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Deacons | January 2006

The Central Government of the People’s Republic of China (“the Mainland”) and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (“Hong Kong”) reached a further understanding regarding the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between the Mainland and Hong Kong (“CEPA”) (as discussed in the July 2003 and November 2003 issues of China Legal Update) on 27 August 2004 ...

Deacons | January 2006

The Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”) and the General Office of the General Administration of Customs jointly issued the Notice on Relevant Issues in the Administration of Foreign Trade in Free Trade Zones and Bonded Logistics Parks on 13 July 2005 ...

Deacons | January 2006

The Ministry of Finance promulgated the Measures for the Examination and Approval of the Advanced Recovery of Their Investment by Foreign Partners in Chinese-foreign Cooperative Joint Venture Enterprises on 9 June 2005. The Measures, which entered into effect on 1 September 2005, specify the conditions that foreign investors must satisfy to obtain advanced recovery of their investment in a Chinese-foreign cooperative joint venture (“CJV”) ...

Deacons | January 2006

The National Development and Reform Commission promulgated the Provisional Measures for the Administration of Venture Capital Enterprises on 15 November 2005. When they enter into effect on 1 March 2006, the Measures will be the first national statute governing venture capital investment in China ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2005

On December 31, 2005, amendments to Ontario’s Securities Act will come into effect to provide investors with a new recourse against companies and their directors, officers, employees and consultants for any misrepresentation in their public documents or public oral statements, or for failure to make timely disclosure of material changes in the company’s circumstances ...

Deacons | December 2005

The Wider Economic Environment In 1978, the Government of the People’s Republic of China embarked on a comprehensive program to reform China’s state-planned economy and introduce a free market economy. The new capitalist structures were initially intended to co-exist with the state-planned economy, but a massive surge in foreign investment has since stimulated the free market economy to eclipse the public sector in the industrialised south and eastern seaboard of the country ...

Lavery Lawyers | December 2005

The recent decision of the Court of Quebec, Small Claims Division, in the case of Spénard v. Promutuel Bois-Francs, société mutuelle d’assurance générale,1 revisited the issue of the right of an insurer to seek the nullity of an insurance policy based on an insured’s failure to disclose a prior conviction under the Young Offenders Act. The Plaintiff claimed $5,100 from his insurer for property stolen from his home between January 24 and January 27, 2003 ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | December 2005

This Order . which came into effect on 1 December 2005, facilitates the expansion of the electronic filing system in the Companies Registration Office. Companies may now appoint Electronic Filing Agents to sign and file documents with the CRO in electronic form. The Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment, Mr Michael Ahern, stated, “The introduction of a statutory Electronic Filing Agent will greatly simplify the process for companies and their agents ...

In February of the present year, the Law No. 511 on the Creation of the Superintendence of Public Services (SISEP) was enacted. This Law substituted on its functions the Institutions rendering Public Services of Telecommunications, Energy and Drinking Water, (INAA, TELCOR; INE), and revoked their Organic Laws leaving them without any effect. From this legal event it existed in Nicaragua uncertainty for all the private parties who had established legal relationships with these institutions ...

Deacons | November 2005

A recent Hong Kong case has shed same light on banks' ability to take security over documents delivered under documentary credits ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | November 2005

Re Hunting plc [2004] EWCH 2591 (Ch) Facts: The company’s issued share capital consisted of ordinary shares and convertible preference shares. Under the company’s Articles of Association, the preference shareholders were not entitled to attend at or vote at general meetings of the company, unless, among other things, a resolution was to be proposed at that meeting which modified any of the rights attaching to the preference shares ...

A&L Goodbody LLP | October 2005

The funds industry in Ireland has exceeded US$500 billion (over €410 Billion), according to the latest edition of Fitzrovia International’s Dublin Fund Encyclopaedia. A&L Goodbody remains the leading legal adviser by net asset value, representing funds in excess of US$149 billion, i.e. 25.8% of all funds in the Irish market ...

Lavery Lawyers | October 2005

On April 4, 2005, the Court of Appeal issued its decision in CGU v. The Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company and Axa Insurance1, which sheds new light on the right of a subrogated insurer to institute legal proceedings directly against the insurer of the person allegedly responsible for the loss. The decision also contains a discussion of the concept of solidarity between insurer and insured for the purposes of the interruption of prescription ...

