Significant issues can arise during the three phases of the design and construction process. Effective planning, performance and completion are critical to the success of any construction project. So is informed counsel that addresses a variety of business issues, including mergers and acquisitions, environmental and regulatory compliance, labor and employment, and bankruptcy and tax matters. The Bradley Construction team has extensive industry knowledge and experience that allows us to...

Practice Expertise
- Construction
- Government Contracts
- International and Cross Border
Areas of Practice
- Construction
- Government Contracts
- International and Cross Border
- International Construction Contract ...
- Litigation View More
How do you get into construction law and become a construction lawyer? When I was a boy, I liked to build toy forts in the roots and branches of a brooding elm tree in our front yard. I used twigs, twine, mud, and imagination.I thought I would grow up to build bridges, but I didn’t (…build bridges, that is; I did grow up).
Along the way from that elm tree to law school I earned a little money and learned a few life lessons from delivering newspapers morning and evening,counting cars at intersections, pumping gas, changing truck tires for Goodyear, cooking hamburgers at a diner, coding computer cards for Gallup, writingreports on poverty programs for a Congressman. I was even a singing waiter in Colorado (although I can’t sing a lick).
From all this I took a prime lesson: listen carefully. And you will learn. Watch closely. And you will see.
In college, I did not learn how to build bridges. Instead, I studied English literature and learned something about communicating complicated ideas andemotions. I then spent some time at sea in the Coast Guard. One night we had to sail between two hurricanes in the Atlantic, waves higher than the bridgeof the ship. All we could do was steer into the waves and hang on. We would roll to port, sometime more than 45°; then that old ship would slowly rightherself and roll to starboard. I loved that ship then; she would not quit on us.
I came to Bradley straight out of law school, and I started practicing in the area of general litigation. I worked on a number of construction casesearly in my career, but I did not concentrate in that area until after I had been at the firm for six years or so. As an associate, I prepared and tried avariety of cases, including cases involving insurance coverage for Travelers, breach of warranty and fraud for Ford Motor Co. and a heavy equipment dealer,personal injury product liability claims against General Motors and other product manufacturers.
My first trial took place one week after I passed the Bar exam. It was a small insurance coverage case. Although I won the case, I learned quickly thatsome people will brazenly tell a story that contradicts the written record.
Still in my first year, I was involved in a lengthy trial arising out of a failed effort to develop a vacation resort facility. I learned how importantplanning was to the success (or failure) of a large enterprise. I also learned about the need to anticipate problems before they occur and about theimportance of getting contract language right.
When I was still an associate, I represented a general contractor which had a contract to build modular structures in Oakland, California for ultimate useat the North Slope of Alaska. There was a small window of time in the summer when the Bering Sea was not iced in. To get through that window, thestructures had to be ready for shipment by barge in a convoy that left in late June. If the contractor missed that deadline, it would have to wait one yearfor the next convoy. I learned how delays lead to acceleration costs, inefficiency costs, and claim battles. I also learned how good contractors do theirbest to carry on, to honor their contracts.
As a young partner, I successfully tried a lengthy arbitration with my partner, Mabry Rogers. We were prosecuting a claim for a general contractor againsta mid-western utility arising out of the expansion of a coal fired power plant on the Ohio River. The arbitration lasted 54 trial days. I learned thatalthough arbitrators are well-educated, experienced decision-makers, they are not disembodied minds; they have hearts and souls like jurors. In complexlitigation, thorough preparation is vital to success. When your team of lawyers, legal assistants, and client representatives is knowledgeable,experienced, and dedicated, then hard work is even more rewarding and even fun.
I represented another general contractor in a suit against the University of California at Davis. The contractor had built a new veterinary sciences classroom and lab building. There were all the usual problems – delays, inefficiencies, acceleration, and extra work. All the major subs eventually becameinvolved in the lawsuit, and the case sagged under the weight of cross claims and counterclaims. I saw what can happen when feuding parties who should knowbetter will not cooperate with one another.
