Months of working from home have made at least one thing clear – the “Freshman 15” has nothing on the COVID-19. Boredom, stress, and ease of access to the refrigerator has caused many employees to trade in their suits for sweatpants and their heels for flip-flops. As offices see more and more employees return to work, employers may want to consider taking proactive steps to curtail such casual attire in the workplace. Can employers require a dress code? Yes ...
As the use of telehealth continues to increase, providers need to be mindful of the liability laws in the jurisdictions that they operate in. Similar to in-person medical practices, telehealth services carry liability and malpractice risks. Once a provider virtually crosses a state line, he or she becomes subject to the liability laws of the other state ...
On July 10, 2020, the Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations (OCIE) released a Risk Alert highlighting the dangers of ransomware to SEC-registered entities, including investment advisers. The Risk Alert is a response to a marked uptick in both the prevalence and sophistication of ransomware attacks in recent months. Ransomware is a type of malware used by criminals to gain control of your or your firm’s confidential information and customer data ...
In response to the ongoing disruption caused by COVID-19, OCIE issued a Risk Alert on Aug. 12, 2020. In the Risk Alert, OCIE makes various observations and recommendations which fall into six different categories: (1) protection of investors’ assets; (2) supervision of personnel; (3) practices relating to fees, expenses, and financial transactions; (4) investment fraud; (5) business continuity; and (6) the protection of investor and other sensitive information ...
OCIE’s most recent Risk Alert, published Sept. 15, 2020, address another cybersecurity issue, this time highlighting the dangers of “credential stuffing.” Credential stuffing is a method of cyberattack that uses compromised client login credentials and can lead to loss of customer assets and the disclosure of confidential or other personal information. Hackers will obtain groups or lists of usernames, email addresses, and their passwords from sellers on the dark web ...
With the continued risk of the spread of COVID-19 in assisted care facilities, more and more facilities are implementing a virtual admissions process. This process includes providing all of the admissions documents, including an arbitration agreement, to potential residents and/or their legal representatives electronically. While it is preferable from a legal standpoint that the arbitration agreement be presented and executed in person, in today's world that is not always possible ...
AELEX is the exclusive contributor to the Nigerian Chapter of The Legal 500 (Legalease): Franchise and Licensing Country Comparative Guides. The country specific Guide provides a pragmatic overview of how businesses can set up franchises and also license their technology and intellectual property rights in Nigeria. The Guide was authored by our Davidson Oturu,Tiwalola Osazuwa and Kofoworola Oyegunle. Please click here to read the Guide ...
This 28th edition of Unprecedented, our weekly update on COVID-19-related litigation, includes a number of updates on the mounting number of business interruption coverage disputes -- including a claim against a broker whose alleged failure to obtain infectious disease coverage left the insured without coverage for COVID-19-induced losses ...
In these strange new days of back-to-back virtual meetings, working from home offices, home-schooling children, and social distancing from the grocery store, not to mention from most human beings—who is to say that anyone actually will read these pearls of wisdom from my sweet, dearly departed mother ...
This digest is a curated list of Bradley content regarding the coronavirus. In an effort to provide our clients with the easiest way to find information that may be beneficial in responding to the impact of COVID-19, we have provided links to our most recent blog posts, news alerts, webinar recordings and more. Additionally, this digest will now be deployed on a weekly basis in an effort to reduce the number of emails our clients receive ...
In these strange new days of back-to-back vir-tual meetings, working from home offices, home-schooling children, and social distancing from the grocery store, not to mention from most human beings—who is to say that anyone actually will read these pearls of wisdom from my sweet, dearly departed mother ...
On September 30, 2020, The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the results of a sweeping joint healthcare fraud and opioid takedown that resulted in charges against 345 different defendants who were responsible for over $6 billion in government losses involving fraudulent healthcare services and improper billing. This was the largest healthcare fraud enforcement action in the history of the DOJ ...
Law 58/2020 of 31 August implements into Portuguese law Directive (EU) 2018/843 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 May 2018 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing. It enshrines in the Portuguese legal framework a first approach to the regulation of entities that engage in activities with virtual assets ...
The electronic commerce industry is expected to expand by five to seven percent in the coming years while the streaming services business is also expected to exponentially grow, with more and more Filipinos opting to do their transactions online, as well as accessing Internet-based content and entertainment. Philippine authorities are inevitably focusing their regulatory gaze on these enterprises. A ...
THREE KEY THINGS IN HEALTH CAREFrom the Health Care Practice of Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP HCA Healthcare’s announcement that it will be returning $1.6 billion in Provider Relief Funds illustrates the challenges facing providers in accounting for PRFs under shifting guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ...
As a consequence of the spread of COVID-19, certain protection and prevention measures have been developed in order to safeguard health in the different sectors that are operational. In this report we will share security measures implemented in Venezuela aimed at protecting the health of operators and personnel working in ports and at sea, as well as some recommendations established by international organizations. 1 ...
A recent decision in Germany has resulted in a hefty fine being imposed on an employer for violations of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”). The decision is a strong warning to South African employers to not overprocess their employees’ information ...
On October 8, Treasury issued a new Interim Final Rule Re Additional Revisions to Loan Forgiveness and Loan Review Procedures Interim Final Rules (new IFR), along with a new Loan Forgiveness Application Form 3508S and Instructions for the new Form, addressing applications for forgiveness of PPP loans of $50,000 or less. Links to the new IFR, the new Form 3508S, and the new Instructions for Form 3508S are set out below ...
The US Regional Employment 2020 features 14 states. The guide provides expert legal commentary on the impact of COVID-19 on the workplace, the "Black Lives Matter" and "Me Too" movements, unions, the National Labor Relations Board, the interviewing process, restrictive covenants, discrimination and harassment, and whistle-blower claims. Bradley attorneys authored the Alabama and Tennessee chapters of the US Regional Employment 2020 featured below ...
The US Regional Employment 2020 features 14 states. The guide provides expert legal commentary on the impact of COVID-19 on the workplace, the "Black Lives Matter" and "Me Too" movements, unions, the National Labor Relations Board, the interviewing process, restrictive covenants, discrimination and harassment, and whistle-blower claims. Bradley attorneys authored the Alabama and Tennessee chapters of the US Regional Employment 2020 featured below ...
The functioning of the World Wide Web is in many ways dependent on the use of hyperlinks. Many of those hyperlinks refer to works protected by copyright. In his recent Opinion, Advocate General Szpunar has considered which kinds of hyperlinks should be regarded as a communication to the public that require the copyright holder’s prior authorisation ...
What Happened: The US warns victims of ransomware and companies facilitating ransomware payments of potential Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”) violations in light of rising ransomware attacks. The Bottom Line: Individuals and companies risk potential civil penalties based on strict liability if a ransomware payment involves a person or entity on OFAC’s Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (“SDN List”) ...
In principle, the decision to vote electronically should have been taken as early as February 2020, at a time when few had ever heard of Covid-19. Companies that did not do so at that time but, as a result of Covid-19, would like to do so now for security reasons or because their staff still (mostly) work from home, have been given the opportunity to still introduce electronic voting. However, they have to reach an agreement on this issue at the latest on day X + 56 (i.e ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has been not only causing major social upheaval but disrupting business development and the economy as well. Nevertheless, since last March, we have seen many developments and new projects involving self-driving vehicles (SDV). Here is an overview ...
Ohio legislators recently introduced proposed H.B. 679, expanding telehealth services. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, telehealth has become more prevalent and necessary. Ohio lawmakers realize telehealth is only going to become more widespread in the future, as patient usage and acceptance continue to grow. If enacted, H.B ...