New Law Which Creates the Financial Protection System for Diagnostics and Treatment of High Costs
High cost treatment is defined as a treatment which includes pharmaceutical products, foods or medical devices related to diseases and health conditions and to the assistance necessary for confirming its diagnostic and follow up; which due to the high costs involved, hinders the access to diagnosis and treatment, or catastrophically impacts the economy of the beneficiary. The aforementioned includes oncological, immunological and rare diseases.
All the beneficiaries of the health insurance systems of Chile can have access to this protection, including both the public and private systems, except for treatments covered by the labor accidents and professional diseases law, the mandatory insurance law for personal accidents caused by motorized vehicles and by the Agreement of Health Insurance through the Additional Coverage for Catastrophic Diseases (CAEC). In this last case, the beneficiaries should first use the CAEC coverage and if the treatment is not covered, they can access to the protection of this law.