In the final 3 months of 2019, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a great number of changes to construction laws. The following Ukrainian laws, among others, saw some significant changes: 1) "On Architectural Activities" No. 687-XIV dated 20 May 1999 ...
As a general tendency, the public perception of trade unions in Ukraine is rather ambiguous. On the one hand, there is common understanding of the primary role of trade unions as public institutions for protecting the rights and interests of employees ...
Cloud computing, along with Big Data, social media, and mobility, is one of the current megatrends that will drive huge changes to the business ecosystem in the upcoming decade. Surveys held over the recent years unanimously confirm that organisations across the globe are rapidly and continuously moving to the cloud ...
While the Ukrainian Parliament continues heated debates over the open market for agricultural land, one thing remains clear - the lifting of the moratorium on sale of agricultural land is an inevitable process, which is largely driven by globalization and the expansion of influence of major world corporate groups in Ukraine. However, for the land market and agribusiness to become transparent and efficient, the relevant risk management systems have to be implemented ...
Those seeking reasons to be optimistic about Ukraine’s judicial system can rejoice: Justice prevailed, or so ruled the High Commercial Court of Ukraine, the likely final arbiter in a dispute between the state Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine and ACNielsen Ukraine, a market research firm ...
1. Pharmaceutical market players mostly deal with two regulators These are the Ministry of Healthcare of Ukraine (MOH) and the State Administration of Ukraine on Medicinal Products and Narcotic Drugs Control (SAUMP). The MOH is responsible for state registration of medicines, while the SAUMP deals with licensing, evaluation of good manufacturing practice (GMP) compliance, control over quality of medicines, and regulation of medical devices. 2 ...
The AMC completed revision of its procedural rules on merger notifications. The new Merger Regulation significantly reduces disclosure requirements and simplifies filing forms, especially for mergers with no or limited overlaps ...
1 Which legislation sets out the regulatory framework for the marketing, authorisation and pricing of pharmaceutical products, including generic drugs? Which bodies are entrusted with enforcing these rules? The relevant legislation includes the following: • Law on Medicines 1996;
Ukrainian telecom market has developed gradually from a state-controlled monopoly to a competitive sector. Over the recent years, Ukrainian telecom policy makers and regulator have been striving to establish pro-competitive regulations aimed at liberalizing the telecom market at large. For instance, in 2011, the Ukrainian Parliament abolished licensing of three out of eleven types of telecom services that required a telecom license ...
Ukrainian banking sector reform process promotes transparency and greater accountability. The ongoing geopolitical and economic turmoil in Ukraine, which started back in 2013, has revealed the multiple drawbacks of Ukrainian banks and the vulnerability of the country's banking system as a whole. This exposure has led to a major reform effort across the banking sector that remains ongoing, with one of the key focuses being efforts to increase the transparency of Ukrainian bank ownership ...
Restraints of trade - Scope of rules: 1. Are restrictive agreements and practices regulated? If so, what are the substantive provisions and regulatory authority? Restrictive agreements and practices may qualify as anti-competitive concerted practices (that is, practices that resulted or may result in prevention, elimination or restriction of competition). There is a general prohibition of anti-competitive concerted practices, unless an exemption applies (see Question 3) ...
Merger control in Ukraine: overviewRegulatory framework1. What (if any) merger control rules apply to mergers and acquisitions in your jurisdiction? What is the regulatory authority?Regulatory frameworkMergers and acquisitions, as well as establishment of an undertaking and appointments to corporate positions under certain circumstances, are subject to merger control in Ukraine ...
Registration of an aircraft: Civil aircraft are registered in the Civil Aircraft Register maintained by the State Aviation Administration of Ukraine (SAAU). Application for an aircraft's registration may be submitted by the owner of an aircraft or a person authorised by the owner. Record of person's ownership in the Civil Aircraft Register does not evidence title to an aircraft. Information recorded in the Civil Aircraft Register is published on the SAAU's website ...
The top level domain .УКР was delegated to Ukraine by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) on 28 February 2013. The Ukrainian Network Information Center (UANIC) became administrator and manager of .УКР domain. Registration in the .УКР domain opened on 22 August 2013. Thus, this domain became the fourth Cyrillic domain of top level after the Russian .P$, the Serbian .CPS and the Kazakh .КАЗ ...
On 14 August 2014, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in the second reading and in its entirety Law of Ukraine "On Amending Certain Laws of Ukraine on Reforming the Management System of the Ukrainian Unified Gas Transportation System" No ...
On 3 August 2014, Law of Ukraine "On Amending the Tax Code of Ukraine and Certain Other Legislative Acts of Ukraine" No. 1621-VII which was adopted on 31 July 2014 for creating conditions to increase financial inflow into the state budget (the "Law"), came into force. Implementation of the proposed regulations will provide a possibility to boost in 2014 the resources of Ukraine's unified budget for nearly UAH 10.3 bn ...
On March 28 2014 Law 642/2013 - a milestone of the government's anti-corporate raider policy - entered into force. Revival of the bill, which had previously gathered dust in parliamentary committees for several years, was a response to numerous calls from the international community to take measures to counter illegal takeovers and acquisitions of businesses ...
"For the full transition to the European principles and standards in Ukraine should ensure transparency in the area of registration and transfer of ownership of land holdings"As the market is structured agricultural land in Ukraine? What is it different compared to European countries?
In 2012, the Ukrainian government has conducted three tenders for production-sharing agreements (hereinafter - SRS) in respect of hydrocarbons that will be produced on land for 2 subsurface areas and in one section of the Black Sea shelf ...
By: Oleksandr Voznyuk, Anastasia Usova1 General1.1 Please identify the scope of claims that may be brought in Ukraine for breach of competition law.In the context of private enforcement in respect of competition law infringements, the following types of claims may be brought before the courts:a) Claims seeking cease-and-desist orders ...
Most large Ukrainian agricultural holdings have undergone substantial group restructuring and/or consolidations in the past 5 years. Many small and medium-size companies were integrated into large agricultural holdings with significant market power. This has led to an appreciable concentration on agricultural markets and, consequently, increased control for competition compliance by agricultural groups on the part of the Anti-monopoly Committee of Ukraine (the AMCU) ...
On 20 June 2013 the European Commission launched public consultations on the proposed amendments to the EU Merger Regulation, in particular, extending the scope of the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of non-controlling minority shareholdings ...
Statute of limitations for appeal of public auction contractsThe Higher Commercial Court recently clarified several issues relating to the statute of limitations for appeals of public auction contracts. (Higher Commercial Court of Ukraine Resolution 10 ("On Certain Practical Issues of Statute of Limitation Application"), May 29 2013 ...
Legal succession of banksUkrainian legislation prescribes a special reorganisation procedure for banks that, among other things, requires banks to:• develop a reorganisation plan;• obtain approval for internal statute changes from the National Bank of Ukraine; and• conduct an audit to ensure the correctness of transfers (for mergers and acquisitions) or the demerger balance sheet (for spin-offs and transfers) ...
PrefaceThis guide is written as an introduction to Ukrainian legal system from the viewpoint of foreign investors, in particular Chinese ones, and will help you in deciding whether to do a deal in Ukraine and what strategy should be chosen when investing in this country. The digest of key legal issues may be found helpful both at the stage of initial investment research and in the course of a particular investment project ...