Shepherd and Wedderburn LLP | September 2005

The simplest way of achieving your objective might be to consider the introduction of a share option scheme – this would enable your company to grant its employees rights to acquire shares at a pre-determined point in the future (i.e. on the occurrence of a flotation), but at a price which is fixed when the options are awarded ...

Deacons | August 2005

The State Administration of Foreign Exchange ("SAFE") issued the Notice on Relevant Issues in Perfecting Foreign Exchange Control in Mergers and Acquisitions by Foreign Investors ("Notice 1") on 24 January 2005 and the Notice on Relevant Issues in the Registration of the Offshore Investments of Individual Domestic Residents and Foreign Exchange Registration of Mergers and Acquisitions by Foreign Investors ("Notice 2") on 21 April 2005 ...

Deacons | August 2005

The Ministry of Commerce ("MOFCOM") promulgated the Measures for the Administration of Foreign Investment in the Leasing Industry on 21 January 2005. The Measures superseded the 2001 Provisional Measures for the Administration of the Examination and Approval of Leasing Companies with Foreign Investment when they entered into effect on 5 March 2005 ...

Deacons | August 2005

The Ministry of Commerce, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce jointly promulgated the Implementing Measures for the Administration of Branded Automobile Sales on 21 February 2005. The Measures, which entered into effect on 1 April 2005, are aimed at bringing more order in the Chinese automobile market ...

Deacons | August 2005

The General Office of the Ministry of Commerce issued the Notice on Transmitting and Issuing the Letter of Reply of the General Office of the State Council on the Issue of the Detailed Applicability of the Capital Contributions of Investors in, and the Liquidation of, Foreign Investment Enterprises ("the Reply") on 18 March 2005 ...

Deacons | August 2005

The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") has recently updated the Arbitration Rules of CIETAC 中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则 ("Rules"). The revised Rules came into effect on 1 May 2005. Specialist arbitration rules The revised Rules provide for the possibility of using rules, which have been tailor-made for specific industries ...

Deacons | August 2005

The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ("CIETAC") also updated its financial arbitration rules, the Arbitration Rules for Financial Disputes of CIETAC. The revised Financial Arbitration Rules replace the 2003 rules (as discussed in the July 2003 Issue of China Legal Update - and took effect on 1 May 2005 ...

Deacons | August 2005

The Taiwan Financial Supervisory Commission ("FSC") on 2 August 2005 promulgated new rules governing the offering of overseas funds in Taiwan ("the New Rules"). The New Rules take immediate effect and significantly change the existing rules and landscape for overseas funds being offered in Taiwan ...

Deacons | August 2005

On 27 April 2005, the People’s Bank of China ("PBOC") promulgated the Measures Governing the Issuance of Financial Bonds on the National Inter-bank Bond Market ("the Measures"). The Measures entered into force as of 1 June 2005 and represent an attempt by China’s central bank to standardise the activities of issuing financial bonds on the national inter-bank bond market ...

Deacons | August 2005

In 2005, China’s State Administration of Foreign Exchange ("SAFE") released the Circular on Verification of Quotas for 2005 on Short-term Foreign Loans of Overseas-funded Banks ("Circular") and its Supplementary Circular on Questions Related to Renminbi Loans with Guarantees in Foreign Exchange ("Supplementary Circular", and together the "Circulars"). The Circulars are intended to facilitate the enforcement of loan registration requirements on renminbi loans with guarantees in foreign exchange ...

Lavery Lawyers | August 2005

On February 2, 2005, the Court of Appeal rendered judgement in L’Union-vie, compagnie mutuelle d’assurance v. Laflamme1, and allowed the appeal of Union-Vie, the defendant in the case. In the court of first instance, Union-Vie had been ordered to pay insurance proceeds of $200,000 further to the death, on September 27, 2001, of the Plaintiff’s spouse, pursuant to a life insurance policy issued on the basis of an insurance application dated October 23, 1998 ...

Lavery Lawyers | August 2005

On March 18, 2005, the Quebec Court of Appeal handed down an important decision confirming that the evidence relating to the behaviour and practices of a “reasonable insurer” need not be provided by an expert witness. In CGU Compagnie d’assurances du Canada v. Sylvain Paul et al., (J.E. 2005-705), Justices Louise Mailhot, René Dussault and Marie-France Bich dealt with this issue in connection with an objection to evidence made by the attorney representing the insured, Mr ...
