This paper appears in the March 24, 2006 issue of The Lawyers Weekly, published by LexisNexis Canada Inc. Over the past few years, courts in Canada have faced the apparent conflict between competing statutory mandates with respect to class proceedings and arbitrations. In Ruddell v. BC Rail Ltd., 2005 BCSC 1504, Mr. Justice Holmes of the British Columbia Supreme Court reviewed this conflict in the context of pension litigation ...
On December 6, 2005 the British Columbia Supreme Court handed down its decision in the case of Hupacasath First Nation v. British Columbia(1). In this decision, the court held that Crown’s duty to consult with first nations, as articulated by the Supreme Court of Canada in Haida Nation(2) and Taku River,(3) extends to government decisions regarding planning, development and use of private land ...
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Recent and Proposed Governance Changes III. Institutional Scrutiny and Accountability IV. Inherent Governance Tensions V. Governance Regulation I. Introduction Corporate governance continues to be a hot topic. In Canada, we are at the stage of implementing a number of initiatives that have been enacted to follow the US lead in the Sarbanes-Oxley legislation ...
On November 24, 2005, the Supreme Court of Canada handed down its decision in the case of Mikisew Cree First Nation v. Canada (Minister of Canadian Heritage).(1) In the decision, the Supreme Court confirmed that, while governments have the power under treaties to authorize land uses which infringe on treaty rights, the exercise of that power imposes on governments a duty to consult where the taking up of land adversely affects those rights ...
The National Venture Capital Association (US) has prepared various model venture capital documents for use in the industry, including a term sheet (the “NVCA Term Sheet”). These model legal documents are available at The American Bar Association has further commented on the provisions in the NVCA Term Sheet, in particular adding commentary including outlining any differences between the California corporations law and Delaware law ...
Overview On November 1, 2005, the Ontario Court of Appeal held that there is no legal requirement to disclose pension plan changes under consideration, as opposed to changes that are finalized. In so holding, it reversed the March 2004 trial decision in Hembruff v. Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement Board, which decided that a plan admini¬strator negligently, and in breach of its fiduciary duty, failed to tell members of potential enhance¬ments to a plan’s early retire¬ment provisions ...
GETTING PAID ON A COLLECTION FILE – FROM START TO FINISH I. INTRODUCTION This paper is intended to be an overview of various issues and potential pitfalls that inevitably will arise in the course of attempting to collect on a debt claim from the time the debt becomes due all the way through to the enforcement of a court judgment based on the debt claim ...
I.INTRODUCTION Considerable attention has been given to recent decisions of the Courts regarding the duty of the Crown to consult and accommodate the interests of Aboriginal people in the context of asserted but unproven claims ...
1.INTRODUCTION The Supreme Court of Canada last considered the issue of mandatory retirement in 1990. Since that time, the demographics of the workforce have changed such that the proportion of retired workers to employed workers is rapidly increasing. This change is due partially to the aging of the baby boom generation and partially due to longer life expectancies of people after retirement ...
Obtaining a Receiving Order by a Single Creditor Introduction Under s. 43(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, one or more creditors may file a Petition for a Receiving Order if: 1.the debt owing to the petitioning creditor or creditors amounts to $1,000; and 2.if the debtor has committed an act of bankruptcy within six months next preceding the filing of the petition ...
BRITISH COLUMBIA LEGAL UPDATE Prepared for 39th Annual Canadian Property Tax Association National Workshop Cross Canada Legal Panel September 25 – 28, 2005 INTRODUCTION The following is an overview of legislative changes and caselaw developments in British Columbia property assessment and taxation since last September’s session. The review is not intended to be exhaustive, but instead to provide a cross-section of topical cases which may be of interest both to the B.C ...
