Practice Expertise

  • Compliance and Anti-Corruption
  • Criminal Law

Areas of Practice

  • Compliance and Anti-Corruption
  • Criminal Law


His practice is focused mainly on compliance, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering and counter-terrorist financing, corporate crime risk management, internal investigations, and ethics and compliance programs.

Bar Admissions
Chile (2013).


  • Law, Universidad de Chile (Summa Cum Laude).
  • Degree in Corporate Governance and Criminal compliance, Universidad de Talca (2017).
  • Master in Economic Criminal Law, Universidad de Chile (2018).
  • Disloyal Management, Commercial Bribery and Amendments in Public Corruption Course, Universidad de Chile (2019).
  • Course in Risk Management Systems: ISO 31000, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2019).
  • Course on How to Implement an ISO 37001 Anti-Bribery Management System, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2019).
  • Course on Implementation of an ISO 37301 Compliance Management System, AENOR (2023).
  • Update Course on Environmental Crimes, Universidad de Chile (2023).

Areas of Practice

  • Compliance and Anti-Corruption
  • Criminal Law

Professional Career

Significant Accomplishments
  • Recognized as Rising Star of the Year in Compliance, The Legal 500 (2023).
  • Recognized as Trainer of the Year by the Alliance for Integrity (2019 and 2022).
  • Recognized in Compliance, Leaders League.
  • Recognized in Compliance, The Legal 500.
  • Recognized in Compliance, Top Ranked Legal.

Professional Activities and Experience
  • Member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) (since 2019).
  • Visiting Professor, Commercial Law and Corporate Compliance, Universidad Diego Portales (2018).
  • Trainer in Business-to-Business Anti-corruption Training Program, Alliance for Integrity and Chilean-German Chamber of Commerce (since 2016).
  • Member of "Compliance Circle", Chilean-German Chamber of Commerce (since 2016).
  • Teaching Assistant of Criminal Law, Universidad de Chile (2013-2017).
  • Teaching Assistant of Institutional History of Chile, Universidad de Chile (2007-2010).
  • Member of the Chilean Bar Association.


  • Co-author of the Chilean chapter of the book “Development of Compliance practice in Latin America”, Tirant Humanidades (2021).
  • Co-author of the publication “No Excuses! Rebutting the 10 most frequent excuses for corrupt conduct. A pocket guide for business professionals”, Alliance for Integrity (2021).
  • Co-author of the article “Seeing into Solitary II: A Further Review of the Laws and Policies of Certain Nations”, Weil and Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice (2021).
  • Co-author of the article "Current Challenges for Criminal Compliance and Anti-Bribery Management Systems in the Public and Private Sphere. Diario La Ley (Spain) - Wolters Kluwer (2020).
  • Author of the chapter “Identification, Analysis, Evaluation and Control of Corruption Risks in the Company” of the book “Criminal Compliance: Corruption Prevention Systems”, DER Ediciones (2019).
  • Author of "Comment on the Sentence of the Court of Appeals of Santiago of December 7, 2017 (Case Nr. 2348-2015)" on the crime of kidnapping, Revista Doctrina y Jurisprudencia Penal, Universidad de los Andes, Thomson Reuters (2019).
  • Author of the book "Crime of Money Laundering and Positive Duties", DER Ediciones (2019).
  • Co-author of the book "Crime Prevention Policies in the Company", Abeledo Perrot – Legal Publishing (2014).
  • Co-author of the book "Criminal Consequences against Legal Persons in Colombia, and Policies to Prevent Crime in Companies. A Look at the Chilean Model", Nueva Jurídica (2014).

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