Important New Rules on Outsourcing Indonesia
On 14 November 2012, the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the (“MOMT”) issued MOMT Regulation No. 19 of 2012 regarding Terms of Partial Assignment of Work to Third Party Companies (“Regulation No. 19”) Regulation No. 19 covers two types of outsourcing:
Business Activity Outsourcing
Outsourced work which constitutes business activities must meet the following the criteria:
The business activity outsourcing agreement must contain certain provisions required under Regulation No, 19 and be registered with the relevant manpower office at least thirty days before the work commences.
Regulation No. 19 requires a business activity outsourcing company to: a. be legal entity; b. have a company registration certificate; c. have a business license; and d. have evidence of filing its mandatory manpower reports (WLTK).
Manpower Outsourcing
Regulation No. 14 limits manpower outsourcing to support services which are separate from the main work of the user company and they may not directly affect the production process of the user. Support services comprise:
- business activity outsourcing (pemborongan pekerjaan); and
- manpower outsourcing (penyediaan tenaga kerja).
Business Activity Outsourcing
Outsourced work which constitutes business activities must meet the following the criteria:
- be conducted separately from the user company’s core business in terms of management and activities;
- be conducted under a direct or indirect order from the user company.
- be categorized as business support activities (according to the flow chart issued by the relevant business sector association); and
- not have a direct impact on the production process if the business activity were to stop.
The business activity outsourcing agreement must contain certain provisions required under Regulation No, 19 and be registered with the relevant manpower office at least thirty days before the work commences.
Regulation No. 19 requires a business activity outsourcing company to: a. be legal entity; b. have a company registration certificate; c. have a business license; and d. have evidence of filing its mandatory manpower reports (WLTK).
Manpower Outsourcing
Regulation No. 14 limits manpower outsourcing to support services which are separate from the main work of the user company and they may not directly affect the production process of the user. Support services comprise:
- cleaning services;
- catering for employees;
- security personnel;
- support services in the mining and oil sectors; and
- employee transportation services.
- be established as a limited liability company (a Perseroan Terbatas or PT);
- hold a company registration certificate (TDP);
- hold a proper business license;
- have proper receipts for mandatory employment reports;
- hold an operating license;
- have a permanent office and address; and
- have a taxpayer registration number.
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