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Recently, the General Directorate of Customs (DGA), under the provisions of art 440 of the Regulation of the Uniform Central American Customs Code (RECAUCA), has modified the period of stay for vehicles owned by foreign tourists, Salvadorans residing abroad, and Salvadoran students residing abroad ...

Starting in 2020, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the “CARES Act”) expanded the deductibility of charitable contributions to incentivize charitable giving during 2020. The Consolidated Appropriations Act (the “CAA”), which was passed on December 27, 2020, extended and expanded many provisions of the CARES Act for 2021, which continues to make this a favorable time for making charitable contributions ...

ENSafrica | August 2019

On 18 March 2019, South Africa’s National Treasury published revised Electronic Services Regulations, significantly expanding the scope of electronically supplied services that are subject to value-added tax (“VAT”). The publication follows the Minister of Finance’s announcement in the 2017 Budget Review that the regulations defining electronic services would be broadened ...

From a regulatory and legal point of view, what do Canadian companies need to know about doing business here? The Philippines is a party to several treaties, including a tax treaty that applies to Canadian suppliers that want to sell goods to the Philippines. There are special laws for investors depending on the type of activity they plan to engage in. Manufacturers and companies in the renewable energy sector could be entitled to tax incentives ...

ExportWise magazine has published the “First 5 Calls” series on the Philippines. Published by Export Development Canada (EDC) for Canadian exporters and investors, ExportWise’s “First 5 Calls” series seeks to provide practical, on-the-ground advice from five market experts who each address a particular aspect of doing business in a certain country, such as legal and regulatory, market entry and distribution, customs, human resources, etc.SyCipLaw partner Hiyasmin H ...

Basham, Ringe y Correa, S.C. | September 2012

Long gone are the days when discussions about customs and foreign trade in Mexico was always in reference to opening borders and policies to promote the development of local industries in a global economy. Today we find that the focus is more on new topics concerning security of the supply chain and compliance with customs regulations, as the key elements that determine the success of a business ...

AELEX | June 2022

On 13thJune 2022, the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA) issued the draft Code of Practice for Interactive Computer Service Platforms/Internet Intermediaries (“the Code”).[1] The objectives of the Code include setting out best practices for Platforms and making the digital ecosystem safer for Nigerians and non-Nigerians in Nigeria ...

PLMJ | October 2009

I. Introductory Note The Republic of Mozambique is rich in mineral resources, including oil, gold, mineral water, coal, natural gas, and marble, and even though exploitation of these resources is far below desired levels, the mining sector still contributes to just under 2% of the country’s GDP ...

ENSafrica | September 2021

Since the G7 meeting on 5 June when the G7 finance ministers announced a global corporation tax of at least 15%, there has been much written and spoken about the new proposed global minimum tax rate. Janet Yellen, the US Treasury Secretary, called the agreement a “historic day for economic diplomacy” ...

Simonsen Vogt Wiig AS | December 2023

In recent years, the intersection of economic openness and national security has prompted international policy development in various countries, including Norway. Concerns about vulnerabilities arising from foreign investments, particularly in security-sensitive sectors, have led to the revision of legislation and the initiation of supply chain assessments by trading partners ...

Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP | December 2013

Negotiation of the proposed EU Data Protection Regulation has faltered. While there is still a possibility that the Regulation could be passed before the May 2014 European elections, that looks increasingly remote. The main stumbling block appears to be the difficult issue of the ‘one stop shop’, which has produced deadlock within the Council of Ministers.  The ‘one stop shop’ proposal is inherently difficult, but until now has been referenced in somewhat superficial terms ...

Dykema | May 2020

On April 30, 2020, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) issued Notice 2020-32, 2020-21 I.R.B. 1, providing guidance on the deductibility of certain expenses incurred pursuant to the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act, Pub. L. No. 116-135 (“CARES Act”) ...

