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Kocian Solc Balastik | April 2020

  On 6 April 2020, the Government approved a bill on certain measures to mitigate the impact of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus epidemic on the tourism sector. On 8 April 2020, the bill will be discussed by the Chamber of Deputies Committee for Public Administration and Regional Development and subsequently by the Chamber of Deputies. The Act applies to package tours starting on 20 February 2020 through to 31 August 2020 ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | April 2020

Aid for self-employed persons and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) affected by anti-coronavirus measures pursuant to the Czech Government’s 'COVID GUARANTEE' programme was exhausted in one day. On Monday, March 30, 2020, the terms and conditions of the follow-up COVID II program will be published, in which CZK 5 billion should be available. The rush of applications is expected, so action needs to be taken quickly and not delayed ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | April 2020

What does "state of emergency" actually meanand what are the powers of the Government in the regard? Can someone claim damages incurred in relation to the state of emergency? State of Emergency With effect from 12 March 2020 at 2 pm, the Government of the Czech Republic (the “Government”) has declared a state of emergency for 30 days for the territory of the Czech Republic due to health threats related to the presence of coronavirus in the Czech Republic (Governme

Kocian Solc Balastik | April 2020

The current situation has a considerable impact on employment relations ...

Kocian Solc Balastik | April 2020

Many governmentalregulations may prevent contractual obligations from being duly fulfilled. How can you best handlethe performance, or more precisely, thenon-performance of your contracts? Force majeure Section 2913 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll ...

Afridi & Angell | April 2020

Below is a summary of key new measures and initiatives that have been implemented by various UAE authorities since 9 April 2020 and the time of this inBrief, 6:00 p.m. on Monday, 13 April 2020.   Commercial Activity On 13 April 2020 the Dubai Department of Economic Development issued a circular on the re-opening of some commercial activities and emphasised that these activities must continue to comply with preventive guidelines, including operating only between the hours of 8:00 a.m ...

Gianni & Origoni | April 2020

Introduction The Italian Government has adopted Law Decree no. 23 of 8 April 20201 (the "Liquidity Decree"), which provides for additional measures to support companies in the current COVID-19 emergency ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | April 2020

OSHA requires that covered employers record certain work-related injuries and illnesses on their OSHA 300 log. Under OSHA’s recordkeeping requirements, COVID-19 is a recordable illness, and employers are responsible for recording cases of COVID-19, if all of the following are met: The case is a confirmed case of COVID-19; The case is work-related, as defined by 29 CFR 1904.5; and The case involves one or more of the general recording criteria set forth in 29 CFR 1904 ...

Makarim & Taira S. | April 2020

Background On 15 February 2019, a petition for a judicial review was submitted by two individuals (“Petitioners”), claiming that their constitutional rights had been violated by Article 15 (2) and Article 15 (3) of Law No. 42 of 1999 on Fiduciary Security (“Fiduciary Security Law”) ...

Afridi & Angell | April 2020

Below is a summary of key relief and operational measures implemented by the DIFC since 1 April 2020 and the time of this inBrief, 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, 11 April 2020. Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) announces relief measures On Tuesday, 7 April 2020, the DFSA announced a number of relief measures to support their clients during this time of stress and uncertainty. These measures are aimed at both new firms setting up in the DIFC as well as existing authorised firms ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | April 2020

Does the Covid-19 pandemic (or actions taken to counter the spread of Covid-19) constitute a Force Majeure in a refit/ repair contract? Is there any implied right of relief for the contractor or the owner? Under English law, unlike civil law systems, a force majeure is neither defined nor automatically applicable to commercial contracts ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | April 2020

Does the COVID-19 pandemic (or actions taken to counter the spread of COVID-19) constitute Force Majeure and is there any implied remedy (e.g. implied force majeure relief) arising as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? Under English law, unlike civil law systems, force majeure is neither defined nor automatically applicable to commercial contracts ...

In the face of governmental orders shutting down businesses, redirecting business efforts and assets, and even seizing business property to redistribute to others, we see more and more questions about the limits of governmental authority and the remedies for affected people and businesses. Lawsuits already are being filed, and the courts undoubtedly will have to provide the answers. Click here for a more detailed discussion of COVID-19 and governmental takings ...

In the face of governmental orders shutting down businesses, redirecting business efforts and assets, and even seizing business property to redistribute to others, we see more and more questions about the limits of governmental authority and the remedies for affected people and businesses. Lawsuits already are being filed, and the courts undoubtedly will have to provide the answers. Click here for a more detailed discussion of COVID-19 and governmental takings ...

For over 240 years, Congress has allowed citizens of different states to litigate in federal court and, for equally as long, has permitted defendants to remove such cases from state court to federal court in cases exceeding the jurisdictional minimum. Judiciary Act of 1789, 1 Stat. 79 Section 12 ...

As a result of the COVID-19, employers are being forced to reduce the size of their workforces in order to keep costs down for the duration of the pandemic and perhaps beyond. Employers can choose to either furlough employees or lay them off; however, deciding which route is best requires an analysis of the employer’s situation, as well as the needs of the employees ...

Lawson Lundell LLP | April 2020

Many commercial contracts limit claims between parties, particularly for consequential losses, to instances of gross negligence. Many statutes circumscribe claims against government authorities to the same circumstances. The Police Act, for example, prohibits claims against the police except where the police have been “guilty of dishonesty, gross negligence or malicious or wilful misconduct” ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | April 2020

We have previously reported on the Order that adopted the extraordinary measures under the COVID-19 health emergency declaration, published on March 31, 2020 (the “Order”), and the subsequent Technical Guidelines regarding certain essential activities described in the Order published on April 6, 2020. (These alerts may be found here and here, respectively ...

Asters | April 2020

On 30 March 2020, the Ukrainian Parliament adopted the Law "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts Aimed to Ensure Additional Social and Economic Guarantees Due to the Coronavirus Disease (COVID-2019) Spread" (the Law), which introduces to the Ukrainian legislative environment new complex rules aimed at minimizing the negative impact of the spread of the COVID-19 in Ukraine. The below summary focuses on key changes introduced by the Law ...

Carey | April 2020

On March 25, 2020, and as the Chilean authority holding the superior direction of the civil aviation, the Civil Aeronautical Board (Junta de Aeronáutica Civil) issued the resolution Resolución Excenta Nº280 (“RE280”). The RE280 was issued based on the need to reduce the risks associated to the spreading of the Covid-19 virus through the air transport during the sanitary emergency period ...

Brigard Urrutia | April 2020

The circular makes provision for the following services: 1. The public service of land transport of cargo. The exceptions referred to in Decree 457 do not specify a type of vehicle, but rather limit the cargo transport service to that which corresponds to the goods strictly necessary to prevent, mitigate and attend to the emergency and which are listed in Article 3 of the same Decree, as well as the cargo transport of imports and exports. 2 ...

Dykema | April 2020

On Saturday, April 4, 2020, the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”) issued a business review letter to a number of providers of Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) and pharmaceutical products, stating that the DOJ “presently does not intend to challenge” their efforts to expedite and increase manufacturing, sourcing, and distribution of PPE and medications in connection with Project Airbridge ...

Afridi & Angell | April 2020

Below is a summary of key new measures and initiatives that have been implemented and announced by various UAE authorities since 6 April 2020 and the time of this inBrief, 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 8 April 2020 ...

The pandemic of COVID-19 has severely affected functioning of various business activities across the globe and has posed a threat to legal services. The risks to legal services posed by the spread of COVID-19 were highlighted a few weeks back when international law firm Baker McKenzie closed its London office after a staff member was suspected to have been at risk of contracting the novel coronavirus ...
