Getting the Deal Through: Electricity Regulations, Finland
Finland’s Nordic climate, geographically isolated location, comparatively high consumption of electricity and the goal of promoting renewable energy have all played important roles in the electricity sector. Legislation relating to the electricity sector is included mainly in the new Electricity Market Act (588/2013, EMA) and the Decrees and Orders in force issued based on it and the previous Act. The EMA, which entered into force on 1 September 2013, repealed the old Electricity Market Act and implemented EU’s third Energy Package, most importantly Directive 2009/72/EC concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity. In addition, the new EMA contained numerous national amendments especially relating to distribution network operations.
Other important national statutes in the electricity sector are the Electricity and Natural Gas Market Supervision Act (590/2013), the Act on the Promotion of Electricity from Renewable Sources (1396/2010) and the Competition Act (948/2011), among others. As Finland is a European Union member state, EU legislation such as REMIT (Regulation on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency, EU Regulation No. 1227/2011) is directly applicable.