BC Labour Board Further Clarifies an Employer’s Right to Communicate with its Employees In a decision issued on July 8, 2005 - RMH Teleservices International Inc.-a Reconsideration Panel of the BC Labour Relations Board further clarified an employer’s expanded right to communicate with its employees during a unionization campaign. This right was expanded as part of the 2002 amendments to the Labour Relations Code, which we outlined in our Summer 2002 Newsletter ...
In a decision released Wednesday, July 20,(1) the Supreme Court of Canada has overturned Court of Appeal decisions from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia finding that Mi’kmaq people have a treaty right to harvest timber for commercial purposes. In so doing, the Court also provided guidance on how to assess aboriginal title claims ...
Overview A recent B.C. court decision provides welcome news for trustees of multi-employer, defined benefit, negotiated cost pension plans. Under s. 59(3) of the Pension Benefits Standards Act (“PBSA”), trustees of these plans can reduce accrued benefits to meet solvency requirements, and have used this power at various times in the last 12 years. But this power had never been judicially tested. In Neville v ...
Unlimited Liability Corporations Lawson Lundell LLP is committed to excellence in business law. In fulfilling this commitment, we ensure that we are aware of changes in the legal environment and are proactive in identifying opportunities for our clients to benefit from such changes. The recent introduction of legislation in Alberta to allow the creation of unlimited liability corporations (¡§ULCs¡¨) presents such an opportunity. Enclosed is a brief summary of ULCs and their uses ...
Introduction: On June 9, 2005 the Supreme Court of Canada released its landmark decision in Chaoulli v. Quebec (Attorney General) in which a majority of the Court struck down provisions of Quebec’s Health Insurance Act and Hospital Insurance Act which prohibit private insurance for health care services that are available in the public health care system ...
MAJOR INDUSTRY USE AND CLASSIFICATION ISSUES I.Introduction A.General Principles of Classification Under s. 19(14) of the B.C. Assessment Act, R.S.B.C. 1996, c. 20 (the “Assessment Act”) and the Prescribed Classes of Property Regulation (B.C. Reg. 438/81) (the “Classification Regulation”), real property in B.C ...
EQUITY AND CONSISTENCY IN ASSESSMENTS I. General Principles of Equity A hallmark of the assessment and taxation of property in B.C. is the principle of equity: taxing authorities must deal even-handedly with all taxpayers in a municipality or rural area, and all taxpayers with a class must be treated in the same way. Equity in the context of the property assessment in B.C ...
This paper is about the role of the pension and benefits lawyer in the context of a merger or acquisition. The paper profiles several recent high profile corporate transactions where pension issues played unexpectedly significant roles. These provide potent examples of how the pension and benefits lawyer should be consulted early on in the transaction process ...
The Benefits of Using a an Unlimited Liability Company (1) Introduction Unlimited Liability Companies (“ULC”) have become useful vehicles for the acquisition of a Canadian business by a U.S. investor. This paper summarizes the advantages of using a ULC, the treatment of a ULC in Canada and in the U.S. and the use of a ULC in a factual setting involving the acquisition of a Canadian business. Until recently, only Nova Scotia offered the possibility of incorporating a ULC ...
This article was originally written for the April 2005 issue of The Negotiator, the magazine of the Canadian Association of the Petroleum Landman. Protected by Copyright 2005 ...
THE LAW OF DEFAMATION: A PRIMER By Thomas S. Woods* INTRODUCTION Editors, publishers, writers, advertisers and all who are involved in the dissemination of information in written or electronic form should have at least an elementary grasp of the principles of the law of defamation. It is often said that a little information can be a dangerous thing. That truism is difficult to dispute ...
Murray Campbell Lawson Lundell Craig Ferris Lawson Lundell This is a general overview of the subject matter and should not be relied upon as legal advice or opinion. For specific legal advice on the information provided and related topics, please contact your legal counsel. Copyright © 2004, Lawson Lundell All Rights Reserved INTRODUCTION Since the mid-1980s litigation has been a fact of life for pension and employee benefit plan administrators and sponsors ...