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PLMJ | May 2022

  Angolan Central Bank (Banco Nacional de Angola, “BNA”) recently published Notice 10/22 of 6 April to update the scope of application of Notice 10/20 of 3 April on the granting credit to the real sector of the economy. The new Notice establishes (i) the terms and conditions applicable to the this type of credit, (ii) the minimum requirements in terms of number and total value and (iii) the treatment in the calculation of the reserve requirements ...

      Insolvency Law Update-Proceedings Against Guarantors         CONTRIBUTION BY: Samiron Borkataky, Partner, Kochhar & Co. EMAIL: samiron.borkataky@kochhar ...

PLMJ | April 2022

Angolan Central Bank (Banco Nacional de Angola, “BNA”) Notice no. 9/22 of 6 April was recently published to establish special schemes for mortgage credit and construction credit. The Notice is binding on banking financial institutions of systemic importance in the domestic market and optional for other banking financial institutions ("Commercial Banks") ...

PLMJ | April 2022

Angolan Central Bank (Banco Nacional de Angola, “BNA”) recently published Notice 10/22 of 6 April to update the scope of application of Notice 10/20 of 3 April on the granting credit to the real sector of the economy. The new Notice establishes (i) the terms and conditions applicable to the this type of credit, (ii) the minimum requirements in terms of number and total value and (iii) the treatment in the calculation of the reserve requirements ...

Effective May 9, 2022, Native tribes, workers, and businesses may face fewer hurdles when competing for federal construction projects due to several revisions the Department of the Interior has published to its Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulations (DIAR), codified at 48 CFR parts 1401-1499, to better comply with the Buy Indian Act and policies from the Biden Administration ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2022

On April 20, 2022, the government issued Order in Council 656-2022, which makes significant amendments to the Regulation respecting categories of insurance contracts and classes of insureds that may derogate from the rules of articles 2500 and 2503 (the ?Regulation?). The original version of the draft regulation with the same title (the ?Draft Regulation?) was the subject of one of our publications last September ...

Dinsmore & Shohl LLP | April 2022

Under a new bill adopted by the Ohio General Assembly, school boards, governmental bodies, and other third parties will be prohibited from filing complaints to increase the value of others’ Ohio real property for tax purposes, except under certain limited conditions. Am. Sub. H.B. 126 is expected to largely eliminate the practice of retroactive tax increases as a result of complaints filed based on a sale in the year currently subject to appeal. On its effective date, Am. Sub ...

Lavery Lawyers | April 2022

The pandemic has not slowed down the arrival of self-driving vehicles on our roads. This technological advancement is becoming more and more commonplace, giving rise to a need for deep reflection, especially in the automobile insurance industry ...

Dykema | April 2022

The 2022 tax assessment of real and personal property have been determined by the local Assessor and a Notice of Assessment was issued and mailed to property owners. Property owners should make sure to check the mail for a copy of the Notice in order to determine whether an appeal of their taxable value should be filed ...

Shoosmiths LLP | April 2022

A recent judgement of the Court of Appeal brings welcome clarification of the principles regarding the recovery of wasted expenditure claims in IT disputes. Summary Whist wasted costs arising from failed IT implementations often form part of a subsequent loss of profit claim, the two forms of loss are separate and distinct. Consequently, in order to be effective, exclusions must specifically refer to wasted costs ...

PLMJ | April 2022

The proposal for a directive on the recovery and resolution of insurance and reinsurance companies enshrines the no creditor worse off principle as provided for in the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive (“BRRD”). This opens the door for the Portuguese legislature to repeat the mistakes it made when incorporating the BRRD into Portuguese law ...

Buchalter | April 2022

By: Manuel Fishman March 2022 Documentary Credit World Most issuers of, and beneficiaries under, letters of credit are familiar with the impact a tenant bankruptcy has on the continued effectiveness of draws under the LC. Assuming a “direct draw” letter of credit that does not require prior notice to the applicant, the beneficiary is entitled to draw on the LC because of the independent obligation of the issuer to honor credit-complying draws ...

[!<CDATA[ A recent decision by the Eleventh Circuit (the federal appeals court supervising trial courts in Florida, Georgia, and Alabama) sheds light on at least one way that insurers with complicated policies (and a host of exclusions) may avoid providing coverage and defense resources to insured material suppliers whose products are the focus of defect claims. In Morgan Concrete Company v ...

[!<CDATA[ Most state and federal courts have expressed a strong preference for parties to resolve their legal disputes via binding arbitration when there is an arbitration clause applicable to the dispute, there are instances where courts will deny such a request – even when the parties have expressly agreed to this particular forum in their construction contract ...

[!<CDATA[ As of September 1, 2021, in a change to Texas caselaw that had been in place for over a century, Texas contractors now have protection in certain circumstances from liability for defective plans and specifications provided to the contractor by someone else. In the 1907 Texas Supreme Court case Lonergan v ...

Shoosmiths LLP | March 2022

The new Register of Persons Holding a Controlled interest in Land (RCI) will come into force in Scotland on 1 April 2022. The purpose of this article is to highlight the key points of the regulations behind the RCI1 and how they may affect landowners and tenants of registrable leases (being those longer than 20 years) in Scotland ...

Carey | March 2022

Law No. 21.398 "Pro-Consumer", which was published on December 24, 2021, entered into force yesterday March 24th 2022, increasing the term of the legal guarantee for consumers from 3 to 6 months ...
