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Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2005

Energy Policy Elert, please click on link to view full publication ...

Amendments to several provisions of the Mexican Mining Law (the “Law”) were recently passed by the Mexican Congress and published in the Federal Official Gazette on April 28, 2005. The amendments to the Law can be summarized as follows: a) A new governmental body called the “Mexican Geological Service” was created in lieu of the previous Mineral Resources Council ...

Lavery Lawyers | May 2005

On April 29, 2005, the Court of Appeal rendered a judgment in Pharmascience Inc. v. Option Consommateurs et Piro1 on the constitutionality of the amendments made to the Code of Civil Procedure on January 1, 2003 regarding authorizations to institute class actions. Contrary to the arguments of the appealing pharmaceutical companies, the Court of Appeal held that the amendments are constitutional and do not violate the Quebec Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms in any way ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2005

In December 2004 and more recently in March 2005, the Superior Court rendered three significant judgments respecting motions for authorization to institute class actions. In the first case, Bouchard v. Laiterie et Boulangerie Parmalat Inc.1, the motion was denied for the absence of interest and of rights of the applicant. In the second case, Citoyens pour une qualité de vie v. Aéroports de Montréal2, the motion was denied for lack of identical, similar or related questions of law or fact ...

Asters | November 2004

One of the key sectors of the Oil & Gas industry is the extraction of oil, gas and gas condensate hereinafter to be referred as carbohydrates (“CH”). For businesses involved in CH extraction, the two key assets are the extraction licence and the oil or gas well (“CH Well”). This article throws light on light on the legal concept of a CH Well in Ukranian Law and its application to the ownership issue ...

Asters | October 2004

The JIA or the Joint Investment Activity Agreement is a legal document on the basis of which thousands of tones of carbohydrates become privately owned in Ukraine everyday. Presently the JIA Agreement dominates the production of carbohydrates and this situation does not seem to be about to change in the near future. The article goes on to describe various JIA’s ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | September 2004

As natural gas commodity prices continue their near-term climb, and new domestic sources become harder to find, many oil and gas producers and large gas users such as chemical companies are looking abroad for a cheaper and more readily available source of supply ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2004

I. Introduction President Vicente Fox has devoted significant political efforts to reform the energy sector. He is well aware of the current needs for investment, particularly in power generation and non-associated gas exploration and production. He is also aware that the government will not have the necessary funds to match the anticipated growth of energy demand ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2004

I. Introduction Mexico’s power generation sector is facing a possible crisis in the near future. The Federal Government has estimated that over 27,000 megawatts of additional power generation capacity will be needed by 2009 to avoid a power crisis in the country. Since 1960, the electricity sector has been reserved to the State ...

Asters | May 2003

Incoming Call ChargesIn February 2003 the Ukrainian Parliament overruled President Kuchma's December 2002 veto against an amendment to Article 12 of the Communications Law 1995. The amendment prohibits all telecommunications operators from charging their customers for incoming calls. On March 13 2003 the president duly signed the amendment, which will come into effect six months after its official publication (ie, on September 18 2003) ...

Asters | April 2003

Mobile TeleSystems, Russia's leading mobile communications operator and one of the largest mobile operators in Eastern Europe, has acquired a 57.7% stake in Ukrainian Mobile Communications (UMC), the second largest Ukrainian mobile operator, for €194.2 million. In November 2002 Mobile TeleSystems signed a purchase agreement for 57.7% of UMC's shares. Under the agreement, Mobile TeleSystems was to acquire the 16 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | August 2002

A reference guide to articles, speeches and presentations created by Allen Cummings ...

University of Texas Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute Introduction This paper does not cover pooling from A to Z. If you are interested in a more basic treatment of pooling, see Smith and Weaver, "Texas Law of Oil and Gas," Lexis 2000, Section §4.8. Rather, this paper will first examine selected recent cases, which to some extent involved exercise of the pooling authority under the oil and gas lease ...

University of Houston Law Foundation 2002 Oil and Gas Short Course Introduction The proposal for and conduct of operations are the primary souce of disagreement and litigation under AAPL Model Form Operating Agreement Form 610. This Model Form Operating Agreement has been in use in sustantially the same form since the first Form 610-1956 ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2002

There is a multi-million dollar market segment that petroleum and energy product companies may not have considered previously -- namely sales to the U.S. Government. The principal federal government agency for the purchase and management of energy products is the Defense Energy Support Center (DESC), a part of the Defense Logistics Agency, with headquarters at Ft. Belvoir, Virginia ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | March 2002

Introduction President of Mexico Vicente Fox has announced that one of the priorities of his administration will be the development of the energy sector. He is well aware of the current needs for investment in this sector, particularly in power generation and non-associated gas exploration and production. He is also aware that the government will not have the necessary funds to match the anticipated growth of energy demand ...

Haynes and Boone, LLP | January 2002

Enron announced in court Friday, January 11, that it had selected UBS Warburg’s bid for its wholesale commodity trading business. Many details concerning the sale remain to be resolved through the bankruptcy court process. Importantly for Haynes and Boone’s energy clients, there are many other Enron assets remaining on the auction block ...
