017.
X Encuentro de Seguridad Informática [X Meeting on IT Security]. Buenos Aires –Argentina, 2017.
III Curso Internacional Big Data [III International Course on Big Data]. Medellín, Colombia. 2017.
Retos de los peritos informáticos en la práctica judicial [Challenges IT Experts face in the Judicial Practice]. Observatorio Guatemalteco de Delitos Informáticos. Guatemala. On-Line, 2017.
X Encuentro de seguridad informática [X Meeting on IT Security]. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016.
III Curso Internacional Big Data. [II International Course on Big Data]. Medellín, Colombia, 2016.
Retos de los Peritos Informáticos en la Práctica Judicial [Challenges IT Experts face in the Judicial Practice]. Observatorio Guatemalteco de Delitos Informáticos. Guatemala. On-Line-Guatemala. 2016.
Conferencista en Certificación Perito Forense Digital. On-line - [Speaker at Digital Forensic Expert Certification. On-line]. Guatemala. 2016.
Derecho Informático y pruebas electrónicas. II Curso integral de informática forense [Computer Law and Electronic Evidence. II Computer Forensics Comprehensive Course]. Caracas, Venezuela. 2016.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela. Diplomado STIT [Legal Aspects of Information and Communications Technologies in Venezuela. Iformation Techonology Security Certificate]. Caracas, Venezuela. 2016.
Derecho Informático y pruebas electrónicas [Computer law and electronic evidences]. Second comprehensive course on computer forensics. Ministry of People's Power for Defense. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal issues of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2016.
Derecho Informático y pruebas electrónicas [Computer law and electronic evidences]. First comprehensive course on computer forensics. Ministry of People's Power for Defense. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Marco legal de la informática forense. [Legal framework of computer forensics]. First meeting for the drafting of good practices protocol on computer forensics. Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC). Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Taller sobre delitos informáticos. [Workshop on computer-related crimes]. Escuela Nacional de Fiscales of the Attorney General's Office. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal issues of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
II Jornadas de derecho informático y pruebas electrónica [II Conference of Computer Law and Electronic Evidences]. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal issues of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2014.
I Seminario de pruebas electrónicas. [I Seminar on electronic evidences]. Caracas, Venezuela, 2014.
Centros de respuesta ante incidentes telemáticos como estrategia de seguridad del Estado venezolano [Response centers for telematics incidents as a security strategy of the Venezuelan State]. XVII Ibero-American Congress on Law and Computer Science. Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 2013.
Aspectos legales del manejo de incidentes informáticos [Legal issues of computer incidents management]. IV Congress on Computer Law of Asociación Argentina de Derecho Informático. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013.
Marco legal de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela [Legal framework of information and communication technologies in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela]. III Latin American Meeting of Computer Law. Chubut, Argentina, 2013.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal issues of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2013.
Marco legal de gestión de incidentes telemáticos. [Legal framework of telematics incidents management]. XLVII Congress of the Inter-American Bar Association (FIA). Margarita, Venezuela, 2012.
Marco legal de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela. [Legal framework of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. SENIAT. Caracas, Venezuela, 2012.
Marco legal de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela. [Legal framework of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2012.
Aspectos legales de la gestión de incidentes telemáticos. [Legal issues of telematics incidents management]. CNE. Caracas, Venezuela, 2012.
Tecnologías de información en el registro civil venezolano. [Information technologies in the Venezuelan civil registry]. II International Meeting of Experts on civil registration. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Aspectos legales del gobierno electrónico. [Legal issues of the electronic government]. Exchange of experiences in the implementation of the electronic government in the framework of the modernization of the State between the Commission of the Civil and Electoral Registry of the Republics of Venezuela and Chile. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Marco legal de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal framework of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. CNE. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Marco legal de la seguridad de la información en Venezuela. [Legal framework of information security in Venezuela]. SECODENA. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Aspectos legales del documento electrónico. [Legal issues of electronic document]. Universidad Simón Bolívar. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Marco legal de la certificación electrónica y la seguridad de la información [Legal framework of the electronic certification and information security]. Vice-Ministry of Science and Technology. La Paz, Bolivia, 2011.
