October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer and to raise funds for research into its cause, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and cure. The firm held an event last week at its offices with staff in order to raise awareness about breast cancer and to raise funds for the cause. The firm is once again making a contribution to the Action for Breast Cancer Foundation ...
The Internal Revenue Service and Social Security Administration have announced the various retirement plan benefit and employment tax limits for 2023. Certain limitations will not change for 2023 because they are not subject to annual adjustments. However, limits tied a cost of living index have increased. The limits for 2023, as compared to those in effect for 2022, are set forth below ...
On 13 October 2022, Shoosmiths hosted a webinar on the UK Covid-19 Inquiry (the ‘Inquiry’). The webinar took a closer look at the structure and progress of the Inquiry, alongside the commercial and legal considerations that any potential witness or party should be aware of, including the role of a Core Participant (‘CP’). The webinar was hosted by Paul Eccles (Partner) and included talks by Alex Friston (Associate) and Charles Arrand (Partner) ...
Careers Kudun and Partners Founded in 2015, Kudun and Partners is a modern and forward-thinking law firm with a vision for a more client-focused way of practicing ...
All employers in the UK have a responsibility to prevent illegal working which is done by undertaking simple right to work checks before an employee commences employment. 1. Why do employers need to know what IDSPs are? All employers in the UK have a responsibility to prevent illegal working which is done by undertaking simple right to work checks before an employee commences employment ...
A recent Supreme Court decision has clarified the position on how holiday pay for irregular workers on permanent contracts should be calculated. But practically, where does this leave employers and what options are available to them? Background Under the Working Time Regulations, workers are entitled to be paid a minimum of 5 ...
In February of 2022, during his State of the Union Address, President Biden announced an action plan to improve the safety and quality of care in the nation’s nursing homes.[i] On October 21, 2022, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced new requirements to help with oversight of facilities selected to the Special Focus Facilities (SFF) Program ...
The Covid-19 pandemic has played an important role in shaping labour markets by accelerating the growth of digital labour platforms which have in turn brought a number of challenges ...
The Transparent and Predictable Working Conditions Regulations came into force last Friday, the 21st October 2022, implementing the Transparent and Predictable Workings Conditions Directive (2019/1152). The Regulations lay down minimum requirements on the working conditions applicable to every worker in the European Union who has an employment contract or relationship ...
On the occasion of Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022, our firm organized a photo-taking session on Friday, October 21 at 3 pm. This session is a part of a global effort to raise awareness about breast cancer, one of the world’s most prevalent types of cancer. Often times, the disease has been overlooked by males. However, breast cancer can affect both men and women ...
On October 19, 2022, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) released the “Know Your Rights: Workplace Discrimination is Illegal” poster, replacing the “EEO is the Law” poster. The “Know Your Rights” poster provides updated guidance on federal anti-discrimination laws to applicants, employees, and employers. Covered employers are required to prominently display the “Know Your Rights” poster at their worksites ...
The European Council of the EU gave formal approval to the Digital Services Act (DSA) on 4 October 2022, which is the most significant update to the legal framework on digital services since the adoption of the E-Commerce Directive in 2000. The focus of the DSA is to improve user safety online by regulating online content, advertising and product sales ...
It is generally accepted that hybrid working is here to stay, along with all the challenges that managing a remote workforce presents. Here we focus on how an employer can effectively manage absence when employees are working remotely. As we discussed in our previous article, The Future of Work: Performance management in a hybrid working world (shoosmiths.co ...
A summary of the key takeaways from a recent webinar on Immigration in Scotland: How do the current rules help fill Scottish labour shortages? The event was hosted by Pavan Sumal and Samantha Mackie and a summary of key takeaways can be found below. General Overview Scotland is subject to the same immigration rules as the rest of the UK. Whilst this carries many benefits, it doesn’t recognise the fact that each of the home nations is unique and has different needs ...
pMany development authorities and other economic or industrial development authorities in the State of Georgia (each, an “Authority”) offer “Economic Development and Incentive” programs for private companies which commit to make new capital investments that promote trade and commerce and provide new employment or retain existing employment ...
On December 7, 2021, in Georgia v. Biden, Case No. 1:21-cv-163, a federal district court judge in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Georgia issued a preliminary injunction enjoining enforcement of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for federal contractors and subcontractors in all covered contracts in any state or territory of the United States. This injunction was nationwide applied to all federal contractors ...
What are the legal consequences of an employee continuing to work after the employee has reached the agreed upon retirement age? Does a new contract of employment come into force or does the old contract continue operating? Can an employer still terminate employment on the basis that the employee has reached (and passed) their retirement age? These questions have been the subject of much debate over the years ...
The Governor’s office has announced that the COVID State of Emergency will end on February 28, 2023. Absent a change in the Governor's plans, at that point, COVID-19 will no longer be a valid basis to hold emergency teleconference meetings pursuant to AB 361. Brown Act Teleconference Meetings The Brown Act allows an agency's governing board to use any type of teleconferencing in connection with any meeting ...
The window to apply for the 2023 foreign employee quota is open until the end of November 2022. Enterprises employing or intending to employ foreign employees in 2023 are required to apply for a foreign employee quota from the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (“MLVT”) ...
Today is World Menopause Day! Whilst it may feel like ‘just another day’, it is an important day for raising awareness of something that has, historically, not been on most people’s radars (other than those going thought it, of course) ...
With the government’s widely publicised plan to end the sale of new petrol and diesel cars in the UK by the end of the decade comes a secondary issue – the need for an extensive electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure to support an exponential increase in the number of EV cars on the road. Rollout of EV chargepoints is significantly behind what is needed to meet the predicted demand from 2030 ...
That’s the question Shoosmiths and Cornwall Insight’s recent report sought to answer, investigating the role the Battery-as-a-Service (BaaS) model could play as part of the UK’s electric vehicle charging network. In a new video, Jonathan Smart, partner and head of mobility at Shoosmiths, discusses the BaaS model, which enables electric vehicle owners and business fleets to swap out depleted batteries for fully charged ones at a service station via a subscription service ...
After one year of processing, last October 12, Chilean Congress passed the Fintech Law initiative (the "Fintech Law"). The speed in the processing of this bill responds to the need to give legal certainty to the Fintech of companies, given their growth in recent years and their importance as a tool for strengthening the national economy ...
On October 7, 2022 Federal laws No. 376-FZ and No. 379-FZ which provide supplementary guarantees for employees came into effect. Among other things, new grounds for termination of an employment contract have been introduced and opportunity and procedure for an employment contract suspension for the period of military service have been formalized ...