New technology is most often associated with telecommunications, IT or robotics. Food is seen as a group of products in which innovation is little important, because it is believed that consumers are mostly concerned with prices and quality, but not innovations. However, the dynamic growth in market share of functional foods calls for a critical review of myths that have arisen around R&D projects in the food sector ...
For the second time this year, the Constitutional Tribunal has considered a challenge to the court fees for appeals against rulings by the National Appeals Chamber in public procurement cases. The maximum fee of PLN 5 million was held to be disproportionately high. Earlier this year, in Case No. SK 25/11 (14 January 2014), Poland’s Constitutional Tribunal upheld the constitutionality of one aspect of Art ...
Comments on the consequences of failure to observe the required form when selling shares in a limited-liability company and the possibility of correcting this defect. The current Commercial Companies Code went into effect in Poland in 2001, stiffening the requirements with respect to the form for transfer of title to shares in a limited-liability company (sp. z o.o ...
Administrative fines and increased fees for exploitation of the environment are increasingly included in environmental regulations as sanctions. Lawmakers in Poland more and more often provide for administrative financial sanctions for environmental violations because they are more convenient to enforce than criminal sanctions, which require proof of fault on the part of a specific perpetrator. Moreover, criminal liability may be imposed solely on individuals ...
Poland has yet to adopt regulations implementing AIFMD, but that does not mean that nothing will change on the Polish market for private equity and closed investment funds in the next few months, before the new regulations are enacted here ...
In the innovativeness of its economy, Poland ranks 4th from last in the European Union, but greater support is planned for highly innovative projects that show promise for implementation and commercialisation in Poland. At a session of the Polish Parliament’s Innovation and New Technology Committee on 19 June 2013, the Ministry of Regional Development presented the guidelines for operational programmes Smart Growth 2014–2020 and IT & Telecommunications 2014–2020 ...
A creditor affected by asset-stripping by a debtor doesn’t have to remain a passive victim of dishonesty. Creditors have probably had trouble since time immemorial with dishonest debtors—ones who deliberately and unlawfully attempt to escape from their obligations ...
An interview with Michał Barłowski, the partner in charge of the Bankruptcy and Restructuring practices at Wardyński & Partners, about planned amendments to Poland’s Bankruptcy & Rehabilitation Law. Restructuring is an alternative to bankruptcy. So why do we hear so little about effective restructuring and so much about liquidating bankruptcies? Michał Barłowski: The reasons are many and have various sources ...
An interview with Weronika Pelc, the partner in charge of the Energy Law Practice at Wardynski & Partners, and Michal Barlowski, the partner in charge of the Bankruptcy and Restructuring practices at Wardynski & Partners, about shale gas projects in Poland. You recently visited Houston at the invitation of the law firm of Haynes and Boone for a seminar on shale gas mining in Poland ...
It is still possible to regain property expropriated by the state after the Second World War, and in some cases compensation is awarded instead. Real estate in Poland was expropriated by the state on a massive scale. This was done by operation of law or through administrative orders, which in most cases were issued in violation of the law in force at that time ...
The new Waste Act of 14 December 2012 went into force on 23 January 2013. It introduces major changes in the waste management system in Poland. The prior Waste Act of 27 April 2001 will continue to apply in certain areas, however. The new Waste Act was enacted primarily in order to implement the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) into Polish law. The deadline for transposing the directive was 12 December 2010 ...
Key principles approved by the Polish Council of Ministers - On 16 October 2012, the Polish Council of Ministers approved key assumptions for the long-awaited shale gas production and taxation legislation. The assumptions, which impact both conventional and unconventional oil and gas production, have in particular, been awaited by the developing shale gas sector and investors interested in joining this brand new market. ...
The new regulation of the Polish Minister of Economy on electricity and heat generated from renewable sources of energy goes into effect at the beginning of 2013. The new regulation will increase the share of renewables in the production of electricity and heat ...
A Polish company enters into a contract with a German company. Which country’s law will govern the contract? Monika Hartung: To start with, under Art. 3 of the Rome I Regulation (Regulation 593/2008 of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual obligations), the parties themselves may select the law governing the contract. The previous version of Poland’s Private International Law required the existence of a link, e.g ...
Outsourcing has for years been gaining popularity. Together with an increase in the number of businesses, their branches, subsidiaries as well as capital groups, increasing attention is drawn to the costs of their operations. Such activities as personal, payroll, procurement, IT, or back office in the case of financial institutions are unnecessarily duplicated in the case of companies in a capital group or generate greater costs than if carried out by an external specialized firm ...
Entertaining a trading partner may be marketing, but if the gesture conveys to the guest an expectation of favourable treatment in awarding a contract, it may be regarded as a form of economic corruption.The question posed in the title - on its surface unrelated to the law - has been raised with us on several occasions recently, by various clients and with respect to various situations ...
Just before Christmas 2011, the government presented a gift to the Polish energy sector in the form of a longawaited package of proposed new energy legislation, including a new Energy Law, the Gas Law and the Renewable Energy Sources Act ...
The Supreme Court of Poland has held that recognition in Poland of French sauvegarde proceedings, which are covered by the EU’s Insolvency Regulation (1346/2000), is consistent with Polish public policy. The ruling was issued in cases involving a Polish company that sought protection against insolvency in France. The Supreme Court upheld the debtor’s argument that there was no basis for the lower courts in Poland to refuse torecognise the French proceedings ...
Parallel debt is a legal concept applied in international financing transactions that involve multiple lenders. In order to simplify the administration of security (for example, to avoid the need for retaking or reregistering security for a fluctuating group of lenders) and to reduce costs, the banks select a single entity from among them to administer the security ...
How difficult is it to carry out a merger or acquisition under Polish law? It really all depends on the complexity of the business model of the undertaking, and not just the legal aspects. Polish practice, much like the practice in other countries within the Continental legal system - such as France and Germany - has adjusted to solutions from the Anglo-Saxon legal tradition, which plays a dominant role in corporate transactions ...
Tomasz Wardynski, Sabina Famirska and Antoni Bolecki of Wardynski & Partners co-authored the chapter on cartel regulation under the Polish law in this year’s report of Getting the Deal Through. The 2012 edition of Getting the Deal Through – Cartel Regulation provides information on application of competition regulation in 46 jurisdictions worldwide ...
The 2012 edition of Getting the Deal Through - Restructuring & Insolvency provides information on restructuring and insolvency law in 53 jurisdictions, including entities excluded from general bankruptcy proceedings, types of security on moveable and immoveable property, types of bankruptcy and insolvency proceedings, possibilities of doing business after declaring bankruptcy, bankruptcy estate liquidation rules, the effects of declaring bankruptcy, creditors’ r
In the last issue we discussed the proposed new Energy Law. Now it is time to turn to the second element in the package of energy legislation presented in December 2011 by the Polish Ministry of Economy. The proposed Gas Law would regulate activity involving transmission, distribution, sale, storage, precipitation and regasification of natural gas. The greatest strength of the bill is to separate and clarify the regulations governing the gas sector ...
The proposed new Renewable Energy Sources Act would significantly change the system of support for electricity produced in Poland from renewable resources. If the bill is enacted, companies in the power industry in Poland will have to make major revisions to their business plans ...
At the end of 2011 the Polish utility sector received a present from the government in the form of a long-awaited package of proposed energy legislation. How could it change the rules of the market? February was the deadline for public comment on a legislative package including the proposed new Energy Law, Gas Law and Renewable Energy Sources Act ...