Practice Expertise

  • Insurance Coverage Counseling and Litigation
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Litigation
  • Cyber Insurance

Areas of Practice

  • Cyber Insurance
  • Insurance Coverage
  • Insurance Coverage Counseling and Litigation
  • Litigation
  • International Arbitration and Transnational ...
  • Professional Liability
  • Reinsurance
  • Securities Litigation and SEC Enforcement
  • Transactional Insurance
  • View More


Patrick counsels clients on all aspects of insurance and reinsurance coverage. He assists clients in obtaining appropriate coverage and represents clients in resolving disputes over coverage, including in litigation and arbitration. During law school, Patrick served as a judicial intern for two federal judges: the Honorable Michael F. Urbanski in the Western District of Virginia and the Honorable Ricardo M. Urbina in the District of Columbia.

Bar Admissions

    JD, Georgetown University Law Center, cum laude, 2010

    BS, BA, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, cum laude, 2006

    Areas of Practice

    • Cyber Insurance
    • Insurance Coverage
    • Insurance Coverage Counseling and Litigation
    • Litigation
    • International Arbitration and Transnational Litigation
    • Professional Liability
    • Reinsurance
    • Securities Litigation and SEC Enforcement
    • Transactional Insurance

    Professional Career


    • Look Closely At Insurer Allegations Concerning Privilege, Law360
    • Policyholder obtains coverage for $80 million settlement reached without insurer’s consent, Inside Counsel
    • Business Liability Policy Requires Insurer to Defend Defamation and Business Tort Claims Arising Out of Business’ Web Site Publications, FC&S Legal
    • The Bad Faith Exception to the Prejudice Requirement Does Not Represent New York Law, ARIAS – U.S. Quarterly
    • Fourth Circuit Rules under Maryland Law that Insurer May Not Void Policy Based on Ambiguous Policy Application Questions, FC&E Legal
    • Implications of Flagship Credit V. Indian Harbor, Law360
    • Landmark Montana Supreme Court Decision Series: The Duty to Defend, The ALI Adviser
    • Insurance for Product Recall Expenses, American Bar Association, Section of Litigation
    • My Insurance Company Is Bankrupt, But Is Reinsured. Can I Make A Claim Directly Against The Reinsurer?, Insurance Coverage Law Report
    • Assessing USF&G’s ‘Objective Reasonableness’ Standard: An Alternative View, AIDA Reinsurance and Insurance Arbitration Society (ARIAS)
    • Arbitration Of Insurance Disputes: Functus Officio and The Clarification Exception
    • To Incorporate or Not to Incorporate? That is the Captive Cell Question, Business Law Today
    • A Farewell to Bellefonte, ARIAS Quarterly
    • Risky Business: Insuring Damage Awards through Judgment Preservation Insurance, Business Law Today
    • On the Record: The Importance of Issue Preservation Throughout Litigation, Virginia Lawyer Magazine
    • Outside Counsel Statements and the Party Exception to Hearsay, ABA Litigation - Pretrial Practice & Discovery
    • Representations and Warranties Insurance Claims & COVID-19, Insurance Coverage Law Center
    • Start-Up Corner: Buying Certainty in an Uncertain World Through Litigation Risk Insurance, The Journal of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence & Law
    • New York High Court Accepts 2nd Circuit’s Certified Question on Important Reinsurance Limits Issue, Westlaw Journal Insurance Coverage
    • Structure, Benefits, and Potential Pitfalls of Captive Insurance, Insurance Coverage Law Center
    • Court Refuses to Dismiss Claims in RWI Lawsuit, Business Law Today
    • “Insurance Law in the District of Columbia,” The District of Columbia Practice Manual 2018 Update
    • The Myth of Bellefonte No More, Mealey's Litigation Report: Reinsurance
    • “Insurance Law in the District of Columbia,” The District of Columbia Practice Manual 2020 Update
    • NY Cedents Enjoy More Protection And Authority, Insurance Law360
    • Representation and Warranty Insurance and the Collateral Source Rule, Insurance Coverage Law Center
    • Court Resolves Reinsurance Limits Dispute Based on Contract’s Unique Terms, Law360
    • Practice notes: Insurance coverage for FIFA-related kickback investigations,
    • Year in Review Insurance Developments in 2014, Law360
    • Bellefonte: The Tide Continues to Turn, Westlaw Journal Insurance Coverage
    • The USF&G (Western MacArthur) Case: Key Takeaways, Westlaw Journal Insurance Coverage
    • Understanding Coverage Options for Cyber Threats, ABA Banking Journal
    • Blockchain: Tapping Its Potential and Insuring Against Its Risks, ABA Business Law Today
    • A Deeper Dive into the Test Case Decision by the English High Court - An analysis of the Test Case, including potential impacts of the ruling, ongoing negotiations, and potential appeal,
    • If Information Is Available Online and No One Accesses It, Was It a “Publication” for the Purpose of Insurance Coverage for Cybersecurity Loss?, Bloomberg BNA Privacy and Security Law Report
    • Representations & Warranties Insurance and Privilege, FC&S Legal
    • How Many Corners in a Complaint? Carving Out Exceptions to the Four Corners Rule, American Bar Association
    • Security Alert: So You Think You Are Fully Insured? Think About Cyber Breaches And Then Think Again
    • Courts Continue To Assess Insurance Policies’ Unique Terms, Law360
    • Cos. In FIFA-Related Investigations Should Check Insurance, Law360
    • Bloomberg Law Practice Suite – Cyber Insurance, Bloomberg BNA
    • Policy Provisions Bolster State Biz Interruption Laws, Law360
    • The Duty to Settle and Its Variations, Insurance Coverage Litigation Newsletter, ABA Section of Litigation
    • Does Your Law Firm Have Insurance Coverage for Cyber-Related Risks? tyl, Young Lawyers Division, American Bar Association
    • Mass. Dispute Highlights R&W Insurance Considerations, Law360
    • Mass. Dispute Highlights R&W Insurance Considerations, Law360
    • Representations and Warranties Insurance: Fundamentals, Practical Guidance
    • Novolex Case Brings Lessons On R&W Insurance, Law360
    • 3 Unexpected Risks Covered By Homeowners Insurance, Law360
    • When Does a Claim Become a “Claim”? A Lesson on Timely Notice, My Construction Expert


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