Promoción, admisión y evacuación de pruebas [Promotion, admission and examination of evidences]. International Conference on Information Security. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Inducción en aspectos legales de la tecnología y seguridad de información [Introduction to legal issues on technology and information security]. ISEC. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Taller de protección de la información, la intimidad y resolución de conflictos en el entorno digital [Workshop on data protection, privacy and dispute resolution in the digital environment]. International Conference on Information Security. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Aspectos legales de la certificación electrónica [Legal issues of electronic certification]. Universidad Simón Bolívar, on occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Secretariat of the USB. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Aspectos legales de la seguridad de la Información [Legal issues of security information]. Universidad Católica Santa Rosa, on occasion of the 10th anniversary of the university. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Marco legal de la certificación electrónica y la seguridad de la información [Legal framework of electronic certification and security information]. Judicial Branch of Falcón State. Venezuela, 2010.
Taller de sensibilización en materia de certificación electrónica [Awareness workshop on electronic certification]. National Anti-Drug Office (ONA). Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Certificación electrónica [Electronic certification]. Videoconference held on the occasion of the World Internet Day, 2009.
Delitos informáticos en las empresas [Computer-related crimes in companies]. Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce. Caracas, Venezuela, 2009.
Aspectos legales de la seguridad de la información [Legal issues of the information security]. 4th Edition of Infosecurity. Caracas, Venezuela, 2009.
Seguridad de la información y delitos informáticos [Information security and computer-related crimes]. Seminar on Information Security organized by the Venezuelan Commission for Currency Administration (CADIVI) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela, 2009.
Delitos informáticos [Computer-related crimes]. II Congress of Mercosur on Computer Law. Córdoba, Argentina, 2008.
Seguridad de la información y manejos de incidentes telemáticos para abogados de entes y órganos de la administración pública de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. [Information security and telematics incidents management for attorneys from entities and public administration bodies of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela]. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Respuestas ante incidentes informáticos, marco legal de los delitos informáticos. Taller "Seguridad de la Información y Manejos de Incidentes telemáticos para periodistas" [Computer incident responses, legal framework of computer-related crimes. Workshop: "Information security and telematics incidents management for journalists]. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela. [Legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. I Training session on technological crimes for officers of the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Administración pública online. [Online public administration]. Round tables of the Comptroller General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the development of the project of the online Sworn Declaration. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Delitos informáticos y su metodología de investigación [Computer-related crimes and its research metodology]. Siguiéndole la huella al cybercrimen [Following the footprint to cybercrime]. Superintendency of Electronic Certification Services of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Fraudes informáticos. [Computer frauds]. I Diploma course on Computer Law at Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia, 2007.
I Encuentro sobre seguridad lógica y delitos informáticos [First Meeting on logical security and computer-related crimes]. Electricidad de Caracas, Venezuela, 2007.
Investigaciones sobre incidentes informáticos [Investigations of computer incidents]. Diploma course on Security in information technology and telecommunications given at Instituto Universitario de Seguros. Caracas, Venezuela, 2007.
I Seminario sobre fraudes informáticos [I Seminar on computer frauds]. Conference imparted at Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia, 2007.
Marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Conference imparted in the VII World Congress on Computer Law. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2007.
Investigaciones sobre incidentes informáticos y marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Investigations of computer incidents and legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. I Conference on Forensic Sciences at Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela, 2007.
Marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. ISEC Information Security Congress. Caracas, Venezuela, 2007.
Taller de capacitación para manejo y seguimiento de incidentes en Internet [Training workshop on management and tracking of Internet incidents]. Microsoft. Caracas, Venezuela, 2007.
Tipo penal de fraude informático, previsto y sancionado en la Ley Especial contra los Delitos Informáticos Venezolana [Penal type of computer fraud, provided and sanctioned by the Special Law against computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. VII Andean Congress on Computer Law. Cali, Colombia, 2007.
Informática forense y delitos informáticos [Computer forensics and computer-related crimes]. Conference imparted at the Attorney General's Office and Judicial Power of Táchira Sate. San Cristóbal, Venezuela, 2006.
Delitos informáticos en las empresas. [Computer-related crimes in Companies]. Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce. Caracas, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela. [Legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Fundación Provincia. Caracas, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Instituto de Estudios Superiores of the Attorney General's Office. Maturín State, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Instituto de Estudios Superiores of the Attorney General's Office. Conference imparted to prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office, police officers and judges. Aragua State, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Instituto de Estudios Superiores of the Attorney General's Office. Conference imparted to prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office, police officers and judges. Lara State, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. IV Conferences on computer-related crimes. SUSCERTE. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Conference imparted in the framework of the World Telecommunication Day. CONATEL. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
Delitos eléctricos [Electric crimes]. Enelven. Zulia State, Venezuela, 2005.
