Acquiring investment property This alert is intended to highlight certain VAT issues relating to the purchase and management of property which is subject to a lease(s). In general VAT should not be chargeable on the sale of such property. Depending on the circumstances this VAT free treatment is based on exemption from VAT and/or “transfer of business” relief applying. VAT free treatment does not apply in all situations but exceptions are few ...
The Companies (Amendment) Act 2012 has been signed into law by the President. The Act provides for the extension of the exemption for the use of US GAAP by US entities migrating to Ireland. It amends the provisions of the Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009 (the 2009 Act), which first introduced the exemption, in two ways: The 2012 Act provides that the exemption may continue to be used for financial years up to and ending at the latest on 31 December 2020 ...
On 6 June 2012, the European Commission announced new crisis management measures to deal effectively on a cross border basis and in a harmonised manner with any future bank crisis ...
2011 saw significant developments in the courts in relation to the issue of directors’ liability for the costs of remediation of waste sites, an issue which is particularly crucial where the company which disposed of the waste is not in a position to pay ...
The global focus on reducing greenhouse gases and promoting renewable energy cannot be ignored in today’s business environment. Whether your business deals directly in energy or not, EU green policy-making is likely to affect your costs: transport, shipping, heating, electricity - all are ultimately affected by EU legislation on energy and climate change. In March 2007, the Council of the European Union agreed a new Energy Policy ...
These Regulations transpose the EU Directive 2008/101/EC ("the Aviation Directive") which extends the EU Emissions Trading Scheme ("ETS") to aviation activities. The previous 2009 Regulations [S.I. No. 274 of 2009], which partially transposed the Aviation Directive, are revoked. All flights arriving at and departing from EU airports will be included in the ETS from 2012 ...
The increased scrutiny on company directors means there is an onus on them to be aware of their roles and responsibilities. As the recent Residence receivership case showed, company directors are facing greater scrutiny than ever by the courts. While many cases arise because of personal borrowings or guarantees, many relate to whether a director has acted honestly and responsibly as a director ...
The Environmental Liability Directive aims to establish a common framework of environmental liability across the EU to prevent and remedy certain types of environmental damage. The framework is based on the “polluter pays principle”. The implementation date for member states was 30 April 2007. Ireland has not complied with this transposition date and will not have transposed it as a current estimate until early 2008 ...
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that motor vehicle distribution agreements may benefit from the exemption in Regulation 1400/2002 (Block Exemption) even if the supplier can terminate the agreement without notice in certain circumstances. The Block Exemption applies to such agreements provided the supplier gives reasons for the termination which are subject to review by an independent expert or arbitrator ...
As expected, the latest set of EU regulations regarding collective investment schemes - the undertakings for collective investments in transferable securities (Ucits III) - has opened up an exciting new spectrum of product possibilities for the investment funds industry in Europe. Since December 2004 there has been a new range of creative product offerings being authorised by the Irish financial regulator under the Ucits III banner ...
There have been fresh developments in the continuing battle between pharmaceutical manufacturers and parallel importers. National and European courts have been attempting to strike a balance between the principle of the free movement of goods within the EU and the legitimate protection of intellectual property rights. The most recent contribution has come from Advocate General Sharpston (AG) in her opinion in the ongoing case of Boehringer and others v Swingward and Dowelhurst (C-348/04) ...
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has published a draft of Ireland’s second National Allocation Plan for Emissions Trading in Ireland. This follows a recent announcement by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Mr. Dick Roche, T.D., which set out the total quantity of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) allowances being made available by Government to Ireland’s emissions trading sector ...
The Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Bill 2006 was published on 16 February 2006 (a pdf version of this Bill is available at the end of this article). The idea of creating a “fast track” planning procedure for major infrastructural projects had been mooted for over three years ...
On St Patrick’s Day the Irish Revenue Commissioners issued a communication, through CREST, in relation to CFDs. In the communication the Revenue said they believe the underlying hedging transaction behind a CFD, where the broker acquires Irish shares, may not fall within the relevant stamp duty exemptions that the brokers are claiming. If the Revenue are correct the broker has a 1% stamp duty liability on this hedging transaction ...