I have been fortunate to work for companies that have had international projects. I have been to Western Australia and Thailand to prosecute and negotiateclaims. I have tried international arbitrations in Cairo, London, and Mexico City and a lawsuit in the courts of Aruba. From these experiences I havelearned how important a curious mind, opened to the ways of other legal systems, can be.
I like to grapple with complicated matters, reduce them to essentials, and make them simple and clear. A federal judge in Little Rock once told me that myopening statement to the jury in a construction defect case was the best presentation of a complicated set of facts and issues he had ever heard, that Ihad taken something difficult to understand and made it easy to see. He reinforced for me how important it is to get to the essentials and simplify thecomplicated.
An old mentor once told me, “Any lawyer can find problems; a good lawyer finds solutions.” He also taught me to listen to clients, learn their business,understand their problems, and then find practical, cost-effective solutions. “Your job,” he said, “is to fix the legal potholes, ditches, and speed trapsthat get in the way of your client’s path to his goals.”
That elm tree from my childhood is long gone – a victim of Dutch elm disease – but the urge to build is still there, only now I help build solutions tolegal and business problems.
Another mentor told me lawyers should give back to the community. For many years I was on the board, and then president, of an inner-city parochial schooluntil, sadly, we had to close it for lack of money. I also served two terms on the board of the Alabama School of Fine Arts.
My three children and my two grandsons all live in Birmingham. This is a great blessing for which I am thankful every day.
Bar Admissions
- Alabama, 1976
Court Admissions
- Supreme Court of the United States
- United States Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals, 5th Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals, 6th Circuit
- United States Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit
- United States District Court, Northern District of Alabama
- United States District Court, Middle District of Alabama
- United States District Court, Southern District of Alabama
- University of Virginia School of Law, J.D., 1976
- Princeton University, A.B., 1970, cum laude; University Scholar, 1969-1970
Areas of Practice
- Construction
- Government Contracts
- International and Cross Border
- International Construction Contract Negotiation, Administration, Dispute Avoidance, and Resolution
- Litigation
Professional Career
Wally Sears has represented general contractors, subcontractors, owners, suppliers, engineers, architects, and sureties in Alabama, throughout the United States, and internationally. He has trial, arbitration, and mediation experience in construction disputes, bid protests, and complex commercial products and construction defects claims.
The Declassified blog offers commentary and insights on the latest class action suits, significant class action opinions, relevant changes to laws and rules, and important class action trends. Declassified covers topics ranging from significant Supreme Court and appellate court decisions regarding class certification requirements to proposed or enacted legislation, rules and regulations that impact class action litigation to key industry developments that may indirectly impact class action...
It Pays to Be Covered
Bradley's It Pays to Be Covered Blog discusses insurance law developments and industry trends in property and casualty insurance, including the growing cyber insurance market, coverage for drones, and blockchain exposures. We also address practical risk management strategies of interest to risk managers, legal staff, and corporate officers and directors responsible for property and casualty insurance policy portfolios, claims management, and resolution. Our attorneys provide insights based on...
Patent 213
Patent law, like most things in life, is subject to change. Changes to patent laws not only impact investment in your existing IP, but directly shape strategies to protect your freedom to operate. The Patent 213 blog provides up-to-date, insightful analysis of the evolution in the written description and enablement requirements of 35 USC 112 and the subject matter eligibility requirements of 35 USC 101. The Patent 213 blog analyzes key decisions from the district courts and the Federal Circuit,...
The Law of Order
Bradley’s The Law of Order blog serves as a general parliamentary procedure resource, providing information about creation and revision of governing documents (constitutions, bylaws, or rules), application of Robert’s Rules of Order and other procedural authorities in a variety of contexts (such as nonprofits, political parties, homeowners associations, unions, churches, trade associations), and leadership of any type of organizational meeting. In an effort to make all things parliamentary more...
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