Practice Expertise
- Banking and Finance
- Capital Markets
- Financial Services
Areas of Practice
- Banking and Finance
- Capital Markets
- Financial Services
Rasmus is a partner in Plesner's Banking and Finance team with extensive experience across both finance and financial regulation. He specializes in LBO financings, which can involve complicated relationships between lenders, debt capital markets transactions, such as securitizations, private credit funds, and other alternative lenders, green and sustainability-linked financing, and restructuring that doesn't go to court. His clients include major international private equity funds, listed companies, credit funds, and banks.
In addition, Rasmus heads Plesner's Fintech practice area, focusing on innovative digital financial services and business models, including payment services, blockchain, consumer finance, and crowdfunding.
Rasmus addresses fintech issues across a wide range of market participants, from startups and scaleups to established financial institutions and global card schemes to big tech companies and financial infrastructure operators.
Rasmus has a Master's degree in Law from the University of Copenhagen.
Rasmus frequently works on complex finance and fintech matters that require a multi-disciplinary team effort, and clients specifically seek out the finance and fintech teams for their ability to deliver a seamless team effort. Clients also consistently highlight the team's deep business understanding and very strategic approach to matters.
Plesner's Banking and Finance team is a leading Danish bank and finance law adviser. We participate in the largest transactions, and our clients include the market's key players. Our specialists span all areas, including lending and debt capital market transactions, structured finance and derivatives, financial regulation, and financial restructuring.
In addition, Rasmus heads Plesner's Fintech practice area, focusing on innovative digital financial services and business models, including payment services, blockchain, consumer finance, and crowdfunding.
Rasmus addresses fintech issues across a wide range of market participants, from startups and scaleups to established financial institutions and global card schemes to big tech companies and financial infrastructure operators.
Rasmus has a Master's degree in Law from the University of Copenhagen.
Rasmus frequently works on complex finance and fintech matters that require a multi-disciplinary team effort, and clients specifically seek out the finance and fintech teams for their ability to deliver a seamless team effort. Clients also consistently highlight the team's deep business understanding and very strategic approach to matters.
Plesner's Banking and Finance team is a leading Danish bank and finance law adviser. We participate in the largest transactions, and our clients include the market's key players. Our specialists span all areas, including lending and debt capital market transactions, structured finance and derivatives, financial regulation, and financial restructuring.
2009 Admitted to the bar, 2006 Master of Laws, University of Copenhagen, 2004 New York University, School of Law
Areas of Practice
- Banking and Finance
- Capital Markets
- Financial Services
Professional Career
Professional Activities and Experience
- 2023 Chambers-Fintech
- 2020 2021 2022 Legal 500
- 2018 2019 2020 2021 2021 2022 IFLR
- 2022 2021 Chambers-Fintech
- 2020 client choice
- 2020 Chambers-Fintech
- 2019 Legal 500
- 2019 Whos who
- 2018 Legal 500
- 2017 Whos who
- 2017 Legal 500
"Bankers hybridudstedelser efter Basel III og CRD IV" (Hybrid Capital Issues by Banks after Basel III and CRD IV), Revision & Regnskabsvæsen, No. 10, 2011, p. 51ff
"Biintervenientens omkostningsmæssige retsstilling" (the Intervener's Legal Position in terms of Costs), Ugeskrift for Retsvæsen, 2009B, p. 74
"Airfinance Annual" (Euromoney Yearbooks), chapter on Denmark
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