Courts nationwide have struggled for years with the question of when a subjective opinion is false under the False Claims Act. The Supreme Court’s decision to deny review of two cases involving health-care providers that had allegedly submitted false claims for payment based on subjective clinical judgment still leaves us without a uniform, national answer, says Nicholas A. Danella. The U.S ...
Last week upon final passage by Congress, President Joe Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA or Act) into law.[1] The $1.9 trillion economic stimulus bill provides a comprehensive package of available funds to qualifying individuals and businesses in the form of direct payments, industry-specific grants, and tax credits ...
Deciding what happens to employees in a TUPE transfer where there is more than one transferee is never straightforward. However, developments in this area continue to add complexity to the situation, adding cost and uncertainty to employers. Recent developments In the recent case of McTear Contracts Ltd v Bennett & ors the EAT looked at a situation where there were two transferees in the context of a service provision change ...
Behind every video game, there is intellectual property (IP) which is worth protecting to optimize monetisation of the game. As discussed in Studios and designers: Are you sure that you own the intellectual property rights to your video games, the first step for studios and designers is to make sure that they own all IP rights on the video game ...
Asset tokenisation is poised to tear down the high barriers to luxury investments. Imagine you are a whisky aficionado. Having witnessed rare Scotch trounce many investments over the past 10 years, you are eager to jump on the bandwagon. It is, after all, a complementary way to fund an expensive hobby; according to industry watcher Rare Whisky 101’s Rare Whisky Icon 100 Index, UK auction prices of 100 iconic collectors’ bottles have almost quadrupled since 2012 ...
Corporate & Commercial Recognition of UK Insolvency Proceedings in Malta Post-BrexitSimon Pullicino comments on the impact of Brexit with respect to cross-border insolvency and the implications for the recognition and enforcement of UK proceedings in Malta and vice-versa ...
2020 was an especially active year for FCA enforcement. What does this tell us about compliance in the coming year? Bradley Government Enforcement and Investigations partners Jon Ferry, Ty Howard, and Brad Robertson discuss how the enforcement environment drives compliance, and the areas of risk companies need to focus on this year ...
It is well established under Ohio law that an injured worker is not eligible to participate in the workers' compensation system for a psychological condition unless it arises from their physical injury. While this remains the case, an exception is being considered to allow first responders to receive benefits should they experience post-traumatic stress disorder due to on-the-job factors. In Armstrong v. John R. Jurgensen Co ...
This article looks at how leaders can develop psychological safety within teams and how they can encourage individuals to speak up when they need help or when mistakes have been made. Failure, or the importance of creating psychological safety in the workplace? Nobody likes to fail. It’s not comfortable, it’s embarrassing, it induces anxiety, sleepless nights and all sorts of other tell-tale symptoms. Unfortunately for leaders, many of these symptoms remain hidden ...
On March 8th, 2021, the government announced that, due to the current status of the Covid-19 pandemic in Chile, it was decided to extend the enforcement of the benefits and entitlements of the employment protection law, protected parenting law and law that temporarily amends the requirements to access to the unemployment insurance. Additionally, the coverage and amounts of the benefits of the Employment Subsidy will be increased ...
This article looks at the dynamics and tensions which exist between remote and agile working versus the role of hierarchy and the competing needs of teams. Where does the power lie in deciding what the future of work looks like? Does it sit with management, leadership, employees or HR? Many leaders and managers seem to have embraced working remotely, having previously spent days/weeks and possibly months commuting every year ...
Brexit and other developments such as the Schrems 2.0 judgment have had and will have a significant impact on, in particular, data protection laws that apply and how businesses transfer their data internationally. What does the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement say? Data protection is not dealt with in much detail in the Trade Agreement, although it includes a ‘temporary bridge’ mechanism for the free flow of personal data from the EU/EEA to the UK ...