ENSafrica | March 2020

A recent report published by the White House Council of Economic Advisers (“CEA”) on drug pricing in the United States of America has put the cost of medicine and the access thereto by the poor, firmly back in the spotlight. And on a global scale. In the CEA report, President Donald Trump’s administration argues that the USA pays higher prices for pharmaceuticals because other developed countries have systems in place to actively force down drug pricing ...

O'Neal Webster | October 2012

The much anticipated Trade Marks Bill (“the Bill”) was recently circulated to the industry for comments. The Bill, which when enacted will be known as the Trade Marks Act, 2012, promises to introduce much needed change to the trademark industry in the British Virgin Islands and place the jurisdiction in line with other modern jurisdictions ...

Morgan & Morgan | October 2018

In the framework of a globalized world and social networks that are established as a measure of possible interest of economic, social and political groups, data protection regulations become more relevant ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | December 2010

Effective as of July 21, 2011, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the “Dodd-Frank Act”) repeals a key exemption from investment adviser registration currently relied upon by many private fund managers and replaces it with several much more limited exemptions from registration ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | September 2018

Months into the United States’ trade dispute with China, and there is no end in sight to the dispute.  There are three significant deadlines for U.S. importers to consider involving the tariffs the U.S ...

ENSafrica | January 2016

For years, the South African securities lending industry has been lobbying for an exemption from securities transfer tax (“STT”) for the outright transfer of listed equity securities as collateral. On 8 January 2016, the Taxation Laws Amendment Act 25 of 2015 was promulgated, which includes the long-awaited introduction to the Securities Transfer Tax Act 25 of 2007 (the “STT Act”) of such an exemption ...

Buchalter | September 2020

On August 8, 2020, the President of the United States issued a Presidential Memorandum directing the Secretary of the Treasury to use his authority pursuant to section 7508A of the Internal Revenue Code to defer the withholding, deposit, and payment of certain payroll tax obligations for the remainder of 2020. In Notice 2020-65, the IRS provides guidance implementing the payroll tax deferral.  What wages are eligible?  Eligibility is subject to income limits ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | March 2018

On December 22, 2017, President Trump signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which amended certain provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. Bank boards and management teams should take time to familiarize themselves with these changes, as several amendments to the Code relate to the payment of executive compensation. For corporate executives and compensation committees, the change to the Code that has garnered the most attention concerns an amendment to Code Section 162(m) ...

Jeantet | June 2016

Recent “gun jumping” rulings across Europe have included fines on investors and serve as reminders that exchange of information between two competitors during an M&A negotiation has to be treated with caution.In fact, if the focus in an M&A deal is usually on merger control clearances, the path towards the completion of the operation has also to be monitored very closely, in the sense that the companies involved should remain independent competitors until the deal is effectively closed ...

ENSafrica | April 2017

In the 2017 South African Budget Review, specific statements were made from a tax and exchange control perspective in relation to fund managers. We briefly consider below whether these statements constitute a relaxation of the exchange control restrictions applicable to South African residents, and the taxes to be considered ...

ENSafrica | October 2020

A recent decision in Germany has resulted in a hefty fine being imposed on an employer for violations of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”). The decision is a strong warning to South African employers to not overprocess their employees’ information ...

AELEX | February 2022

With a low percentage of Nigeria’s population investing in the stock market and fewer Nigerians interested in investment opportunities, the rise ofRoboAdvisors is a welcome alternative in the financial advisory market (“the Market”) in Nigeria. In a bid toregulateand strengthen the Market, the Nigerian Security and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) recently rolled out the rules onRoboAdvisory services (‘the Rules”) in Nigeria ...

Wardynski & Partners | November 2006

Within the European Union the issue of taking evidence in another member state has been regulated uniformly by the Council regulation (EC) No 1206/2001 of 28 May 2001 on cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters. However some general rules relating to the procedure of taking evidence abroad were developed and established long before the adoption of the regulation ...