Delitos informáticos [Computer-related crimes]. Fundación Provincial. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
Técnica de oratoria y juicio oral [Oratory and oral trial technique]. Instituto de Estudios Superiores of the Attorney General's Office. Workshop for Prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
Professional Activities and Experience
Criminal lawyer in the free exercise:
External consultant in various institutions of the State on security, corruption, organized crime and technology law, 2012-present.
Deputy Director of the Attorney General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 2015-2015.
Ministry of People's Power for Science, Technology and Innovation, 2008-2012:
External Consultant of the Superintendence of Electronic Certification Services (SUSCERTE):
Member of the founding group of the Root Certificates Authority of the Venezuelan State and of the Authority of Certification for Senior Officers of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Representative of SUSCERTE before the European Commission (certificate in Cyber Crime and electronic evidences).
External consultant of SUSCERTE.
Attorney General's Office of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 2000-2008:
17th Public Prosecutor of the Area of Ordinary and computer-related Crimes, 2004-2008.
Representative of the Attorney General's Office in the Meeting of Governmental Experts on Cyber Crimes before the OAS. Washington, D.C., USA, 2005.
7th Public Prosecutor of the Cultural Heritage Protection and Defense Area (currently against Corruption), 2000-2004.
Member of the technical group of the Attorney General's Office in charge of the drafting of the evidence and chain of custody handling manual, 2000-2004.
I Congreso Argentino Cibercrimen e Investigación Digital [I Argentinian Congress on Cybercrime and Digital Investigation] – Argentina, 2017.
X Encuentro de Seguridad Informática [X Meeting on IT Security]. Buenos Aires –Argentina, 2017.
III Curso Internacional Big Data [III International Course on Big Data]. Medellín, Colombia. 2017.
Retos de los peritos informáticos en la práctica judicial [Challenges IT Experts face in the Judicial Practice]. Observatorio Guatemalteco de Delitos Informáticos. Guatemala. On-Line, 2017.
X Encuentro de seguridad informática [X Meeting on IT Security]. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2016.
III Curso Internacional Big Data. [II International Course on Big Data]. Medellín, Colombia, 2016.
Retos de los Peritos Informáticos en la Práctica Judicial [Challenges IT Experts face in the Judicial Practice]. Observatorio Guatemalteco de Delitos Informáticos. Guatemala. On-Line-Guatemala. 2016.
Conferencista en Certificación Perito Forense Digital. On-line - [Speaker at Digital Forensic Expert Certification. On-line]. Guatemala. 2016.
Derecho Informático y pruebas electrónicas. II Curso integral de informática forense [Computer Law and Electronic Evidence. II Computer Forensics Comprehensive Course]. Caracas, Venezuela. 2016.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela. Diplomado STIT [Legal Aspects of Information and Communications Technologies in Venezuela. Iformation Techonology Security Certificate]. Caracas, Venezuela. 2016.
Derecho Informático y pruebas electrónicas [Computer law and electronic evidences]. Second comprehensive course on computer forensics. Ministry of People's Power for Defense. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal issues of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2016.
Derecho Informático y pruebas electrónicas [Computer law and electronic evidences]. First comprehensive course on computer forensics. Ministry of People's Power for Defense. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Marco legal de la informática forense. [Legal framework of computer forensics]. First meeting for the drafting of good practices protocol on computer forensics. Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC). Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Taller sobre delitos informáticos. [Workshop on computer-related crimes]. Escuela Nacional de Fiscales of the Attorney General's Office. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal issues of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
II Jornadas de derecho informático y pruebas electrónica [II Conference of Computer Law and Electronic Evidences]. Caracas, Venezuela, 2015.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal issues of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2014.
I Seminario de pruebas electrónicas. [I Seminar on electronic evidences]. Caracas, Venezuela, 2014.
Centros de respuesta ante incidentes telemáticos como estrategia de seguridad del Estado venezolano [Response centers for telematics incidents as a security strategy of the Venezuelan State]. XVII Ibero-American Congress on Law and Computer Science. Santa Cruz, Bolivia, 2013.
