The Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (the "CEWS") Is a key component of the Government of Canada's COVID-19 economic response plan. The purpose of the CEWS, adopted on April 11, 2020, is to help Canadians keep their jobs during the crisis and help companies maintain an employment relationship with their employees in order to recover more quickly when the economy returns to normal ...
In April 2019, with the introduction of House Bill 904, a bi-partisan effort was made to strengthen cyber security in North Carolina. H.B ...
While most employers and HR departments still are addressing issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. Department of Labor ("DOL") issued new standard forms for handling Family and Medical Leave Act ("FMLA") claims. Specifically, there are new forms for FMLA notice of eligibility, designation notice, and medical certification for employees to use. At first glance, the new forms look quite different than their predecessors, but there are no major changes ...
In this unprecedented COVID-19 world, employers may need to consider layoffs, furloughs, or even closures to get through to the other side (whenever that comes). If you have done all you can to weather the government-mandated shutdowns and now have to consider letting people go, you are not alone ...
SB 977 was passed by the California Senate on June 26, 2020. If the bill is passed by the Assembly and becomes law, it will require health care systems, private equity groups, hedge funds, and academic medical centers to obtain advance approval by the California Attorney General for substantially all acquisitions or change of control transactions with health care facilities and providers ...
In Japan, the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (APPI) is the primary law that regulates data protection issues ...
Eligible dental providers may now apply for Provider Relief Funds, but the deadline to do so, July 24, 2020, is quickly approaching. On July 10, 2020, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) announced an additional $4 billion in relief payments to healthcare providers and, notably, opened its provider portal to dental providers ...
Thursday 16 July 2020 saw the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) issue its decision on the validity of two international data transfer mechanisms - the “Privacy Shield” mechanism, which allowed for transfers between the EU and the US, and the Standard Contractual Clauses (“SCCs”) which are of more general application. Both of these mechanisms were confirmed by decisions of the European Commission ...
Introduction In the recent Industrial Court Award between Malaysia Airports Sdn Bhd and Suhaimi bin Mohammad Haniff [Industrial Court Award 895 of 2020], the Industrial Court had underlined the significance of a well-executed Domestic Inquiry where the evidence of a witness during a domestic inquiry was given sufficient weight in adjudicating the matter. Brief material facts In the present matter, the Claimant was dismissed for assisting his colleague, Ms ...
As of July 1, the Russian requirements on digital labelling of medications and transmitting the data on medications’ turnover to the Chestny ZNAK system have become mandatory.Start of mandatory digital labellingFrom 1 July, all market participants of the pharmaceutical industry (manufacturers, distributors, pharmacies, etc.) must reflect information on all operations made with medications in the monitoring system ...
Yesterday, Virginia approved temporary emergency workplace safety standards related to COVID-19, making it the first state in the nation to do so. While final language has yet to be approved, the standards are expected to go into effect in late July and will remain in effect for six months unless extended pursuant to state law. A current draft of the regulations is available here ...
On Thursday, July 16, 2020, the European Union's top court issued a landmark ruling that will immediately transform how companies can lawfully transfer EU personal data to the United States. The court invalidated the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield, one of the most common mechanisms used by U.S. companies in connection with cross-border data transfers ...
In a landmark victory for Federally-qualified health centers, a California Court of Appeal confirmed last October that federal and state law requires the State of California to pay FQHCs “100 percent” of their costs of furnishing core and other ambulatory services to Medi-Cal beneficiaries. (Tulare Pediatric Health Care Center v. State Department of Health Care Services (2nd Dist. 2019) 41 Cal.App.5th 163 ...
Please join us for a virtual webinar addressing worker classification issues, including independent contractor v. employee, and how to manage temporary or seasonal workers and avoid common legal traps. Misclassification of workers is a costly mistake and can lead to exposure for unpaid taxes, unpaid overtime, penalties and punitive damages. We will discuss how to properly work with and manage independent contractors to make sure they are not classified as employees ...
On July 10, 2020, in United States v. Ruan, the Eleventh Circuit affirmed the convictions of two Alabama doctors for running an opiate “pill mill.” Among many other things, the government charged that the doctors used “incident to” billing to charge Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama under the doctor’s identification for visits conducted entirely by nurse practitioners, which that insurer (unlike some others) prohibited under its policy ...
On June 16, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine signed into law House Bill 81. Its impact is significant for employers in the context of workers’ compensation. Governor DeWine touted the amendment that provided workers’ compensation coverage for medical diagnostic services to investigate whether a detention facility employee’s exposure to another’s blood or bodily fluids resulted in an injury or occupational disease ...
An application software (app) is a program designed to help customers perform particular activities. These apps, which are usually on our electronic devices, are used to control several things ranging from health & fitness, music, movies, online shopping, gaming to mobile money transfers and even household appliances. In this article, our Davidson Oturu, breaks down the IP considerations app developers should note ...
On 9 July 2020, the Employment (Amendment) Bill 2019 (Bill) was passed at the Legislative Council. The Bill introduces amendments to the Employment Ordinance (Ordinance) to extend the statutory maternity leave period from 10 weeks to 14 weeks, and technical amendments to rationalise the current statutory maternity leave regime (Amendments). We summarise the effect of the Amendments as follows: Current position New position 1 ...
The current crisis has challenged the strength of all companies. It has forced businesses to quickly address new issues that often were outside their agenda earlier. During this period, most of businesses have managed to temporarily adapt, or radically change their processes and strategies; establish a flawless remote operation; transform the pattern of cooperation with counterparties and partners; reallocate resources and learn to communicate with their employees under crisis ...
U.S. Trademark laws are based on the premise that rights in a trademark exist so long as the mark is continuously used in interstate commerce. Once you cease use of the mark without an intention of resuming such use, the mark may be subject to cancellation or abandonment by a third party ...
By: John Epperson San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors passed an Emergency Ordinance on July 7 entitled “Cleaning and Disease Prevention Standards in Tourist Hotels and Large Commercial Office Buildings” (the “EO”). The EO is expected to be signed by the Mayor and go into effect soon ...
Key Points The Supreme Court's upcoming decision regarding the Affordable Care Act could render its tax provisions retroactively unconstitutional. Depending on the outcome, there is a potential opportunity for refunds on open tax years for taxpayers who paid the net investment income tax and additional Medicare tax. For most taxpayers, the deadline for a protective claim of refund on a 2016 tax return, filed without extensions, is July 15, 2020 ...
With the exit from lockdown in full swing, many companies are recalling their staff to the workplace. This article answers 10 FAQs that employers, business managers and HR specialists must consider during employees' return to work. FAQs Must employers respect health and safety measures on their employees' return to work and, if so, which ones?Yes, to the extent possible, social distancing (ie, maintaining a distance between people of at least 1 ...
Key Points The cash value of employees’ donated leave time paid to a qualified charitable organization in 2020 under an employer-sponsored leave donation program is not taxable wages or compensation. Employers may take a tax deduction for such payments as a business expense or a charitable contribution ...