The new Irish Commercial Court is living up to expectations by providing a fast and effective means of resolving commercial disputes. A&L Goodbody recently secured for a full hearing within two days of a case being accepted by the Court. The matter involved an arbitrator's referral of a point of law. The speed as well as the terms of decision were crucial in protecting the client's interest ...
On 1 May 2004 a new and revised Technology Transfer Block Exemption Regulation (the TTBER) entered into force - Regulation No. 772/2004. The TTBER will provide block exemptions for IP licensing agreements, ensuring that certain technology transfer agreements are automatically exempt from the application of Article 81(1) of the EC Treaty, which prohibits anti-competitive agreements ...
On Wednesday 21 December, Ms Justice Laffoy issued her long-awaited judgment in Fyffes’ multi-million euro insider dealing action against Jim Flavin and his company Development Capital Corporation plc (DCC) and two of its subsidiaries. The decision follows 87 days of evidence, which closed in July 2005. Ms Justice Laffoy ruled that the defendants were not in possession of price sensitive information at the time they sold their shares in Fyffes and as such, no civil liability to Fyffes arose ...
The Government has recently announced changes to the proposed regime of confirmation by directors of compliance by a company with its obligations. This note explains the background to the announcement and comments on the new proposals. Background - 2003 Act From the time that the Companies (Auditing and Accounting) Act, 2003 was first published there was considerable and widespread concern voiced about the proposed regime for Directors’ Compliance Statements ...
“We consider that the Competition Act, 2002 captures the bulk of the anti-competitive practices which the Groceries Order was originally designed to prevent. However, we consider it desirable to significantly strengthen the Act in some respects and particularly to specially prohibit resale price maintenance, unfair discrimination and “hello money”. Such provisions will, henceforth, be enforced by the Competition Authority ...
Persons responsible for filing annual returns for the following types of companies should be aware of this commencement order: Most private unlimited companies; Private companies not trading for the acquisition of gain by the members; Companies not having a share capital which are formed for an object that is charitable and is under the control of a religion recognised under Article 44 of the Constitution; and Companies which are exempted from certain filing requirements by order of the Co
This Order . which came into effect on 1 December 2005, facilitates the expansion of the electronic filing system in the Companies Registration Office. Companies may now appoint Electronic Filing Agents to sign and file documents with the CRO in electronic form. The Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Mr Michael Ahern, stated, “The introduction of a statutory Electronic Filing Agent will greatly simplify the process for companies and their agents ...
In the Matter of Swanpool Ltd (in Voluntary Liquidation) and Travelodge Ltd (in Voluntary Liquidation) and in the Matter of Section 150 of the Companies Act 1990; McLaughlin v Lannen and Lannen, High Court, Clarke J, 4 November 2005 Facts: McLaughlin, the liquidator of Swanpool and Travelodge, sought a declaration that two directors of the companies be restricted (i.e. prohibited from acting as directors of companies for 5 years) ...
In the Matter of James McMenamin Ltd. (in Voluntary Liquidation), High Court, Laffoy J, 18 April 2005 Facts: In this case, a company in liquidation suddenly found funds that were previously unavailable, in an amount that would allow it to trade successfully again. Therefore, one of the contributories of the company sought to have the liquidation halted so that the company could resume trading as normal. The company’s sole asset was a 26-acre plot of land ...
In our previous ezines we tracked the progress of the Alcohol Products (Control of Advertising, Sponsorship and Marketing Practices/Sales Promotions) Bill. The Bill was set to have a major impact on the relationship between alcohol advertising and sport in Ireland but a recent controversial turnabout by the Government means that the Bill may never be enacted ...
Introduction A common question for clubs, events, and governing bodies at all levels of sport is what is the best legal structure to use - club or company? In this article we take a practical look at the pros and cons of the most likely options for your club or governing body. 1. Unincorporated Association A. What Is It? ● A group of individuals coming together to carry out a mutual activity, in common language a club ...