Aspectos legales del manejo de incidentes informáticos [Legal issues of computer incidents management]. IV Congress on Computer Law of Asociación Argentina de Derecho Informático. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2013.
Marco legal de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en la República Bolivariana de Venezuela [Legal framework of information and communication technologies in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela]. III Latin American Meeting of Computer Law. Chubut, Argentina, 2013.
Aspectos legales de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal issues of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2013.
Marco legal de gestión de incidentes telemáticos. [Legal framework of telematics incidents management]. XLVII Congress of the Inter-American Bar Association (FIA). Margarita, Venezuela, 2012.
Marco legal de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela. [Legal framework of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. SENIAT. Caracas, Venezuela, 2012.
Marco legal de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela. [Legal framework of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. STIT Diploma course. Caracas, Venezuela, 2012.
Aspectos legales de la gestión de incidentes telemáticos. [Legal issues of telematics incidents management]. CNE. Caracas, Venezuela, 2012.
Tecnologías de información en el registro civil venezolano. [Information technologies in the Venezuelan civil registry]. II International Meeting of Experts on civil registration. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Aspectos legales del gobierno electrónico. [Legal issues of the electronic government]. Exchange of experiences in the implementation of the electronic government in the framework of the modernization of the State between the Commission of the Civil and Electoral Registry of the Republics of Venezuela and Chile. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Marco legal de las tecnologías de información y comunicación en Venezuela [Legal framework of information and communication technologies in Venezuela]. CNE. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Marco legal de la seguridad de la información en Venezuela. [Legal framework of information security in Venezuela]. SECODENA. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Aspectos legales del documento electrónico. [Legal issues of electronic document]. Universidad Simón Bolívar. Caracas, Venezuela, 2011.
Marco legal de la certificación electrónica y la seguridad de la información [Legal framework of the electronic certification and information security]. Vice-Ministry of Science and Technology. La Paz, Bolivia, 2011.
Promoción, admisión y evacuación de pruebas [Promotion, admission and examination of evidences]. International Conference on Information Security. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Inducción en aspectos legales de la tecnología y seguridad de información [Introduction to legal issues on technology and information security]. ISEC. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Taller de protección de la información, la intimidad y resolución de conflictos en el entorno digital [Workshop on data protection, privacy and dispute resolution in the digital environment]. International Conference on Information Security. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Aspectos legales de la certificación electrónica [Legal issues of electronic certification]. Universidad Simón Bolívar, on occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Secretariat of the USB. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Aspectos legales de la seguridad de la Información [Legal issues of security information]. Universidad Católica Santa Rosa, on occasion of the 10th anniversary of the university. Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Marco legal de la certificación electrónica y la seguridad de la información [Legal framework of electronic certification and security information]. Judicial Branch of Falcón State. Venezuela, 2010.
Taller de sensibilización en materia de certificación electrónica [Awareness workshop on electronic certification]. National Anti-Drug Office (ONA). Caracas, Venezuela, 2010.
Certificación electrónica [Electronic certification]. Videoconference held on the occasion of the World Internet Day, 2009.
Delitos informáticos en las empresas [Computer-related crimes in companies]. Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce. Caracas, Venezuela, 2009.
Aspectos legales de la seguridad de la información [Legal issues of the information security]. 4th Edition of Infosecurity. Caracas, Venezuela, 2009.
Seguridad de la información y delitos informáticos [Information security and computer-related crimes]. Seminar on Information Security organized by the Venezuelan Commission for Currency Administration (CADIVI) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela, 2009.
Delitos informáticos [Computer-related crimes]. II Congress of Mercosur on Computer Law. Córdoba, Argentina, 2008.
Seguridad de la información y manejos de incidentes telemáticos para abogados de entes y órganos de la administración pública de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. [Information security and telematics incidents management for attorneys from entities and public administration bodies of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela]. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Respuestas ante incidentes informáticos, marco legal de los delitos informáticos. Taller "Seguridad de la Información y Manejos de Incidentes telemáticos para periodistas" [Computer incident responses, legal framework of computer-related crimes. Workshop: "Information security and telematics incidents management for journalists]. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela. [Legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. I Training session on technological crimes for officers of the Scientific, Penal and Criminal Investigations Corps (CICPC) of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Administración pública online. [Online public administration]. Round tables of the Comptroller General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for the development of the project of the online Sworn Declaration. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Delitos informáticos y su metodología de investigación [Computer-related crimes and its research metodology]. Siguiéndole la huella al cybercrimen [Following the footprint to cybercrime]. Superintendency of Electronic Certification Services of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela, 2008.