LAW OF 26 FEBRUARY 2021 AMENDING THE LAW OF 27 JULY 1991 ON ELECTRONIC MEDIA AND IMPLEMENTING DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/1808 (THE "AUDIOVISUAL MEDIA SERVICES DIRECTIVE") The law of 26 February 2021 amending the law of 27 July 1991 on electronic media (the “Electronic Media Law”) and implementing the Audiovisual Media Services Directive was adopted on 26 February 2021 to implement (faithfully) the so-called Audiovisual Media Services Directive ...
On February 24th, 2021, the President has signed the law increasing administrative penalties for the breach of personal data laws and introducing new penalties for the breach of information laws. The law enters into force on March 27th, 2021. Liability terms for communication providers’ failure to en-sure sustainable operation enter into force on February 1st, 2023 ...
On Monday, March 8, 2021, President Joe Biden issued a new executive order, which will require a new look at how schools address sex discrimination ...
The Government Accountability Office (GAO), in Spartan Medical, Inc., B-419503,1 recently clarified the scope of its jurisdiction over bid protests involving an agency's use of its other transaction agreement (OTA) authority. The GAO's decision in this case is noteworthy because agencies are increasingly relying on OTAs to meet their procurement needs ...
On the 4th March 2021, the Seventh Chamber of the Court of Justice of the European Union issued its decision on an important matter related to the breach of ambient air quality legislation by the UK government (European Commission v. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, c-664/18). This case is only one among several others filed by the Commission against EU Member States, including France, Italy, Bulgaria and Hungary ...
With the arrival of COVID-19 vaccines in Hong Kong, employers may wish to encourage or even require their employees to be vaccinated for protection. An interesting question arises: If an employee gets injured on their way to or from the vaccination venue, will the employer have to pay compensation? Two cases in the US may shed light on this. In Firestone Tire Rubber Co. v Crawford, 177 Ga. App. 242 (Ga. Ct. App ...
COVID-19 has definitely changed the way in which we work. When many people started working from home back in March 2020, it was seen as a short-term, temporary arrangement to help combat the effects of COVID-19. Fast forward 12 months and homeworking is widely considered to be here to stay. In our webinar (kindly hosted by Macmillan Davies), our employment law and health and safety experts talked through the key issues for businesses to be aware of ...
There were a lot of good green measures in the Budget and the government deserves credit for recognising the vital role that net zero transition will play in determining our future prosperity. Not just building back stronger but building back greener, with reference clearly made to the role the headline announcement of Freeports will have in supporting the delivery of the UK’s clean energy revolution ...
Signals from the SEC regarding the growing importance to the Commission of ESG disclosures keep coming, seemingly daily. The recently appointed acting director of the Division of Corporation Finance has long pushed the agency for “relevant, material, decision-useful ESG disclosure.” More recently, the SEC announced the creation and filling of the position of senior policy advisor for climate and ESG in the office of Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee ...
The Supreme Court has declined to take up the issue of False Claims Act (FCA) “objective falsity” in relation to medical opinions, denying certiorari in paired cases from the Third Circuit (United States ex rel. Druding v. Care Alternatives, Inc.)[1] and Ninth Circuit (Winter ex rel. United States v. Gardens Reg’l Hosp. & Med. Ctr., Inc.) ...
Rishi Sunak has announced the much-awaited budget for 2021 hailing protection for the “jobs and livelihoods of the British people”. We outline below the key elements impacting employers and their wider workforce. Budget 2021: The Employment Implications Rishi Sunak has announced the much-awaited budget for 2021 hailing protection for the “jobs and livelihoods of the British people” ...
Shoosmiths hosted one if its best attended Shoosmiths Aviation & Marine Breakfast Association (SAMBA) webinars on 25 February. Joined by representatives from industries across the marine spectrum (boatbuilding, finance, insurance, marinas and the RYA) Elliot Bishop and Sarah Fairweather discussed the impact of Covid and Brexit on the leisure marine sector in particular and the outlook for the coming year ...
This is the second article in our 2021 Tricky Issues Series. We will be looking at the five most common causes of delays in disciplinary processes, including the topical issue of delays relating to Covid-19, and how employers can best manage them ...