Practice Expertise

  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Commercial
  • Real Estate Law
  • Real Estate

Areas of Practice

  • Commercial
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Real Estate
  • Real Estate Law
  • SME
  • Taxation
  • View More


Senior Notary

Marie-Andrée Truchon is a notary and tax specialist and practices in the Business Law group where she works chiefly in the areas of corporate law and taxation. As part of her practice, she is assigned to cases dealing with acquisitions/sales of corporations, mergers and corporate reorganizations, where she is called upon to draft a variety of commercial agreements.


  • M.Fisc., Université de Sherbrooke, 2017
  • Member of the Chambre des Notaires since 2017
  • LL.M., Université de Sherbrooke, 2015
  • LL.B., Université de Sherbrooke, 2014
  • Certificate in Political Studies, Université de Sherbrooke, 2012

Areas of Practice

  • Commercial
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Real Estate
  • Real Estate Law
  • SME
  • Taxation

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments

Ms. Truchon holds a Master's degree in taxation from Université de Sherbrooke. Her Master’s thesis, Modification d’un acte de fiducie : aspects légaux et fiscaux [Amending a Trust Deed: Legal and Tax Aspects], was published in the Revue de planification fiscale et financière and awarded two Excellence Awards by the APFF and the Canadian Tax Foundation.

As of 2016, she held the positions of notary, public officer and legal advisor as part of a study conducted by notaries. She joined the firm’s Sherbrooke office in 2018.


  • M.-A. Truchon, “Modification d’un acte de fiducie : aspects légaux et fiscaux”, Revue de la planification fiscale et financière, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 621-676, 2017

Professional and Community Activities

  • Tax Clinic, Faculté d’administration de l’Université de Sherbrooke, March-April 2016
  • RDI Économie : Live special broadcast on Taxation - participated and responded to questions from the public sent in via Twitter.

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