Fraudes informáticos. [Computer frauds]. I Diploma course on Computer Law at Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia, 2007.
I Encuentro sobre seguridad lógica y delitos informáticos [First Meeting on logical security and computer-related crimes]. Electricidad de Caracas, Venezuela, 2007.
Investigaciones sobre incidentes informáticos [Investigations of computer incidents]. Diploma course on Security in information technology and telecommunications given at Instituto Universitario de Seguros. Caracas, Venezuela, 2007.
I Seminario sobre fraudes informáticos [I Seminar on computer frauds]. Conference imparted at Universidad CES. Medellín, Colombia, 2007.
Marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Conference imparted in the VII World Congress on Computer Law. San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2007.
Investigaciones sobre incidentes informáticos y marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Investigations of computer incidents and legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. I Conference on Forensic Sciences at Universidad de Carabobo. Valencia, Venezuela, 2007.
Marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. ISEC Information Security Congress. Caracas, Venezuela, 2007.
Taller de capacitación para manejo y seguimiento de incidentes en Internet [Training workshop on management and tracking of Internet incidents]. Microsoft. Caracas, Venezuela, 2007.
Tipo penal de fraude informático, previsto y sancionado en la Ley Especial contra los Delitos Informáticos Venezolana [Penal type of computer fraud, provided and sanctioned by the Special Law against computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. VII Andean Congress on Computer Law. Cali, Colombia, 2007.
Informática forense y delitos informáticos [Computer forensics and computer-related crimes]. Conference imparted at the Attorney General's Office and Judicial Power of Táchira Sate. San Cristóbal, Venezuela, 2006.
Delitos informáticos en las empresas. [Computer-related crimes in Companies]. Venezuelan-American Chamber of Commerce. Caracas, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela. [Legal framework of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Fundación Provincia. Caracas, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Instituto de Estudios Superiores of the Attorney General's Office. Maturín State, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Instituto de Estudios Superiores of the Attorney General's Office. Conference imparted to prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office, police officers and judges. Aragua State, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Instituto de Estudios Superiores of the Attorney General's Office. Conference imparted to prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office, police officers and judges. Lara State, Venezuela, 2006.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. IV Conferences on computer-related crimes. SUSCERTE. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
Marco legal e investigación de los delitos informáticos en Venezuela [Legal framework and investigation of computer-related crimes in Venezuela]. Conference imparted in the framework of the World Telecommunication Day. CONATEL. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
Delitos eléctricos [Electric crimes]. Enelven. Zulia State, Venezuela, 2005.
Delitos informáticos [Computer-related crimes]. Fundación Provincial. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
Técnica de oratoria y juicio oral [Oratory and oral trial technique]. Instituto de Estudios Superiores of the Attorney General's Office. Workshop for Prosecutors of the Attorney General's Office. Caracas, Venezuela, 2005.
Professional Activities and Experience
Criminal lawyer in the free exercise:
External consultant in various institutions of the State on security, corruption, organized crime and technology law, 2012-present.
Deputy Director of the Attorney General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 2015-2015.
Ministry of People's Power for Science, Technology and Innovation, 2008-2012:
External Consultant of the Superintendence of Electronic Certification Services (SUSCERTE):
Member of the founding group of the Root Certificates Authority of the Venezuelan State and of the Authority of Certification for Senior Officers of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.
Representative of SUSCERTE before the European Commission (certificate in Cyber Crime and electronic evidences).
External consultant of SUSCERTE.
Attorney General's Office of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, 2000-2008:
17th Public Prosecutor of the Area of Ordinary and computer-related Crimes, 2004-2008.
Representative of the Attorney General's Office in the Meeting of Governmental Experts on Cyber Crimes before the OAS. Washington, D.C., USA, 2005.
7th Public Prosecutor of the Cultural Heritage Protection and Defense Area (currently against Corruption), 2000-2004.
Member of the technical group of the Attorney General's Office in charge of the drafting of the evidence and chain of custody handling manual, 2000-2004.
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